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LOCATION: wakanda

KASEY WALKED BEHIND CAPTAIN America and the Black Panther. Hawkeye and Thor walked behind her and Dora Milage were all around them. They were leading a large, floating lab through the streets of Wakanda. The Avengers were there so that Black Panther could repair Cap's shield and Echo's swords. "I cannot tell you how grateful I am for this and I'm sure neither can Kasey." The two look back and glance at Kasey behind them, who simply give Panther a hard glare.

She was still angry at him for leaving the Avengers, no doubt about that. Hawkeye couldn't blame her, he was too. Both of them were holding hard grudges.

Cap turns back to Panther, "Do you really think you can do it, though? Repair my shield and Kasey's swords?"

"Well," Panther looks at him, "your shield and Echo's swords are unique, but we Wakandans do know a thing or two about manipulating Vibranium."

"Right." Cap looks down, "Sorry, it's just, uh—" Cap turns and looks past Kasey and glances at the device that held his shield that was in pieces. A similar device next to it held Kasey's swords that were shattered by Adamantium. "—that shield and I have been through a lot." He finishes and then turns back to Panther, "And, honestly, it's one of the few things I have left. That and... the Avengers, which is another reason I'm here, T'Challa. The Avengers are in a critical juncture. We need you back."

Panther looks at him, "And who is leading the Avengers? Iron Man? He abandoned you all in your hour of need."

Kasey looks down at the memory. She hasn't talked to Tony since the skirmish with the Skrulls. She didn't want to. And it's not like he made any effort, which made her want to ignore him more and more. She felt awkward around Steve only because of her "relationship" with "him." Of course, he did nothing wrong, just the Skrull version of him, but Kasey could not shake that she thought she was actually dating Steve, when instead, it was just a Skrull. Panther continues, "A team cannot exist without trust."

Hawkeye moves over to him with an angry look on his face, "Really? That's pretty funny coming from you." He points at Panther.

Cap puts his hands on their shoulders, trying to calm them down, "I think it's safe for me to say that the Skrull invasion hit us all pretty hard. And Tony? He's just working through some of his issues. Bottom line is," Cap begins to move away from them, "the world needs the Avengers. Not only to keep the world safe, but to give the people a symbol," he turns to them, "something they can believe in. We have to show the world they can trust us again."

Kasey looks at him with a raised brow, "And that's why you're asking Mr. Disappearing Act to rejoin?" She points at Panther.

Cap looks at Panther, "What do you say, soldier?"

Kasey raises her hand, "Uh, I have a question. Do you come up with these inspiring speeches in the moment or do you just write them down and memorize it?"

"My responsibilities are to Wakanda." Panther answers Cap, "I will repair your weapons as a friendly gesture, but that is as far as it goes."

They soon arrived to their destination and stepped into the large, floating lab. Thor, Kasey, Cap, and Hawkeye watch as Wakandan scientists put together pieces of Cap's shield and Kasey's swords. "The pieces of the shield and the swords must be held in place with absolute precision." Black Panther explains from in front a computer, "The computer will calculate and maintain the needed proximity," he begins to type, "it already has the exact density requirements to match the shield and the sword's original tensile strength."

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