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LOCATION: avengers mansion

attack on the Hydro-Base by HYDRA. It was obvious why they attacked: The Red Skull. Cap managed to take down the giant robot with the help of Ms. Marvel and Iron Man, but it seems it was all a distraction and the Red Skull was already gone.

Now, each of the Avengers sat around the Assembly desk and listened as Tony spoke, "Whatever that thing was, clearly there are more coming. No, it's "Sleepers". Plural." Kasey leans back in her chair and narrows her eyes at the machinery that was in the hologram of the Assembly desk, "This was a serious piece of tech." Tony continues, "The Skull stole some parts of the army when he was posing as Secretary of Defense. Other pieces date as far back as World War II." Kasey glances at Cap worriedly and then turns back to the hologram as the pieces of machinery transformed into the giant robot that had attacked the Hydro-Base. "Obviously the Skull's been working on this pet project a long time. We need to catch him and shut it down, fast." Tony begins to type, "I'm uploading data collector from the Sleepers' transmission to everyone's ID cards. Start the search in Washington D.C., the Skull's last base of operations." The hologram fades, "Let's move."

Everyone began to get up and leave, but Kasey stopped and turned around when Tony called her back. She looks at him in confusion and he glances at Cap, explaining, "You're going with Cap to find The Winter Soldier."

Cap begins to protest, "Tony, I really don't need—"

Tony cuts him off, "I know you don't, but I'll be more at ease if you don't go alone. Take Kasey with you, she'll be useful, trust me." Tony puts his hand on Cap's shoulder, "Now, we have zero intel on The Winter Soldier. If you want him, you need someone sneaky and underhanded with access to very classified files." He raises his eyebrow, "So, there's only one place to start."

•  •  •

They took Echo's motorcycle. Cap argued that he had his own, but Echo told him that his couldn't keep up with her's. So, there he was, sitting on the back of Echo's motorcycle, holding onto her as she drove to Fury's location. They both had a helmet on, which helped with bugs that would fly towards them, but also they would be able to hear each other if they wanted to talk. "So, what's your deal with The Winter Soldier? Why do you want him so bad?" Cap didn't answer. Echo rolled her eyes, "Fine, don't tell me. It's not like I won't find out anyway."

She hated that he was keeping things from her. Especially after the whole deal with finding the Black Widow and enacting revenge. She told him about that and she opened up to him about that. But when it comes to something personal in his life, he was closed off. It bothered her. And it made it feel like he didn't trust her enough to tell her about something so personal.

They arrived to the warehouse where Fury had been hiding since before the Skrull invasion. The two snuck inside stealthily and hid behind some boxes as they listened to Fury speak to Director Maria Hill and the second-in-command agent of S.W.O.R.D., Abigail Brand. "Things rough at the top, Hill?"

Maria raises her eyebrow, "Let's just say I slept better when you were the one being woken up at 3AM to deal with the inter dimensional threat of the month."

Fury nods, "I'll be back as soon as we wrap up the Skrull hunt. Until then, drink more coffee. Fury out."

Maria and Brand fade from the hologram, and then Cap steps out of the shadows from beside Echo, beginning to speak, "How about one last side job before you go back to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

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