Chapter 24: Video

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Grayson was laying on the couch watching YouTube when his phone lit up. Raelynn had uploaded a new video. He immediately stopped the video and changed it so her face appeared on the TV. "Hey guys so today is going to be another sit down video." Grayson admired her with her hair up in a messy bun, he could tell her hair was wet; her glasses; and she was even wearing his hoodie along with the ring. "This video really goes out to my fiancee Grayson Dolan. You might be wondering why. Well here's why."

Grayson was sitting on the edge of the couch just watching her. "Because I love Grayson Bailey Dolan. I love Grayson with every last drop of love I have in me and I love him more than anyone besides my family. Gray and I rarely ever fight and when we do it turns into a shitstorm. No joke. This last fight hit us pretty goddamn hard. Not only did it hit me but it hit him.

"Gray was upset because I didn't tell him there was a chance I was pregnant. He didn't find out I was late on my period until he found the tests in our bathroom. Things went south fast and I recently haven't been too nice to him either so I deserved everything I was getting from him. I ended up walking out and went back to my old house. I'm here now actually.

"I fell like shit right now though because," She started to tear up and Grayson was too just watching her speak about the events that took place. "I haven't even let him apologize to me and I haven't been able to apologize to him. I love Grayson but I needed some space. I got my space and I don't want it anymore.

"As you guys know Tyler Oakley is a very good friend of mine and he recently just flew in to surprise me which was great but I had a moment of realization when he was here that...I was being too hard on Grayson. Couples have fights all the time and it's been three days since I have had the balls to speak to Grayson and since I am such a little bitch I decided to film a video instead because I can't talk to him without breaking down. I can't even film this without breaking down.

"Grayson I know you're watching because you have my post notifications on and you're creepy af and watch all my videos." She laughed on screen and he laughed just watching because it was true, "But I need you to know this babe. I'm so so so sorry for my recent change in attitude, personality, and overall character. You don't deserve me treating you how my own mother treats me. Grays you are the most amazing guy in the universe and any girl would be lucky to have you. Thankfully, I am that girl.

"You make my life ten times better and a thousands more amazing. You Grayson are the light of my life and you're the reason I smile every day. I love you with all of my goddamn heart. I cannot wait to marry you next summer and be Mrs. Grayson Bailey Dolan. Now, either you're calling me after you watch this video or I'll be speeding my ass to your place. Either way, I know we'll be fine and love each other again even though I don't deserve you because you're the sweetest guy ever! You have such a big heart and I don't know how you put up with me. I love you, Gray Bae. I hope you love me too."

Grayson was crying as the video ended he. He didn't want to call her, he wanted to see her. He jumped in his jeep and sped over to her house. He didn't even knock, he just walked upstairs and into Raelynn's room. "Where is she?" He asked seeing Tyler.

"She just went to your place!" Tyler said with a big smile on his face. "Now we get to chase her!"

Grayson smirked and rolled his eyes before the two guys ran out to go and try to beat her back to the apartment. Luckily she was there. Raelynn was walking downstairs when she saw Grayson by the door. "Grayson I-"

"This is the only time I'm ever going to actually mean shut up." He said speed walking over to her and smashing his lips to hers.

Tyler was cheering loudly and dancing. "WOOOOOO!"

"Grayson I love you so much." Raelynn said holding his face in her hands.

"I love you so much, Raelynn."

The shared another kiss before just hugging each other. "Alright now I'm bored. Netflix anyone?" Tyler asked jumping onto the couch.

The couple laughed at Tyler and then walked to the couch, sitting by him.

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