Chapter 26: Opinions

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"Evening babe." Grayson said when Raelynn walked into the kitchen, still asleep in her mind. Lisa snicked at her appearance. She was wearing sweats and one of Gray's hoodies, her hair a mess. She had put it in a bun the night before and now it was just a blob of hair on her head.

"Raelynn honey, you can go back to sleep if you want to." Lisa said as Grayson handed Raelynn a coffee mug.

"No it's okay. I can't sleep this time with you guys away. I want to savor it. I don't see you and Sean all the time."

"Well you might depending on where we decide to live." Grayson said turning his head from the stove to watch Raelynn with the coffee pot.

"Let's get through our wedding first please. That's enough stress. The sentence was even stressful to say." She got a laugh out of Lisa and a kiss from Grayson before walking over to where Lisa was at the table.

"So how was your flight? You were sleeping when we picked you up so I never got that chance to ask."

"It was boring. I slept most of it, then talked to that dingus. I have always hated flying."

"I'm not really a fan of it either but I don't mind it." Lisa said. "Do you guys have a place for the wedding yet?"

"I'm going to show Raelynn the field while we're here this time and not forget like I did last time. I think it would be really nice to have it there."

"Oh I do too. It would be so pretty especially with the sunset." Lisa said, placing her hand on Raelynn's as sign of agreeance. "I think you'll love it. Since it's getting darker outside though, I was thinking maybe a family movie night?"

"Oh that sounds like fun." Raelynn said finishing her coffee.

"Rae, you don't have to."

"Gray I want to. I don't get to see your parents often. I would love to spend time with them."

He shook his head and gave her a smirk. "Whatever babe. Just know my mom loves you more than she loves me."

"Grayson Bailey, I do not."

"You never want to have family movie nights with us."

"Because I had you guys for seventeen years, well sixteen actually but I gave birth to you guys. I also see you a lot more. I just want to spend time with her because I don't really know her as much as I had wished."

"Mom, you know everything about her."

"I know mostly everything about her."

"Don't mind his jealousy, Lisa. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have or tell you something you would like to know."

Grayson raised his eyebrow at Raelynn and Raelynn smiled. "Great. I'll go get Sean."

Lisa walked upstairs and Raelynn walked to Grayson who was making spaghetti for everyone. Raelynn wrapped her arms around Grayson's clothed torso and leaned the side of her fast against his back. "What's with you wanting to hang out with my mom and not me all of a sudden?"

"Gray, I haven't seen your mom in months. I need to hang out with her. Plus, I get the vibe sometimes she doesn't like me."

"My mom loves you and I swear to God she loves you more than she loves us, especially me."

"Don't say that, I'm sure she loves you guys more. After all she did birth you guys."

"She birthed us?" He asked laughing.

"We've been together for three and a half years and you're just picking up on my little stupid ways of saying things?"

"No it's just funny every time you do it."

"Well thank you. I guess."

They shared a kiss before Raelynn went upstairs to change into some black leggings and sweater. She grabbed her blanket after fixing her hair and walked downstairs to the couch where Sean was watching the football game. "Who's your team?" He asked.

Raelynn paused for a moment and just answered honestly. "I don't have a team, I don't really want football unless Grayson is at the apartment. Sometimes I just cheer when he does even though I don't know who I'm cheering for."

"Alright well what about hockey?"

"Oh Rangers all the way."

"Perfect. Good girl."

"So who do you root for? For football?"

(random team because I am not 100% sure) "Steelers."

"Oh my uncle is a big fan of them."

"Good man. Can't wait to meet him."

Raelynn smiled thinking about when they were going to get them together to meet. "So you serious about marrying Grayson?"

"Oh of course I am. He's the love of my life, Sean."

"Good. I got a lot of faith in you guys. Like, a lot. When Grayson first told us about you, I couldn't believe you were real the way he was talking about you. Literally, I didn't even know there was such a person that could be Grayson's direct match."

"What would he say about me?"

"Well he would come home and talk about your smile and your eyes. He'd even go into detail about your voice and how sweet I sounds. I have never seen him so dedicated to someone or something like he was for you. Grayson was so happy after he met you. Then when he first brought you home I was like "woah she really does exist and wow good job Gray" because you just seemed like Grayson's kind of girl."

"Why thank you, Sean. That means a lot to me."

"Yeah. When Grayson told Lisa and I what happened when you guys split Lisa and I were very disappointed in him. I told him he needed to fix things because you're the only girl that is perfect for Grayson and you are the only girl who would ever be able to make Grayson happy the way he is. He said the only way was proposing and I said "grow the set and do it then, Dolan". I didn't want him to lose you because you're a big part of all of our lives."

"Thank you, Sean. I didn't realize you guys liked me so much."

"Jesus, we love you Raelynn. Especially Lisa. She adores you."

Raelynn smiled, thinking about the family she is going to become a part of within just eleven or twelve months. Lisa and Grayson came into the room with stacks of movies and food, causing Sean and Raelynn to gasp. "Damn that's a lot." She said.

"Pick a movie and dig in."

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