Chapter 8: Die For You

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Raelynn sang along to the music playing through her speaker as she swayed her hips to the beat. Her arms helping her hands stir the mix for her chocolate chip pancakes. She turned around to see her phone ringing. She turned down her music as she put the bowl down.

"Hello?" She said into the phone.

"Hey Rae, some delivery guy brought something over here but I gave him your address. What did you order?" Ethan spoke causing worry to fill her.

"I didn't order anything."

"Oh it's probably something from a fan then. Don't worry about it."

"Okay, hey Ethan wanna go see a movie today or something?"

"Nah I'm actually going to Maddy's today. Maybe some other time?"

"Yeah that's fine. I'll just call Tyler and see what he's doing."

"Alright well bye Raelynn!"

"Bye Eth."

She hung up the phone and set down as her door was being knocked on. She looked through the peep hole to see Aaron. "Aaron why are you dressed like that?" She asked looking at his uniform.

"I got a new job."

"You're a social media star how did you become a delivery man?"

"Just take the damn box okay, I don't wanna do this." He said irritated.

"Okay fine."

Raelynn took the box and closed the door. She set the box on the floor where she sat against the couch. She noticed the horrible tapping and knew exactly who this was from. "What did Tyler do?"

She grabbed scissors and opened the box. She noticed the crunchy stuff in it when she opened it up. She scrunched her face in confusion before digging her hands inside. She felt an envelope containing something. She pulled it from the mess and looked at it.

She examined it but found nothing until she flipped it over. There was a sketch of two people holding hands causing her to smile. She opened it and saw folded paper. She noticed straps that said V.I.P on it. She unwrapped the paper and noticed another drawing of two people enjoying music.

She looked down at the strap and pulled it from the folded paper. It read "V.I.P Backstage Pass". She finally unfolded the paper to see it. She put her hand over her mouth when she read her favorite artist's name. "Tyler did not do this."

She ran to the kitchen and grabbed her phone unlocking it with her fingerprint. She went to contacts and called Tyler. "Tyler you did not seriously just do that?"

"Do what?"

"Come on."

"Come on, Raelynn."

"You got me V.I.P. to The Weeknd?"

Tyler paused for a minute and the answered with an exaggerated "ohhhhhhh yeahhhhh."

"Why did you do this?"

"Because I know how much you wanna see him and there just happened to be a show there in L.A. You're welcome."

"You literally are my favorite human being ever."

"It gets even better. Read the finer print."

This pack also includes Meet and Greet, seats of your choosing, discounts on beer, free food, and a private show before the concert only exclusive to you and one other person. She read in her head. "Tyler you're going too?!"

"Sadly no, I wasn't able to buy the other one. It sold out too quick but I'm sure you'll still have fun, girl."

"Tyler Freaking Oakley I love you so much."

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