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LOCATION: kree warship

KASEY TELEPORTED INTO A KREE warship on the other side of the wormhole. She got teleported on the bridge and immediately found herself surrounded by Kree soldiers. Kasey looks around, letting out a small chuckle, "Hi, guys."

As two Kree soldiers grabbed her arms, immediately she began to take them out. She flipped back and grabbed the two soldiers, knocking them into each other and then as the soldiers surrounding her began shooting at her, she dodged each of the blasts and then took out each of them one by one. Kasey knew she didn't have much time until reinforcements arrived on the bridge, so as the Kree commander went to contact other ships, she grabbed a Kree soldier and threw him on top of him and then began to finish taking them out. She finally finished with the soldiers, but turned to the commander just as he stepped towards the radio. Kasey pulled out her sword, "Take one more step," a smirk crawled on her face, "I dare you."

The Kree commander stopped and then narrowed his eyes at her before pulling out his gun, but Kasey does a spin kick and knocks it out of his hands before knocking him out with the hilt of her sword. Then, she puts her sword on her back and steps over the man before sitting in his chair. She looks at the technology of the ship, actually shocked by how advanced it is, but still attempting to try and understand it.

It wasn't long until she heard running footsteps approaching the bridge. Kasey turns and sees Kree soldiers running to the entrance and then she looks back at the controls and manages to close the door on them. Kasey, then programs the ship to lock onto the other Kree warships around it to fire on them when she gives the signal. Then, she stands and activates the self-destruct sequence which would destroy the ship after it had destroyed the other ships in the Kree fleet. Kasey presses the fire button for the ship to destroy the other ships and then she stands from the chair and then pulls on her mask. She opens the bridge door, letting the Kree soldiers inside while she hid in the shadows. They looked around while one announced, "We have secured the bridge."

Then, Echo hops out of the shadows and jumps down on one of the Kree soldiers, taking him out before taking out the other five.

After each of them were knocked out, she began to sneak her way to the hangar. She did have to steady herself occasionally from the hits that the Kree warship she was on took. When Kasey reached the hangar, no one was there. Each of the the Kree were probably on their way to the bridge or trying to find out what the heck was going on.

Kasey smirked and then jumped down and hijacked a Kree shuttle before taking off from the Kree warship just as it exploded from behind her.

She flew down to the planet below which she could only assume was the Kree homeworld. When she arrived, she immediately saw below giant monsters attacking her friends, Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Hawkeye, and Black Panther. Each of them were trapped by the beasts and then she let out a small chuckle and flew down and shot at them, making the beasts fall to the ground. She watched in amusement as Iron Man and the rest of them looked at the ship, waiting to attack whoever got off. Echo lands the ship in front of them and then the ramp lowers and she walks off, "Hopefully, you'd last longer against me." She crosses her arms, "I only saved your butts because I thought they were attacking children."

A smile forms on Hawkeye's shocked face, "Kasey!"

"Kasey?" Iron Man questions in shock, "How?" Echo pulls off her mask and steps off the Kree warship, standing in front of them as Iron Man continues, "Shouldn't you be, you know, not alive? Last time we saw you, you were falling into the sun."

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