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LOCATION: avengers mansion

THE DAY AFTER KASEY'S APPEALS court, she was announced innocent for the Andrea Rose murder and the murders at The Pyramid Club. It was about a week after everything when she sat in the Assembly Hall, talking to Wasp. Wasp sighed, "I just can't believe that Hank and I are falling apart. I mean, I'm me. How can this be happening?"

Kasey scrolls through Instagram, answering, "Because you're so completely different? What? Did something new happen?"

Wasp leans on the Assembly desk, "He's just so..." she hits her fists on the desk, "so frustrating!" She leans back in her chair and speaks with a sad voice, "But I was really mean to him last time we talked, which I feel kinda bad about."

Kasey puts her phone down and looks at the girl, "I know. But Jan, if Hank really cared, he wouldn't have left."

Wasp hums and lays her head on her arms, but then her eyes widen when the doorbell rings. Wasp glances at Kasey, "Can you get that?"

Kasey looks back at her phone, "No." She continues to scroll through Instagram and listens as Wasp sighs and then walks off to get the door, "I hate you."

Kasey watches on the hologram of the Assembly desk as Wasp answers the door to see two police officers with a blonde man covered by a blanket. She looks back at her phone, but occasionally checks on the hologram, hoping that Wasp would be all right to take care of it.

Wasp calls her and Kasey picks it up, "So, who's the blonde guy?"

"Some guy called "Michael Korvac"." She answers, "Ever heard of him?"

"No." Kasey answers.

"I called Jane to come check on him. Do you, maybe, want to come down here and see what's wrong with this guy?" Wasp asks in hope, "I'm sure it'll be fun."

"No, Jan." Kasey answers, "That sounds like a job for the Avengers and I'm, as you know, no longer an Avenger."

Wasp groans, "Fine." Her voice becomes stern, "But we're not done talking about this."

• • •

When Kasey began to head for the door, she ran into Wasp, who actually stopped her on purpose, "Kasey! Where are you going?"

"The store," She answers, "because Hulk keeps eating all the food."

As Kasey begins to step past Wasp, Wasp moves in front of her again, "Well, you can go to the store later."

"I kinda want to go to the store now." Kasey nods.

"Well, too bad." Wasp tells her, "Your going to help me find Corrina."

Kasey raises her eyebrows, "Who?"

"Corrina." Wasp answers, "Michael kept saying that he wanted to see Corrina. So, you're going to help me find her."

"No, I'm not." Kasey argues.

Wasp puts her hands on her hips, "Yes, you are."

The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora