Chapter 25: I Like It When You Sleep, For You Are So Beautiful

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"You're sure you have everything?" Grayson asked carrying Raelynn down the stairs like he would a young child who was tired. She nodded and wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and snuggled her face closer to his neck.

He set his duffel bag down by the door before putting both of his hands under her thighs. "Baby I can't carry you and everything." He said. She groaned. "Rae you gotta work with me baby."


"Wait." He stopped her by locking his arms around her back. "Give me a kiss first." She kissed him and then he took her tired features in quickly. "I promise when we get off the plane, I will carry you all the way to my moms car. Okay?"

She nodded and he helped her get her balance in her sleepy state. "I am so freaking tired. Why do we have to get up so early?" Raelynn complained picking her bag up and setting it on her suitcase before grabbing the handle.

"Because out flight leaves in an hour and a half." He said kissing her head before they walked out of the apartment.

They walked down to their Uber and packed their stuff and themselves into the car. "Text Ethan and tell him we're on our." Raelynn said leaning her head on Grayson's shoulder.

"Don't you dare fall asleep. I am not carrying you." Grayson threatened with a chuckle as he texted his brother.

Once they arrived at the airport, Raelynn was attached to Grayson's hip. Her free arm was wrapped around his back and his free arm was around her shoulders. She kind of forced it there. Once they found Ethan and Maddy, Raelynn let go of her things and wrapped her arms around Grayson. "You're so clingy when you're tired." Grayson said wrapping his arms around her.

"Oh shut up you love me."

"How can I not?"

They were called to board there plane and once they were all on there, Raelynn had fallen asleep on Grayson's shoulder. "Ethan she already fell asleep." Grayson said laughing. Ethan and Maddy stood up to look at the couple behind them They laughed seeing her sleeping on his shoulder. "I am going to have no one to talk to this entire flight!" Grayson complained putting his head back.

"Just watch Netflix or something." Maddy suggested.

"I just wanted to talk to my girlfriend!"

Mathan laughed before sitting down. Grayson pulled out his phone and took a picture for Snapchat. He smiled and made sure that the people looking at the picture could see Raelynn sleeping. He captioned it 'She already fell asleep and now I have no one to talk to'.


"Grayson we're off the plane." Raelynn said when they stopped at the end of the tunnel connecting them to the building.

Grayson shook his head and gave Ethan the look which had Ethan go grab her suitcase. Raelynn jumped up in Grayson's arms. She wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him as one of his strong arms locked around her back.

They walked past the gate and the fans were going nuts seeing Grayson carrying Raelynn who had fallen asleep. Grayson didn't want to shush his fans nor did he really need to, she can sleep through almost anything. "Hey guys, I would love to do pictures where I'm not carrying my fiancee but she has actually just fallen asleep on me. I can feel her drool."

The fans awed and luckily there was only a few of them. "See my girlfriend isn't a four year old. Ethan said teasing Grayson.

"Yeah but we're freaking adorable-er than you." Grayson retorted starting to take picture with fans while still holding his girlfriend. "I really am sorry about her falling asleep."

One of the fans replied to his apology. "Please do not be sorry. You guys are goals and always will be. Any guy who will carry his girlfriend through an airport is the most amazing guy and I want a guy like that. A guy like you Grayson." He smiled at the girls comment. "Plus, this is something I get to remember in memory and photographs for a long time."

They went on their way and met the boys mom outside. Lisa awed, pulling her hands together at the sight before her. "To think you guys couldn't get any cuter." She said.

"Yeah but I'm starting to lose her. Can you take my bag?"

Lisa took his bag while Cam had his suitcase. He both of his hands on the back of her thighs and carried her out to the car. Grayson set Raelynn in before sitting next to the sleeping girl. "I literally cannot believe how generous the fans were today with me carrying Rae." Grayson said stroking her hair.

"I can." Ethan said. "They're literally the best fans in the world. Even if she is an adult child they will still love her almost as much as you do and they will not care if you're carrying her in public because our fans are true, real fans."

"Ethan, you're so poetic." Maddy said caressing his face.

"Why thank you."

(play song now even though its short)

Grayson smiled at his brother and his girlfriend's happiness before turning his head to look at Raelynn's sleeping body. He brushed a few strands of hair out of her face before trailing his hand down to her leg. Though he couldn't see her face well, he still believed she was even more beautiful when she was sleeping.

It was her peaceful state and sleep is what made Raelynn happy besides Grayson. Grayson admired the reflection of light that would bounce off of her skin and he loved how her little nose gave off snoring sounds that were so faint only he could here beside her. He loved how relaxed and calm she looked. He loved how oblivious she was to the fact that she was so beautiful when she is sleeping and she always be.

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