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LOCATION: unknown

rumbling sounds became closer and closer. His eyes shot open and he sat up, looking confused, "What?"

The last thing he remembered, he was in the jungle, he defeated Chemistro, and then he destroyed the magical stone. But now, he was in another kingdom with enchanted forests and gardens. Then, he remembered.


Hawkeye's eyes widen and he looks around before seeing Echo unconscious next to him. He sighed in relief that she was okay. Then, the rumbling from before arrived and horses sped past him. Hawkeye covered Echo in case she got hit and then watched the horses galloped away. Hawkeye looks back at Echo, shaking her body, "Kase. Kasey. Kasey, wake up."

The girl knit her eyebrows in confusion and mumbled an incoherent word. Hawkeye looks at her confused, but then tries to wake her up again, "Kasey!"

She groaned and then her eyes opened slowly to see Hawkeye hovering over her. She looks at him with a groan and sits up, holding her head. She continues to mumble different things before looking at Hawkeye, "Oh, I feel terrible." She sighs, "What happened?"

Hawkeye looks around, "I don't know."

He stands and then he helps her up. Echo removes her mask and her eyes widen in amazement. The place was beautiful. She had never seen anything so pretty anywhere on Earth. There was no other word to describe where she was at, but "paradise".

Kasey looks at Hawkeye confused, "Okay, where are we?"

"I don't know." He answers and then begins to walk in the directions the horses had went, "This way."

As he began to run, Kasey ran after him to keep up. They ran through some bushes and froze with wide eyes. "Oh, that's not good." Hawkeye sings.

They stood at the edge of somewhere, wherever they were. And they were looking at space. The two were able to see planets from where they were. Kasey knew one thing:

They were not on Earth.

Hawkeye turns when the rumbling that he had heard earlier sounded from behind them. They jumped out from the bushes and looked at elves on horses galloping away. Kasey stared at them in shock and began to walk after them, not paying attention to what was behind her. Hawkeye pulls her back before she gets trampled by a horse and then yells at the elf that almost ran her over, "Hey, watch it!"

The elf on the horse stops and turns around to them. Kasey's eyes widen at the elf. Well, he's pretty. He's definitely forgiven. Kasey smirks at him and doesn't even listen to a word he says, but just watches him. "I suggest you run. Loki's forces move swiftly." The elf keeyah's and his horse gallops away.

Kasey watches him leave dreamy eyed while Hawkeye yells at him, "Hey! Hey! You! With the ears! What is this place?! Where are we?! And what's a Loki?"

Although, a growling from behind her managed to snap her out of her dreamy state. Her breath hitched in her throat and she turned around slowly to see eyes popping out of the darkness. Fenris wolves, which were giant wolves from Asgard, growled at them angrily. The two backed up as the canines closed in on them.

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