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LOCATION: stark tower

walks inside Stark Tower, avoiding the press on her way in. She puts her keys in her pocket and then, goes up to Tony's office. They had planned to hang out today, which they rarely got to do. Kasey and Tony usually never saw each other unless it was in the mansion or they were fighting supervillains. She just wanted to spend some time with him.

Kasey walks out of the elevator and runs into Pepper. "Hey, Pep. Is he ready?"

Pepper's face falls, "He's not coming."

"Uh, what?" Kasey raises her eyebrows at the girl.

Pepper gets in the elevator and Kasey follows. "Well, apparently, right now he's supposed to be moving his suits into the Avengers Mansion with Captain America, but he has a 7:00 appointment, so that's not happening either."

Kasey looks at her confused, "With who?"

Pepper looks at her, "The Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.."

Kasey's face falls and she looks down with a sigh, "Oh."

Pepper looks at her sadly, "I'm sorry, Kasey. I know you were looking forward to this."

"No." Kasey stops her and shrugs, "It's fine. This happens all the time."

"It does?" Pepper asks with a surprised look.

"Yeah." Kasey answers quietly, "We would make plans, but something would come up, so he would give me a raincheck." She leans against the elevator wall, "Except, that was every time."

Pepper's eyes sadden. She was surprised at seeing Kasey in such a vulnerable state. She had always seen the girl either sarcastic, angry, or just out right annoyed, never sad or vulnerable. Pepper sighs and looks down, "I can't believe he would do that to you."

Kasey shrugs, "Well, I don't blame him." She turns to Pepper, "I wouldn't want to hang out with me either."

"Kasey, don't say that."

Kasey gives her a look, "Oh, you know it's true."

"No, I--"

Suddenly, the lights go out and the elevator stops moving. Kasey looks around confused. Someone must have shut down J.A.R.V.I.S.. Pepper looks at her, "What happened?"

Kasey sighs, "Something bad."

Pepper sighs in defeat, "How are we going to get out?"

Kasey smirks at her, "Well, luckily, this time I came prepared." Kasey pulls out her two Vibranium swords and begins to cut a hole through the elevator doors. They were just about to reach the bottom floor it looked like. After the hole was cut, Kasey kicked it and it flew back, hitting the ground in the lobby. Kasey jumps out of the elevator and then Pepper follows and Kasey catches her. Kasey holds her swords up with caution and looks around before seeing four A.I.M. agents walking through the door. Her eyes widen, but then narrow. The agents begin to fire at her, but she dodges their blasts. Kasey takes cover and then looks at Pepper, "Pepper, take cover!"

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