Chapter 6: Dusk Till Dawn

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"Gray why do you have to go?" She asked him.

"Because I have to. My girlf-" He stopped himself, remembering he didn't have a girlfriend anymore but needed a way out of here. "My girlfriend texted me. She said she needs me." He lies through his perfect teeth.

"At two thirty in the morning? Odd but whatever I guess."

He left the brunette only to go down the Bronco and scream. It's day seven, it's officially been a week from Raelynn and Grayson hasn't reached his breaking point yet. Ethan doesn't know how he hasn't lost his mind completely.

Grayson had a memory come to his head, causing a tear to stream down his face.

It was midnight when Grayson's cellphone was vibrating like crazy against his bed. He picked it up to see his darling's face with her nickname. Though he was happy to see she wanted to talk, he was worried because she usually is sleeping by now.

I slid his thumb across the smooth glass screen to accept the call. "What's up, baby?" He asked.

"Gray I had a nightmare, can you please come over and um..."

"I'll be there in ten Raelynn just calm down okay?"

He heard her sniffle from the other side of the phone before hanging up. He grabbed his hoodie and didn't bother changing his grey pants as he walked out of the apartment.

Grayson drove over to Raelynn's aunts house where she lived for quite sometime after he parents had split and gotten into some trouble. He climbed along the house and found her bedroom window.

He knocked on the bedroom window. Raelynn jumped at the action until she noticed Grayson's complexion. She hurried to open the bay window, pulling her boyfriend in. "Everything al-okay." Raelynn wrapped her arms tightly around Grayson as she cried into his chest.

"Can you stay with me?"

"Yes I can."

He walked her over to her twin sized bed. She held his hand tightly as she pulled him down with her. Grayson covered them both up with the baby blue covers and she immediately cuddled up to him. "Your aunt isn't going to be mad right? I know that she comes in to see you in the mornings." Gray worried.

"She won't care Gray, now shut up and held me sleep."

He chuckled and rubbed the small girls back calming her down. He kissed her soft temple as he felt her breathing slow and body relax against him. He smiled as he heard a small little snore escape her lips.

She started to shake and whimper knowing she was having another nightmare. Grayson tried shaking her awake and she finally did. "It's okay baby, it was just a nightmare." He whispered to his trembling girlfriend.

"It felt so real."

"But it wasn't okay."

"Grayson I was all alone."

"You'll never be alone, Raelynn."

The memory faded as his vision cleared. He saw the sleeping girl before him. Clothes everywhere, smashed picture frames containing pictures of them. He couldn't help but feel his heart break more and more.

Tears fell to the floor as he stared her. He noticed the ring he got her was on the nightstand in the box along with the bracelet he got her as well. He turned to walk out of the room with tears filling his eyes as he finally left the bedroom.

He hurried out of the apartment as Maddy pulled up to the parking building of her apartment. "Gray what're you doing here?" She asked.

"Uh...uh...wrong apartment building?"

She looked down and smirked. "Go home you idiot. I won't mention to her you were here."

Grayson drove back to his apartment with his brother who was sleeping soundly on the couch. The tv still playing whatever Ethan was watching on Netflix earlier.

He walked upstairs and into his bedroom. Stripping down to his Calvin Kleins as he climbed into bed. He looked at the ceiling and wiped his eyes.

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