Chapter 19: Attitude

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Grayson was in the kitchen making breakfast for Raelynn because she was up really late and finally ended up going to bed at like four in the morning. She had a very hard time sleeping last night due to the events that had occurred.

Grayson was making Raelynn's favorite. Chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream, bananas, and strawberries. She loved it when Grayson made that for her, it always cheered her up. Ethan walked out from his room to the amazing smell of Grayson's cooking. "Oh nevermind, Grayson's cooking." He teased grabbing the milk from the fridge and pouring himself a glass.

"Shut up, E. This is for Raelynn anyway."

"All I ask is that you don't kill her."

Grayson shook his head at his brother. "How is she doing anyway?" Ethan asked.

"She didn't go to sleep until four this morning. It was a long rough night."

"Well I'm sorry about that. She'll get better soon. She's strong."

"I know she is. Hey when are we flying back to Jersey?"

"We'll be there next week for TRL. Why?"

"Let's bring Raelynn with us this time."

"She won't want to stay home or have to?"

"I doubt it. She would love it anyway. Plus you know mom misses her."

"I know. Alright well we can figure something out before we leave. Alright bring your death food up to your fiancee. I'll have 911 on speed dial."

"I hate you Ethan."

Grayson took the plate up to his fiancee who was still sleeping. He set the plate on her nightstand as he sat down on the edge of the bed beside her. He put his hands on hip and lightly shook her awake. She fluttered her eyes open and groaned. "Gray why are you waking me up?"

"Because I made you breakfast."

Raelynn looked at the plate and saw the food made by the love of her life. He started to move his hand slowly along her curled up figure before she sat up, his hand now rested on her knee covered by the white blanket.

She picked up the plate and started eating the amazing breakfast Grayson had made. "So I thought that maybe today you and I could just have a day in?" Grayson suggested. "We can even start planning the wedding."

"If I'm being honest Grayson, I don't really wanna talk about the wedding right now. I wanna just chill with you."

"That's fine, Raelynn. Whatever you wanna do.

"And actually, I wanna go out today. We should go see a movie or something. Go out for brunch and shop a bit. I don't really wanna stay inside."

"You got it, Rae. After you're done eating we can get ready and go out shopping. That sound good?"

Raelynn nodded with a mouthful. Gray took a banana before walking into the bathroom to shower and change while Raelynn just ate. She was so thankful for Grayson and his kind heart.

She finished eating and grabbed jeans and the hoodie she bought Grayson before he left for New Jersey. She walked into the bathroom, the steam from the hot water hitting her cold, dry skin. "Gray can I join you?" She asked locking the door.

"Of course, Rae."


"Ya'll are nasty." Ethan said pulling into the parking spot at the mall. Maddy was busy editing today so Ethan came along with us for the ride. "I can't believe you guys really did it in the shower."

The Good SideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora