77/ the fall of icarus by ovid

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read: 20.11.18

book: The Fall of Icarus

author: Ovid

blurb: 'Drawn on by his eagerness for the open sky, he left his guide and soared upwards . . .'

Enduring myths of vengeful gods and tragically flawed mortals from ancient Rome's great poet. Ovid tells the tales of Theseus and the Minotaur, Daedalus and Icarus, the Calydonian Boar-Hunt, and many other famous myths.

(Taken from Books VIII and IX of Mary M. Innes's translation of Metamorphoses.)

review: So I haven't been reading at all recently, in fact I've barely touched a book, but I received something that made me need to read. And read a lot. I had a freaking English literature interview at a university and so therefore I needed to read.

So I turned to these trusty Penguin Little Black Classics, and decided to start on Ovid. I really enjoyed this. I loved all of the stories and I thought they were so exciting and vibrant. This book had some of the really interesting Greek myths in it, and one of my favourites was the story about Ceres asking Hunger (which was personified in this story) to help her get revenge by making a man eternally hungry.

Overall, I thought it was really great and made me excited to read more of these soon. Get ready for some quite frequent updates of me reading a ton of these books.

rating: 9/10

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