Chapter 20: Keeping Things Short

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Grayson woke up feeling the space next to him was empty. He opened his eyes and noticed a little purple sticky note. He picked it up after wiping his eyes of the tiredness. He saw her perfect writing and smiled.

Went to grab a few things from the grocery store with Cameron. Be back by noon. Love you, dork!

Grayson walked downstairs to see Maddy and Ethan filming for her channel. "GRAYSON, PUT ON A SHIRT!" Maddy yelled covering her eyes causing the twins to laugh.

"Oh shut up Maddy. What're you guys doing?"

"We're doing a Q&A thing. Some of these are extremely personal."

"That's always fun. That's also Rae and I don't do Q&A's together." He spoke taking a sip of his drink.

"Yeah listen to this from James Charles 'what's your guys favorite position?' with the 'ok' hand sign the pointer finger." Ethan read off causing Gray to do a spit-take at what he had just heard.

"That's great. James is hilarious."

"Where's Rae and Cam?"

"They went to grab a few things from the grocery store. They should be home within the next twenty minutes."

"Oh alright cool."

Grayson was about to walk upstairs when the front door opened. Raelynn walked inside wearing sweats and her aunts old college sweater carrying some grocery bags. "There's more bags in the car." She said setting them on the counter.

Grayson followed her out passing Cameron on the way. "DON'T DO ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES GRABBING BAGS!" She yelled at the two of them.

"Good morning, baby girl." Grayson said after settling from his laughing fit.

"Afternoon Gray."

"Oh right sorry." He said grabbing a few bags from the back of the car. He noticed she was kind of lowkey today. "You alright?" He asked.

"What? Yeah I'm fine. Why would you ask that?"

"Just checking. I wanna make sure you're okay."

She gave him a small smile that made him smile back at her as they entered the apartment. Cameron and Ethan grabbed the last of the bags. Raelynn and Grayson ended up unloading the groceries while Cam showered and Mathan finished filming Maddy's video. "So your aunt texted me this morning about going to dinner tonight. I think it'll be fun." Grayson said helping her put the snacks in the cabinets.

"Yeah sure. Sounds like fun."

Raelynn would usually be so excited over the fact of being able to see her aunt but she was just very monotone which was throwing Grayson off. "Are you sure you're okay?" Grayson asked.

"I'm fine why do you keep asking me that?"

"I just want to make sure you're okay."

"Grayson, if I say I'm okay I'm obviously okay." She snapped.

"I'm sorry I was just checking. I worry about you sometimes excuse me for being a caring boyfriend."

"Do not for one second, try and pull the 'caring boyfriend card.' Got it?" She snapped once again.

Grayson was so confused as to why she was acting like this. He was slightly frightened by the sudden increase in attitude and change in moods all of the sudden. "Raelynn what is-"

"Just leave me alone, Grayson." She said slamming the box of Goldfish on the counter before walking up the stairs and slamming the bedroom door.

"Grayson what the hell just happened?" Ethan asked.

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