Chapter 30: Children

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"Oh Raelynn, isn't this so cute?!" Lisa asked holding up a onesie for a young toddler. It was blue and white stripes and had a cute little saying on it.

"That is so cute. That's something I want my son to wear." She spoke looking through the dresses for herself.

"I can't wait for grand babies. With the way things are going right now, you and Grayson are definitely going to give them to me first." Lisa said helping Raelynn look now.

Raelynn couldn't help but smile at the thought of having Grayson's kids. She couldn't wait to have her own kids and be a mom. "I can't wait to be a mom. I've wanted to be a mom since I was little girl."

"You're going to be a fantastic mother and I can't wait for you to be one. I mean wait a few years and then have babies because you guys are young."

"Yeah we are. It still hasn't really registered in my brain that Grayson and I are actually getting married. Like, to think that this far along in my seventeen years of life I can find forever like that."

"I wouldn't want anyone else to be Grayson's forever but you."

Raelynn smiled and found the dress that made her heart flutter. It was a white dress with a gold neck piece, some diamond shaped cuts around the waist, and it was short how she needed it. It was also a pencil dress so it was going to be very form-fitting.

They bought the dress and then headed on their way back home. Lisa made dinner while Gray and Raelynn were upstairs packing their things back up and getting ready to leave. Raelynn's cellphone rang and she was confused when it was an unknown number. "Hello?"

"Raelynn darling?"

"Mom?" Grayson's head shot towards her direction when she said the name. "What do you want?"

"Well I need you to babysit for your brother and sister this Saturday night."

"I'll just be coming back from Jersey with Grayson by that time."

"You won't be back until what time?"

"We get back around six but I'm going to be very-"

"Raelynn please just do this for me. I will make it up to you, I promise."

"Like I haven't heard the before."

"Raelynn, I owe you a lot because I have been a terrible mother but I need you to watch them. This gives you a chance to get to know them because you deserve to know them and they deserve to know you."

"This is so last minute and so typical of you." Raelynn said folding her shirts.

"Please Raelynn."

"Fine but Grayson is going to help me."

"That's fine. As soon as you get off your flight shoot over here."

"I don't even have your address."

"I'll have Clara text it to you."

Raelynn hung up and groaned. "Do you mind helping me babysit tomorrow night for my mom?" She asked looking at the confused look on Grayson's face.

"Yeah sure. We aren't going to die right?"

"No babe, we're no going to die."

"Good because I wanna marry you before I do die."

Raelynn shook her head and kissed him before continuing their packing. "Grayson, Raelynn; dinner!" Lisa called up the pair who stopped folding to go down and eat the delicious meal prepared for them.

"I hate that you guys have to leave tomorrow." Lisa said with a pouty face.

"I hate to leave too but don't worry, we'll be back soon and hopefully for longer." Raelynn said smiling at them.

"Good because I need someone to watch more Adam Sandler movies with." Sean said.

They shared their final dinner together before Ethan, Maddy, Cameron, Grayson, and Raelynn all went upstairs to their rooms and finished packing so they didn't have to do it in the morning.

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