Chapter 27: Dolan Dares

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"Raelynn let's go! We won't have much time there!" Grayson yelled up to Raelynn who was currently zipping up her vest.

"I am coming!" She called back down, grabbing her phone and running her fingers through her hair.

She walked downstairs and slid her feet into her combat boots only to see Grayson swinging the keys around his finger. "You take too long." He teased.

"I had to change. Also, cut me some slack; I'm used to Cali weather."

He shook his head as he opened the door for them to walk out to the truck. Grayson drove them to the open field but the ride there was unlike anything Raelynn expected. It consisted of Grayson screaming the lyrics to artists like The Weeknd, Nicki Minaj, Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, and even The 1975. It would be to her favorite songs by that artist. Grayson usually isn't so vocal when it comes to singing so she was very happy to see this from him.

Once they arrived, he walked her out passed the woods a little ways to the open and field and she gasped. "It is really pretty here. I love how it's surrounded by the trees and just the overall vibe it gives off is everything!" She said with much excitement in her voice.

Grayson smiled and ran over to the giant hay stack that was there. He helped her climb up and she gasped. "This is so cool." She said wrapping her arm around his arm.

"Just wait until we watch the sunset and come stargazing tonight."

"Really?" She asked looking up at him. He nodded and looked straight ahead. "Grayson you're the best."

"Yeah I know."

"We should probably get back so you guys can leave for TRL."

"Yeah we can."

They headed back and left for TRL not bothering to change their clothes. They arrived at the studio and went straight to the dressing room, where Grayson put on a tee shirt, cuffed jeans, and some boots. Today they were doing Dolan Dares and Raelynn was slightly nervous as to what the boys would be doing.

She took her vest off to just show her tight fitting maroon shirt that Grayson couldn't help but drool over. He stared at the fabric that showed off her top figure perfectly. He loved how it wasn't showing too much but it showed everything she had to show off. He loved it when she wore tighter clothing because Grayson loved Raelynn's figure.

He loved her curves and edges and he loved when she wore tighter clothing because it shows she has confidence that she usually doesn't have. He followed the maroon color down to her brown belt and her dark blue skinny jeans showing her curves; all the way down to her combat boots almost like his.

He walked over to her when everyone else left the room. He locked his hands around her waist and kissed her head. "You look very nice today." He said causing her to smile looking at him.

"Thank you but as usual you look better."

"Um no."

"Um yeah."

He smiled and leaned down to kiss her. "I love you, Raelynn."

"I love you too, Grayson." She said putting her hands on his forearms.

He took her hand and he walked her out to his family. Him and Ethan went to get ready and make their entrance. Lisa took a picture of Cameron, Maddy, and Raelynn cheering when the boys came out. She thought it was cute how they were their biggest supporters.

Tamara talked about what they were doing today and the boys were ready. "I just don't want to do anything too stupid because my fiancee is here today and I don't to look like a complete idiot in front of her on live television." Grayson said referring to Raelynn.

"Grayson, you've already been a complete idiot in front of her." Ethan said causing everyone to laugh.

"No what I mean is, I don't want to embarrass her on television. I don't care about me."

"You can't embarrass Raelynn." Ethan said. "Trust me. That girl has no shame. She literally is a four year old. Yesterday you carried her off the plane."

"No I was just being a good lover."

"Speaking of that, that's actually one of the top stories on our countdown today. Not even kidding. I think it's like two or three." Matt added.

"Oh my god that's amazing. Go us Rae!" Grayson said causing her to smile.

After the short commercial break, they moved to the other side of the studio and by a giant wheel for them to spin. Raelynn watched while holding Cameron's hand because she wanted Grayson to get the worse one but then again didn't.

He got the one where he had to kiss a fan and he looked worried. "Does Raelynn count?" He asked causing everyone to laugh and shake their heads. He looked Raelynn's way but she was giggling and waved him on.

He picked a girl from behind him and kissed her cheek. He then waved Raelynn over to him but she didn't go over. He ran over and gave her a quick kiss that had the crowd awe and cameras turn to capture the moment.

She giggled when he ran back to finish their time on the show. Once they finished, everyone piled back into the car and headed back to the house. "I never realized how many girls in that room wanted you to smooch you, Grayson." Raelynn said laughing. "I can't even imagine the girls around the world that want to kiss you."

"Yeah but none of them will ever receive the kisses I give you because you're the only girl I am ever going to kiss."

"I believe that, just keep proving me right everyday."

"And I will."

He kissed her and then they went back to the house. Grayson grabbed a few blankets for him and Raelynn for when they go to the field. Grayson grabbed sweatshirts for them and put them in a bag before the couple left the house and set forth to watch the sunset from the field.

They got there just in time and climbed up the stack. Grayson wrapped the blanket around himself after putting on the hoodie brought. She put on the hoodie he brought for her which was one of his. Raelynn took a seat in front of him on the straw boxes and scooted back. She leaned into him and he wrapped his arms around her, covering her top half with the blanket. She spread a separate blanket over her legs while his just bent beside her only covered by the fabric of his jeans.

"Gray, this sunset is so pretty. These are the colors I imagine the sky to be for our wedding."

"So is this the place?"

"I think it just might be, Grayson."

He smiled and pulled her closer to him. They ended up watching the stars for the remainder of time before she got extremely tired. Grayson drove them back and Raelynn feel asleep after changing and going up to Gray and Eth's room.

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