44/ dr jekyll and mr hyde by robert louis stevenson

148 17 3

read: 07.06.18

book: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

author: Robert Louis Stevenson

blurb: In seeking to discover his inner self, the brilliant Dr Jekyll discovers a monster

review: This is one of those books which I feel like everyone knows what happens in, but very few people have read all the way through. I came into this book with high hopes because I thought it might be like Frankenstein which I really liked, but if I'm honest I was left feeling a bit... Meh.

It was a good story, don't get me wrong, and I thought it had a really interesting concept but I think the fact that I already knew what was going to happen kind of ruined the shock factor for me. I feel like everyone knows what happens in the book already, so it ruined the big plot twist at the end.

rating: 7/10

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