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LOCATION: quinjet

KASEY PILOTED THE QUINJET AND Hawkeye served as her copilot. Wasp and Ms. Marvel sat behind them. They were returning from the skirmish in Wakanda, but when Kasey gets notifications of an explosion in the Helicarrier, Avengers Mansion, the Baxter Building, and S.W.O.R.D. Headquarters, she became confused and very concerned.

Suddenly, a hologram of Captain America appeared before them. "We're five minutes out from D.C.." Kasey tells him.

He had ordered them to meet him there. They didn't know why, but nevertheless, they followed orders. "What's happening?" Hawkeye asks Cap.

"Another Skrull ship just touched down." Cap answers, "I'm on my way now. Cap out."

Wasp speaks in a panic from behind Hawkeye, "We need to call in Iron Man. We need to bring in Hank, and the Fantastic Four, and--"

Kasey glances at her and gives her an annoyed look, "And what?!"

"--and if they help us, then they're the good guys!" Wasp finishes.

Kasey turns back to flying the Quinjet, but as a bright light flashes before them, they all look away, covering their eyes from the brightness. The left Quinjet wing got shot and destroyed and then it began to crash towards the Tidal Basin in front of the Washington Monument. The Quinjet spins wildly and lands in the water and then began to slide to a rough stop when it reached land in front of The White House. Ms. Marvel hits the windshield of the Quinjet and breaks it off before flying out, which annoyed Kasey greatly. The Quinjets were very expensive.

"You know, there's a door!" She yells at Ms. Marvel.

Hawkeye and Wasp follow Ms. Marvel and then Kasey grumbles to herself and does the same. She lifts her mask on her face and pulls out her Vibranium swords and then begins to look around to find what might have shot at them. Hawkeye stands beside her and glances at her, "Nice landing."

Echo rolls her eyes and then looks around. The place was vacant. Wasp asked what she was thinking, "Where is everyone? There's nobody here."

When a loud noise begins to sound from the sky, Hawkeye turns around and then sees a giant Skrull ship. When a shadow begins to cast over them, Echo turns and sees the ship, along with Ms. Marvel and Wasp. Hawkeye's face turns into shock, "They're smarter than us."

Suddenly, the four get surrounded by Super Skrulls who were wearing costumes similar to superheroes and supervillains. Wasp glances at the others with nervousness in her voice, "Well, at least we know they're Skrulls, right?"

Echo sends her an annoyed look and then glances at the Super Skrulls around them. "Anyone want to surrender?" Hawkeye asks the Skrulls with his arrow ready on his bow. Nobody answers. "Didn't think so." He finishes.

Echo glances at Ms. Marvel with annoyance etched on her face, "Told you I wasn't a Skrull."

Ms. Marvel narrows her eyes, "If we survive this, I'll apologize."

Echo narrows her eyes at the woman, "Assuming I accept it."

"Now!" Hawkeye suddenly yells and then the four begin to move. Hawkeye fired his arrows, Ms. Marvel and Wasp begin to fire at Skrulls, and Echo charges towards the Super Skrull which had the abilities of Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Cyclops, and Colossus. He shot at her with his beams from his eyes, but she dodged them until she got closer and closer. Echo, knowing the claws of Wolverine, which were made out of Adamantium, could cut through her swords, swings the swords at his body. The Super Skull then teleports behind her and swings his claws at her, but Echo moves out of the way and rolls under his legs before hitting her swords on his back. Unfortunately, the Super Skrull used the abilities of Colossus and transformed his body into Adamantium, breaking her swords into pieces. Echo stares at them in shock and then looks up in surprise when the Super Skrull backhands her across the face, making her fly back.

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