Chapter 14: Him and I

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Tonight Raelynn was going with Grayson to the Streamy's with Grayson because the Dolan's were nominated for Best Male YouTuber. She paired the vans Gray had gotten her with a form fitting thigh length black dress. The ends of her hair were curled and her makeup was light how Gray liked.

Gray wore a black button down with a few buttons on top undone and some dark dress pants with some loafers. They couldn't help but stare at each others extreme amounts of attractiveness.

They got into the black car taking them to the arena that was holding the ceremony for internet stars.

They arrived and took each others hands as they reached the beginning of the carpet they would be walking for the next half hour or so. Once they reached one of the marked places, Grayson wrapped his arm tightly around her small figure. His large handing landing on her hip.

She wrapped an arm around his back as they smiled together. They moved to the next spot and she turned her body so her chest was pressed against his side. His hand had landed on her butt which she gave him a look for. He looked down at her and noticed her staring at him. "Don't tell me you don't like it, Raelynn Elizabeth." He sternly spoke causing her to try and hide a smile.

He chuckled at her which caused her to laugh which made him laugh. No one knew what they were laughing at but it soon ended when they returned to the original position before they had their laughing fit. They did some solo picture before getting back together and going to do some interviews.

"Now everyone is wondering what is going on with the whole break between you guys thing after a picture was posted of Gray with another woman. Can we have a comment please?" Was all each interviewer asked.

They replied with the same answer which was "There is a reason we aren't speaking much about it mainly because it's not the public's business. When we figure everything out we will make a public statement but until then there will not be commenting on it." They would both reply.

Once they found their way inside they found their seats by Maddy and Ethan. Maddy was wearing a purple dress and sporting blue extensions in her hair while Ethan wore a button down like Gray's and some jeans. (kind of like their VMA's attire)

They took their seats and watched the events of the show take place before the award was given away to Cameron Dallas who we were all rooting for besides the boys obviously. After the show they returned back to the hotel room because they were a little ways from home.

Raelynn was aggravated and Grayson could tell. "What's wrong baby?" He asked sitting next to her on the bed.

"Just annoyed with all of the people asking if we're fine or what the whole deal with her is. It's annoying."

Gray looked down in disappointment. "This is all my fault." He mumbled but not loud enough for Raelynn to make out what he said.


"Everything is my fault. Everything. None of this would've happened if I didn't act like an idiot and kiss the girl that the party. None of this would've happened if I wasn't such a horndog and slept with the first girl I saw after our break-up. I'm so sorry, Raelynn. Everything is my fault."

"Gray don't do this to yourself."

"But it's true Rae. After everything I have done to hurt you and all the stupid shit I do I don't even know how you still want to marry me. I don't understand how you wear that ring with pride knowing you're going to be marrying me. Marrying a guy who doesn't deserve you at all. Raelynn you deserve someone who doesn't do stupid stuff like me."

Gray put his face in his hands. He tried fighting back to tears but with one deep breath they all came out. Raelynn teared seeing his current state and hated seeing him like this. She stood up and walked over to him. She put her hands on his wrist and pulled his hands away to reveal his vulnerable face.

She took her small thumb and ran it under his eyes collecting the tears. "Grayson don't say things like that." She said just trying not to sob at her boyfriend.

"But it's true, Raelynn. You can't deny the truth."

"But the truth can also be destructive and sometimes it's better to not pay any mind to it. Sure you messed up but I forgave you didn't I? It doesn't matter what you did when we weren't together because you didn't have anyone holding you down. Grayson Bailey Dolan if anyone doesn't deserve anyone here it's me not deserving you. You Grayson are the most beautiful human inside and out. You literally are the sweetest human and have such a kind heart and that's what made me fall in love you from the start. Don't ever say you don't deserve me because it's me that doesn't deserve you."

He looked down at his fiance and questioned how in the world he got so damn lucky. "I love you so much." He said putting his hands on her sides.

"I love you so much more." She said putting her small hand on his perfectly sculptured face. She leaned up to kiss him and he kissed back.


"Yes Grayson?"

"Can I make sweet sweet love to you?"

She rolled her eyes and chuckled at the way he asked. "After I post something to the public."

He nodded. Raelynn picked up her phone and went live on YouTube. "Hey everyone. You're probably why I'm live at almost midnight and why it's not on my usual uploading day. Gray and I just came from the Streamy's and I just want to say how freaking annoying it is to hear the same damn question asked from different people. Gray and I-as you can see-are just fine. And Belle has nothing to do with us right now. Grayson explain why that picture exists because it's your story to tell and not mine."

Raelynn was holding her phone up as they stood in the hotel room with her arm wrapped around his neck. "So after Rae and I split, I ended up meeting up with Belle a few times. That picture is from a party we went to when Raelynn and I were not together. I had slept with her few times but never had any true feelings towards her because I was trying to hide the feelings I still had for Raelynn. Belle decided to post the photo after she found out that Rae and I were together again I'm guessing to try and get Rae to leave me."

"So if anyone asks 'what's the whole situation with Belle? Are you guys okay? Gray can you explain what's going on?' tell them to watch this video. In the end it's him and I. I don't like the fact that people think we're not okay because graylynn is as great as ever. Now, Gray is going to make sweet, sweet love to me as he requested before I decided to do the live. I love you all and thank you to those who knew Gray wasn't cheating on me when we got back together."

Raelynn ended the live and put her phone on the desk that was in their room. Gray slid his hands around to lock behind her back causing her to wrap her arms around his neck. "I cannot wait to marry you and call you Mrs. Dolan."

"I can't wait to be Mrs. Dolan."

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