Chapter 33: EMAs

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"Grayson what are you wearing to the EMAs?" Raelynn asked going through her mothers stylish clothing.

"Not sure yet. Ethan and I are going to have our stylist put outfits together for us the day of." He replied from the bed.

"Ugh! I have no idea what style I want."

"Just have our stylist put something together for you too."

"I hate this. Why can't Maddy be there? She's my stylist."

"Because she has her own career. See if she has like an intern or someone she can send with ours to put stuff together."

"I guess."

Raelynn walked out of her mothers closet. "My mom is actually a very stylish person."

"Yeah so is George. They're perfect for each other." He said but then he realized he never told Raelynn what Stella had said earlier in the morning the day before. "Rae I have to tell you something."

"What is it, Gray?" She asked laying her head in his lap after she jumped on the bed.

"Well when I was getting the formula for the baby, Stella had come down to actually help me."

"Your point?"

"She said that her parents don't pay much attention when they're home to the kids. She was actually doing the formula while I watched."

"Wait, do they take care of them?"

"I don't know. I would think so but by the way she made it sound no."

"My mom is never going to change."

Raelynn never felt more disappointment towards her mother before in her life. "Stella and Winston don't deserve to live like this. Stella told me mother is criticizing this poor girl almost more than she used to do it to me."

Grayson played with Raelynn's hair and twisted the ponytail around his finger as they both were very disappointed in Veronica. "When does our flight leave tomorrow?" She asked changing the subject.

"We have to be in San Fran by midnight tonight for our flight at 1:30 straight to London."

"We should just leave now then. We can stop at the apartment and grab the things we packed before we left for Jersey and then just go."

"Yeah but I doubt Ethan is ready."

"He's coming by himself he'll be fine. He can just meet us there, unless he's ready."

"I'll call him and you go get Stella ready."

Raelynn went to get Stella from her room with her suitcase and backpack. They walked into the master bedroom so Raelynn could grab her backpack and suitcase. "You ready, Gray?" She asked putting her backpack on.

Grayson slung his duffel bag over his shoulder and then they were off. They let Lisa know they were leaving beforehand and then left for the apartment. Ethan was ready in the parking garage for them. He even had their suitcases by him.

Ethan sat up front with Grayson while Stella and Raelynn sat in the back. "Rae?" Stella whispered.

"What is it, Stel?"

"Why is there another Grayson?"

Raelynn laughed and scooted closer to Stella's car seat. "That's Grayson's twin brother Ethan. Trust me, there's only one Grayson."

"So it's his brother?" Raelynn nodded. Stella was amazed. "They look so much alike."

"I know it's crazy isn't?"

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