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LOCATION: quinjet

with the U.S. government, have been trying to capture the Hulk, but Dr. Bruce Banner always managed to slip past them hiding in different parts of the world. But this was it. Reports came in that a man matching Banner's description just walked in Las Vegas, Nevada. Police were pursuing him, but lost him. Now S.H.I.E.L.D. was in a rush to grab Banner before General Ross could or worse, before Banner hulked out. Director Fury called in his best for the mission, the Black Widow aka Natasha Romanoff, Hawkeye aka Clint Barton, and Echo aka Kasey Stark. The three were already on the Quinjet flying to Las Vegas and were gearing up, preparing for the fight. Few words were spoken, and Widow liked to keep it professional while on a mission, which did help them stay focused. Echo was calm. They all were. And she wasn't about to be the only one to object to the mission because they were going to fight the Hulk. She was Kasey Stark and that wouldn't look good for her, and besides, they had orders and she was going to obey them. It's was obvious why S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted the Hulk, the world saw him as a monster, and so did S.H.I.E.L.D.. To them, he was just a monster that needed to be contained. When they arrived at the Nevada desert in Las Vegas, Black Widow contacted General Ross over radio. Echo pulled her two Vibranium swords from her back, readying them for when they would confront the Hulk, which would be any second now. She could basically hear the explosions from below and the occasional yelling of rage coming from the Hulk's mouth. "General Ross, withdraw your men. Now." Widow held an demanding voice.

"This is a secure channel! Who is this?!"

"Your superior, tovarisch. Now, back off." Widow orders.

Bobbi Morse's voice is then heard over the speaker of the Quinjet, "We have 2 minutes until we reach the target." Echo looks to her right and watches as Hawkeye pulls out his bow and unfolds it.

Hulk had taken out all of the tanks and missiles that Ross threw at him, and now there was only one left. Hulk started towards it, but as he took one step, the Quinjet cast a shadow over him. Hawkeye shoots a zipline arrow into the ground and then shoots two explosive arrows into the Hulk's chest. He ziplines down from the Quinjet and Black Widow and Echo jump down next to him. A smirk crawls onto Hawkeye's face, "Tick tick, boom."

Hulk looked at him confused, but then the explosive arrows on his chest ticked two times and then exploded. Smoke erupted everywhere, but Hawkeye looked genuinely surprised when Hulk was still standing, as did Widow. Echo wasn't surprised. She figured it would take more than a few arrows to bring the Hulk down. A lot more. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. Hulk's hand slammed on the ground and his face contorted into anger while his ragged breathing came out in huffs. He looked at the three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with anger, "You three should run now. 'Cause you just made me angry."

"Really?" Echo asks and twirls the sword in her left hand as electricity sparks through the Vibranium metal, "'Cause, from where I'm standing, you look more beaten up than angry." Hawkeye then pulls out an explosive arrow and shoots it at Hulk, who began to run towards them. The arrow explodes in Hulk's face, letting Echo get close enough to him. She runs towards Hulk and he begins to see her so he swings his hand at her. Echo flips over him and cuts his hand with her sword, which also electrocutes him. The Hulk yells and as Echo is behind the Hulk, Widow fires her stingers at him as Hawkeye continues to fire his arrows. Echo knew that these small things wouldn't bring him down, but they sure would bug him a lot. Echo stabs both of her swords into the Hulk's back and as the electricity goes throughout his body, he screams. He turns to Echo and swings his arms at her, but she dodges him and then flies forward and kicks the Hulk in the face. Hulk's hand backhands her and she falls back.

Then, the Hulk turns and looks towards Hawkeye and Widow. He grunts and moves his shoulders a bit as the swords in his back were hurting him. Widow runs forward and fires her stingers at Hulk. And as Hawkeye fires more explosive arrows, Widow pulls out Echo's swords from the Hulk's back and tosses them to the her.

Hulk yells and turns around while still getting an onslaught of explosive arrows shot at him. Widow fires her stingers once again and then Hawkeye fires a net arrow that Hulk brakes through quickly. An electricity arrow is then fired and electrocutes the Hulk. Lastly, Hawkeye fires freezer arrow, trapping the Hulk in ice. A few seconds later, the Hulk breaks through the ice and then catches the next arrow that Hawkeye shoots at him. He holds the flare arrow close to his eyes and watches it go off, blinding him temporarily. The Hulk covers his eyes and swings his arms around, trying to hit them. Echo dodges the arm swings of the Hulk and then pulls out two Taser Disks and throws them at him. The disks land on Hulk's neck and electrocute him and Echo smirks, "Those really do sting."

Hulk rips off the disks in a rage and yells and then swings his right arm wildly while his other covers his blinded eyes. The three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents could hear Ross' angry voice from their radio, "I told Fury to stay out of this! I've been chasing the Hulk since day one!"

"The chase is over, General." Widow dodges swings from the Hulk, "Sit back, and let us do your job for you."

The Hulk, still blinded, finds Hawkeye's head and grabs it, holding the Archer in the air. Echo is distracted when she sees the lone tank ready a nuclear missile to fire at them. Her eyes widen, "Widow!"

Widow turns and sees the missile with shock, "General, you were ordered to stand down!" While Echo is distracted, Hulk's other hand grabs her body and squeezes. "Do you hear me?! Stand down!" Widow yells.

When the missile fires, Widow steps back. Even if they did run, they would still be caught in the blast and they would not survive. The Hulk then comes to and blinks a few times, his eyesight coming back. When he sees the missile, he tosses Hawkeye and Echo on the ground and jumps at it, hitting the missile with his body before it hit anyone. The Hulk then flies back and hits a large rock which began to crack at the bottom. The rock started to fall and Hawkeye was the first one to see that it was going to hit the airborne Quinjet. "Morse! Move out of there! Now!"

Just as Bobbi noticed the rock falling towards the jet, it was too late, and it hit the wing, making the jet spin towards the ground. Echo watched in shock and then thought that there was only one person that could save Bobbi. She looks towards the Hulk as he crawls out from the rubble. He looks at the tumbling Quinjet and then glances behind him, seeing that he could escape and he could get away from Ross, from S.H.I.E.L.D., and from the government. But if he didn't save Bobbi, he knew he would regret it. As everyone is focused on the tumbling Quinjet, they all became surprised as Hulk grabbed the front of it and caught it just as it was about to hit the ground. He lays it down gently on the ground and takes a breath. Everyone was too shocked by his actions that they didn't move, everyone but Black Widow. Seeing Hulk's moment of vulnerability, she zaps him and he screams and falls to the ground, transforming back into the weak Dr. Bruce Banner. Echo looked at him sadly, internally yelling at Widow, and internally yelling at herself for bringing in the man who just saved them, and Bobbi.

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i love the theme song

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