Chapter 41: Next To Me

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"What do you think the result is going to be?" Raelynn asked pulling a sweater from the rack of the shop her and Lisa were in.

"I think identical. I mean, the boys literally look the same."

"True. I think they're identical too but Grayson has tried to convince me fraternal. The reason he sued was because he doesn't look like a turtle like Ethan does."

Lisa chuckled as she could totally imagine Grayson saying that about his twin brother. "I just don't want to go home and see one of my boys and now recognize them."

"Same here. Though it'll be good in a sense because it's easier to tell them apart."

"Yes but we don't need the change. On a better topic though, have you and Grayson furthered your thoughts on the wedding?"

"Well we have decided that we're going to have it at the field."

"Oh good. It's going to be so gorgeous."

"We have a guest list but aren't finished with it and we both have an idea of when we want to do it. Colors aren't figure out yet though. I want to do like a grey and purple vibe but he wants green and grey."

"Well you guys still have time. Oh and have you guys thought about where you're going to live?"

They hadn't really talked about moving out of the apartment though Raelynn had a couple of ideas. "Well I haven't really talked to Grayson about it but I personally think we should get an apartment together in downtown L.A. or we could get a small house in Jersey?"

"Why not an apartment in Jersey?"

"Because I feel as though a house here would be a lot nice than a house in Jersey. I can say this strongly though, I want to raise my kids in a secluded home. You don't get secluded homes in L.A. you get big un-secluded homes with paparazzi everywhere. I also don't want my kids to go through the pressure of living in L.A. I want them to feel secure and just at home."

Lisa was proud that Raelynn knew what she wanted but was disappointed she hadn't shared it with Grayson. "Why haven't you shared that brilliant idea with Grayson?"

"We haven't really even talked about leaving the apartment. I don't want him to become stressed with figuring out what to do."

"I think you should at least talked to him about it while your down here so you guys can look around a bit. My friend is a real estate agent she can help you guys out."

"I'll talk to Gray about it tonight. I'm just nervous about it though."

"If you don't try though what's the point of even dreaming of it?"


"BOYS WE'RE BACK!" Lisa called as Raelynn and her set their bags by the front door. Ethan walked downstairs snickering while Grayson walked down beside him with a hoodie up and his head down.

"Grayson?" Raelynn questioned when she walked over to him.

He put his hand out and stopped her. "Brace yourself."

He removed the hood and revealed a blonde version of himself with a nose piercing and some of his eyebrow gone. Raelynn stood in shock as he boyfriend of nearly four years looked like a different version of himself. "Gray?" She questioned trying to hid a smile but failed at it.

"I know it's bad-"

"No Gray, I really like." She spoke catching him off guard as she ran her hand through his soft hair.


"Yes really. Though it's the complete opposite of what I expected it still it extremely attractive and I know the under all of it though you're still my Gray Bae."

He smiled and kissed her. She giggled when she felt the cold metal of his nose ring brush against her nose. "That though is going to take some getting used to." She said playing with the ring.

"I know but luckily it won't be here long because I hate this thing on me."

She smiled and kissed her boyfriend one more time before going upstairs with him. "Grayson we need to talk about something serious." She said setting her bags down and folding her new clothes into her suitcase.

Grayson got worried and froze as she sat on the bed. "What do you mean?" He asked.

She sighed and sat down on the bed next to him. She took his large hand in between both of hers before she spoke. "Listen, I just think we really need to figure out the living area situation. Personally I want to either live in a separate apartment in L.A. or a house in New Jersey. The reason being I want my kids-our kids, to grow up in a secluded area without the pressure of the city life. That is here in Jersey."

Grayson looked at her and smiled. "How about we get an apartment in L.A until we're ready for kids?"

"Yeah but the problem is Gray, when we get married we could just make them and have them whenever we please. Who knows it could be right after."

"Very true but even if we do, there is most likely going to be room in the apartment for someone else even if it is our first child. Then when they get a bit older we move into a house in Jersey. Rae, if I'm being honest though I don't think we'll be having babies anytime soon or anytime soon after we get married."

Raelynn thought for a moment and knew this was a pretty good plan. "Fine. We get an apartment in L.A for just us two until something comes up or we have a little mini Graylyn." Raelynn said causing Grayson to smile and run a hand through his new blonde hair.

Grayson thought about the future he was going to have with Raelynn because he knew no matter what it was going to be good. He knew no matter what she was his forever. No matter the stupid things he does like changing his appearance after losing a bet or just both of them making stupid mistakes, they were going to be next to each other forever.

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