60/ the no.1 ladies detective agency by alexander mccall smith

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read: 07.08.18 - 08.08.18

book: The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency

author: Alexander McCall Smith

blurb: Precious Ramotswe has only just set up shop as Botswana's No.1 (and only) lady detective when she is hired to track down a missing husband, uncover a con man, and follow a wayward daughter. However, the case that tugs at her heart, and lands her in danger, is a missing eleven-year-old boy, who may have been snatched by witchdoctors.

review: This was such an unexpectedly fun and charming book which I really enjoyed reading. It painted a very vibrant picture of these characters who were all very lovable and enjoyable to read about.

I liked the light-hearted comedy to this novel which was achieved very subtly. I also really liked the character of Mme Ramotswe because she was so lovely and likeable. The plot was full of quirky mysteries and fun interactions between characters. Overall I thought it was just a really sweet book which was so easy to read in one sitting.

rating: 9/10

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