Chapter 36: Kennedy

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It's been three days since they first emitted Raelynn into the hospital. She was doing better and so was Grayson because he was able to see Raelynn feeling better, talking, and making fun of Ethan. Grayson was laying in the bed next to Raelynn while the two watched Netflix. The hospital door opened to reveal Veronica. Raelynn was surprised but smiled at her mother.

The smiled turned into confusion though when a young girl with long blonde hair walked in behind her. She was wearing a Dolan Twins hoodie and some sweatpants. "Mom who is this you have with you who seems to be a fan of Gray?" Raelynn asked smiling at the girl while putting her hand on Gray's leg.

"This is my daughter Kennedy. She's fifteen and she is my adopted child from your father. But Ian helped take care of her."

"Oh well it's nice to meet you Kennedy. I'm Raelynn."

"Oh I know, I ma a huge fan of your YouTube channel and obviously the Dolan Twins. You guys are my OTP and literally to know you're my sister is even better." She said whiling smiling at the pair laying in bed.

"Well thank you. Tell me about yourself, long lost sister."

Kennedy took a seat in the chair next to Raelynn's bed before speaking. "My full name is Kennedy Lynn Portland. I'm fifteen years old and was born on June tenth. I love to play volleyball and love to watch YouTube. Music is a big part of my life as well but I keep it to myself. I actually am a beauty YouTuber but only small. My YouTube channel is Kennedy Lynn. I get too busy with Volleyball and school though so I only upload twice a month."

"You play volleyball?"

"Yup, we actually are suppose to have a tournament this coming weekend but depending whether or not our coach can make it depends on that."

"I can couch. I played volleyball all throughout high school. Tell you couch to not worry about it and I can do it. I'll even hold a practice so I can meet the girls and they can meet me."

"Babe do you really think that's a good idea?" Grayson asked.

"I'll be out of here by tomorrow. I should be fine. You can help too Gray because someone's gotta keep book for us."


"Just a separate book. I can teach you how to do it babe, don't worry. Kennedy, text your couch and tell her I will take over."

"Already did when you guys were being cute. She said that's perfect. I'm going to be the coolest person on the team considering you're my sister and you're going to be our coach. Also Gray is helping us out."

Raelynn smiled and so did Grayson. "You got a boyfriend, Kennedy?"


"Who is it?"

"His name is Zach Herron. He's apart of Why Don't We."

"That's why you're familiar. I've seen you on Instagram with him."

She blushed and then smiled thinking of Zach. "Yeah but everyone in school treats me like a normal person and it's great."

They talked for a few more hours before Kennedy had to leave with Veronica. Clara and Frank came in to see Raelynn and Grayson watching Netflix still. "I met another blood sister I didn't know existed." Raelynn said when Clara hugged her.

"Which one?"

"There's more?"

"I'm kidding. You met Kennedy?"

"Yeah. She's cute."

"She is."

"I'm couching her volleyball team this week."

"Why exactly?"

"They might not have a coach and I can play. I know the game so I can do it."

"You'll be okay?"

"I should be fine."

"Okay, you can't get thrown out of the game though. You might have just met Kennedy but she'll still kill you."

"I won't. Grayson is going to help and he's going to keep me under control."

After everyone had come and went, Grayson decided he was going to go downstairs and get her dinner. "Gray?"

"Yes Raelynn?" He stopped himself from walking down when she called his name.

"I really want sherbet ice cream." She pleaded.

Grayson smirked at his girlfriend. "You got it babe."

Grayson walked downstairs to the kitchen and got what she requested. He was stopped when come fans approached him. "This is probably the weirdest place I've had fan encounters." Gray said after taking pictures with everyone.

"Tell Raelynn to feel better!" One fan shouted as the elevator door closed.

Grayson went up to the room and saw Raelynn. "Got your ice cream before running into some fans." He said handing it to her.

"Fans here at the hospital?"

"Yeah. I was confused too, babe."

"I miss the fans. I want hugs from them. I mean don't get me wrong I love you and your hugs but I love my fans too."

"I know you do. They love you too and want you to feel better ASAP."

"Did you tell them I'm leaving like, tomorrow?"

"No but they still want you to be okay just as I want you to be okay." Grayson said putting his hand on her leg.

"I know you mean that because you're a very sweet person and I love you but, I feel as though you're saying that because you want to get laid."

"That is so true. Obviously I want you to be okay first."

"I know Gray, I want to get laid too." Raelynn said causing Grayson to laugh and blush.

The Good SideOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora