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LOCATION: avengers mansion

AFTER DISCOVERING KANG'S SHIP, the Damocles, is in space, the Avengers regrouped at Avengers Mansion, suiting up in space suits to end this once and for all. Their space suits were fit for combat and matched their usual costumes. The Avengers walked out of the elevator, all suited up and ready to go, and began walking to the Quinjet with six Ultrons behind them for backup. The Quinjet took off through the ocean and then came out of the East River, by the Brooklyn Bridge. Iron Man piloted the Quinjet towards space, where the Ultrons followed them.

Cap sat in the front seat by Iron Man while Ant-Man and Echo sat behind them, and then Wasp and Hawkeye sat behind them, and then Thor and the Hulk were in the very back. "How much time do we have?"

Just as he said that, a shot came from the sky and Iron Man dodged it and the other two shots coming from the Damocles. Echo holds her arm in front of her face, blocking her eyes from the brightness as she answers sarcastically, "Uh, maybe that answers your question."

Wasp lowers her arm, "What is it?"

Echo unbuckles and opens the Quinjet door, looking down below to what the Damocles was firing at. "It's a targeting beam." Echo closes the door and sits back down, buckling herself in, "Can you tell where aiming, Tony?"

"Uh, yeah." He answers, "At us."

"But we're right over the city." Ant-Man looks at her, "A blast that size will destroy everything."

Hawkeye looks at Ant-Man, "I don't think Kang cares about collateral damage, Pym. He wants us gone, no matter who pays the price."

Echo stretches her head back and watches as Thor unbuckles, "Nay." He opens the door to the Quinjet and jumps out.

"Thor!" Wasp yells.

The Avengers watch as Thor flies super fast into space. "Woah. I've never seen him fly that fast." Iron Man states in amazement. He leans forward, "What's he doing?"

They watch as the Damocles' weapon recharges. "He's saving us all." Cap answers.

As the Damocles fires, Thor swings his hammer super fast and yells, "For Midgard!" Thor lifts his hammer and flies towards the laser that strikes down towards the Quinjet, and as his hammer hits it at full force, the laser ricochets back towards the Damocles and hits it. The Avengers watch in shock as Thor passes out and begins to fall. Iron Man dodges Thor's body and continues flying to space towards the Damocles.

"He's still falling!" Wasp exclaims, "We have to go back!"

"We can't." Iron Man tells her, "Thor bought us a chance. We have to keep going before Kang fires again."

As much as Echo hated to leave Thor falling to, as far as she knew, his death, Tony was right. Which, as she stated before, she hated. They could not go back for Thor. If they did, his sacrifice would have been in vain. Ant-Man contacted his Ultron units, "Ant-Man to Ultrons 1 and 4, break off, and catch Thor!"

The Ultrons obey and Cap, and the rest of the team watch on the radar as the Ultrons near Thor. They watch in suspense, hoping the Ultrons would make it in time. "Thor..." Wasp looks down.

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