Chapter 3: Every Breath You Take

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|Third Person POV|

Grayson arrived back the apartment to see the note his brother left on the fridge saying he was at Raelynn's place for the remainder of the morning. Grayson checked the clock that read 3:34.

He walked upstairs to his room to see the mess he never cleaned up. It was a mix of his and Raelynn's belongings. Mainly clothing she would be coming to pick up tomorrow. He ran his hand through his hair at the thought that tomorrow was officially the end.

He sat on his bed after closing his bedroom door. He put his head down and sighed letting a tear fall at the sight of her dress on the floor. The dress that really made Grayson fall in love with her even more than he already was.

He picked up the clothing and holds in his hands, closing his eyes and trying to remember how she looked in that dress...

"Ethan how do I look?" He asked his twin.

"Sexy." He said causing Grayson to smile and question whether or not he was messing around or telling the truth.

"I'm just really nervous."

"I know. It's the first time you guys are going public together. I get it."

"Do you though?"

"Yes I do. Did you forget that I have a smokin hot YouTube girlfriend who's fans despised me for almost four months? If anything our fans will despise Raelynn because she is less popular. I mean I hope not but just a heads up."

"Well you know we embrace the hate but Raelynn would take it way too personal. She's been through too much and she is very vulnerable and fragile. I don't want any hate towards her."

"I know you don't. I don't either. She's like a little sister to me. Anyway, don't bug too much about it." Ethan stood up and Grayson stood as well. "We have some babes waiting for us downstairs and we showed attend to them now before we get the boot."

The boys walked downstairs excited but Grayson having more nervousness. The elevator doors opened to an empty lobby besides the security and two of the worlds most finest girls according to these two boys.

Grayson stared at Raelynn in her dress just wondering how in the hell he ended up the most gorgeous girl in the world? How he gets to look into her deep blue eyes every day. How he gets to kiss her perfect pink lips. How he gets to hold her small figure in his arms. How he gets to love the most amazing human to walk this very earth and universe.

Grayson stood staring at Raelynn like she was the only woman in the world. She turned to lock eyes with the guy of her dreams. She blushed as he looked her up and down in complete awe. Grayson finally walked to her and looked her up and down again just not being able to believe she was all his.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." He said softly still not having enough breath because she took it away from him.

"Thank you, handsome." She said kissing his cheek causing him to wrap his arms around her and just kiss the girl he loved softly.

"You literally take my breath away just standing there and doing nothing. Every breath you take makes me wonder how I got so lucky to walk the same earth as the most amazing girl in the whole world. You my dear are a walking wonder."

Raelynn looked down and blushed. She moved her foot side to side as she was nervous as to what to reply to his compliment. Grayson took his finger and lifted her chin up, locking his brown orbs with her deep blue ones. "Are you ready?" He whispered to her. She nodded and he gave her a cheeky smile causing her to smile and giggle.

Grayson took her small soft hand in his as they exited through the hotel doors and instantly were surrounded by fans. Everyone aweing or fake gagging which caused Raelynn to become slightly insecure.

They entered the vehicle taking them to the show and Grayson along with Raelynn climbed into the farthest seats back. Raelynn never in a million years thought she was going to have a relationship so public and so amazing. Seeing Grayson dressed for the occasion tonight in black made her just wonder how she got him.

The car came to a stop after their ride in traffic. "Alright so Raelynn are you ready to walk your first carpet in another country?" Maddy asked. Rae nodded while squeezing Grayson's hand.

They got out and Ethan opened the seats him and his girlfriend were sitting so #graylynn could get out of the vehicle. Grayson exited first. Raelynn was hesitant. Grayson stuck his head and saw her nervous expression. "Come on baby girl, I'll be with you the entire time." He spoke.

She took his hand and got out causing an uproar of screaming fans to scream louder and awe as Grayson planted a kiss to her cheek. "Woah, London carpets are insane." Raelynn whispered too Grayson.

"We haven't even walked it yet. It may be our first but, I have seen some crazy things from watching Maddy's vlog with Eth." Grayson said as they were directed to the first "x" on the carpet for pictures to be taken by publicists and paparazzi. Grayson noticed how slightly uncomfortable Raelynn was so he took his hand from hers sliding his arm around her waist tightly, pulling her into his side.

She looked up at her boyfriend and he looked down at his girlfriend giving her a smile. "Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded and he smiled. "Can I kiss you right now?"

"Why did you need ask?"

"Well I know how reserved you are when it comes to PDA. I was just wondering."

Raelynn smiled and Grayson returned the favor before leaning down and kissing the love of his life. The cameras flashing faster than before, the fans getting louder with their awes, Ethan from beside them yelling "GET IT GRAYSON! GRAYLYNN IS MY EVERYTHING!"

Rae smiled into the kiss causing Grayson to as well. They pulled away from each other to look at the flashing lights. Grayson couldn't keep his eyes off her though. He just kept looking down at her as the flashes from cameras bounced off her skin.

The smile she gave the cameras made him smile just knowing she's happy doing what she is doing. Ethan and Maddy looked over at them. "They might be cuter than us." Maddy said.

"Maybe, I just hope they last. They are legitimately my otp."

"Mine too, Eth."

They watched the couple from afar with smiles on their faces seeing the happiest these two have ever been. Raelynn looked over at them and they both gave her a thumbs up causing her to giggle. Grayson looked and gave it back to them.

Raelynn turned back to look at her boyfriend, just taking in his beautiful features. "Grayson?"

"What is it Rae?"

"I love you."

Grayson's face lit up. This was going to be their first "i love yous" to each other. He lifted her up but making sure her short dress didn't go up. He spun her around slowly and kissed her sweetly. After putting her down and put both of his hands on her cheeks. "I love you too and you don't even understand how long I have been waiting for you to say that."

She smiled and he kissed her head pulling her against him again as they walked the carpet and enjoyed the show with each other.

The tears streamed faster now as Grayson held the soft velvet fabric. He sobbed loud knowing no one was home and no one was going to be for a long time. This was the first time Grayson had fully cried since the break up unlike Raelynn who cries every chance she gets as she believes it helps her but really it just makes her...sicker.

Every time Grayson closed his eyes he could only see her in the dress and he shook his head knowing he knew he was never getting her back. He threw the fabric across the room and buried his face in a pillow, screaming curse words at how lost he really is without her.

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