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LOCATION: chicago, illinois

of the crop field and into an actual place. Kasey knew that she wouldn't be hidden for long. People knew who she was, with the mask and without the mask. She was a Stark. She couldn't go anywhere without anyone recognizing her. It's safe to say anyone who doesn't know who she is has been living under a rock. Kasey came upon a barn and a house, perhaps this was the house that the man driving the tractor belonged to. Kasey did not want to bother them and she did not want them to see her again in fear of them exposing her to the public. Kasey began to cross through the field, hoping to find a restaurant or something because saying she was starving was an understatement. She was hungry. She was tired. She was cold. And she was thirsty. She didn't how much longer she could go like this.

The door to the house opened and Kasey disappeared into the shadows. A man came out with a rifle and a flashlight. It was dark outside. Kasey didn't have a watch, a phone, or J.A.R.V.I.S., but her guess would be that it was about 10:00 at night. The man turned on his flashlight, shining it everywhere with caution. Kasey did not want to trouble them, but the truth is, she could not go it alone. She was hungry, tired, dehydrated, cold, bladder was bursting, was in a desperate need for a shower, and a change of clothes. Whether Kasey liked it or not, she needed their help. Even if she didn't want to admit it.

Kasey steps out of the shadows with her hands in the air, "I just need a favor."

The man, noticing her from earlier in the fields, lowers his weapon, "You!"

Kasey raises her eyebrows, "Me?"

"You're the woman from earlier that was with that man in the metal suit." The man points at her.

"Yeah, I am." Kasey nods slightly. It was bugging her. Did this man not know who she was? He seems to not know who Tony is either. This man must not have a television or a phone because he surely was living under a rock, or better said, in the middle of nowhere. She was going to ask if she could use his bathroom, but something was bugging her more than her bladder. Way more. "I'm sorry, do you not know who I am?"

The man shakes his head, "Not a clue."

Kasey raises her eyebrows in shock. Good. She thought. As much as it bugged her that someone didn't know who she was, it was good that he didn't know her or he would have ran to the nearest phone and started Instagramming that he found Kasey Stark in his front yard. Kasey smiles at the man and holds out her hand for him to shake, "Then that would make me Carly Collins."

The man shakes her hand, "Greg Painter." The man sighs and looks around, "What are you doing all the way out here?"

Kasey couldn't find a reasonable explanation for why she was out here without freaking him out that she was some kind of fugitive, which she kinda was. Kasey shivers and answers with a shaky voice, "I got lost."

"Lost?" The man repeats, "Well, that's understandable. That's not the first time that's happened." Kasey looks at him confused, "Here, why don't I take you inside and get you warmed up?"

Kasey nods and she comes inside their warm and toasty house with cold arms. A woman comes out of the kitchen, "Was it another one of those racoons?"

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