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LOCATION: avengers mansion

grid, he's loose, he's dangerous, and as far as I can tell, he's completely out of his mind. We need everyone in the Assembly Room ASAP." A hologram of the Hulk was shown on the hologram of the Assembly desk. Tony informs everyone, "Finding the Hulk is priority number one, even at his worst, we've never seen him like this. I don't know if the isolation of imprisonment drove him nuts or what. Whatever the reason, it's our responsibility to bring him in."

Cap speaks from beside Tony, "I know how this looks, but I still give Hulk the benefit of the doubt." Cap leans on the Assembly desk, "Ross and the Hulkbusters want nothing less than his total destruction, but he's still one of us."

Kasey agreed. Rampage or not, she knew the Hulk and he would not attack them without reason. Thor places his hand on his chin, "Indeed, the Hulk has been a valuable ally, one I do not look forward to facing in battle once again."

Tony looks at him, "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, Thor. For now, I've got worldwide SAT scans trying to track him." Tony begins to walk out and Cap follows him, "As soon as we have a lock on his position, we're heading out."

• • •

Near the Niagara Falls, Hulk was spotted by the Hulkbusters and J.A.R.V.I.S. notified the Avengers. And now, they arrived and waited for Cap to try to talk to the Hulk peacefully, but Kasey dreaded the moment when she got the call from Cap, "Avengers, take him. Just remember, he's not the enemy."

Kasey pulled on her mask as Thor began to attack first and while he kept the Hulk occupied, Iron Man and the others arrived. Iron Man was wearing his Hulkbuster armor, which was designed obviously only for the Hulk. Echo ran over with Hawkeye and Wasp when Cap ordered, "Avengers, now!"

Echo threw explosive pellets at him which exploded into gas and then she pulled out her swords, but before she could attack, Wasp turned to her, "Wait, are we hurting him?"

Echo narrows her eyes at her, "Are you kidding?"

When she looks back at the Hulk, he had turned to her, Hawkeye, and Wasp and clapped his hands together, making them fly back. After the Hulk had taken out each of the Avengers, Captain America stepped towards Hulk. Hulk turned to him, angry, "You!"

Cap puts his shield down and lifts his hands in surrender, "I'm not going to fight you, Hulk."

Hulk groans and then holds his head, but then yells and is about to smash Cap, but a figure tackles him before he can. Cap watches as the figure takes out the Hulk, but then steps out of the shadows, revealing himself to be the Red Hulk.

He moves towards Cap, who narrows his eyes at him and stands in fighting stance, but Red Hulk simply tell him, "No need for that. I came to help." He smiles.

Cap, just now recognizing him, gasps and steps back, "You."

Red Hulk lifts his hands, "Hear me out, Captain. I don't know if you're in the market for new Avengers, but I'd like to sign up, if you'll have me."

• • •

Kasey stands in-between Cap and Wasp while she watches with them and Iron Man as the news begins to broadcast the arrival of Red Hulk, "You've all heard of the green Hulk, well, if one wasn't enough, a new Hulk has arrived. A red Hulk. And while any Hulk is enough to make the world more than a little nervous, this Hulk has spent the week demonstrating his honest desire to serve humanity as one of it's heroes." A video plays showing Red Hulk saving a little girl from a burning building and giving her to her mother. He turns to reporters as they ask him, "What's your story, Red Hulk?"

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