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LOCATION: new york

invasion began. The world started getting attacked by unknown forces, with advanced technology.

The Avengers arrived on scene in New York. Echo came driving in on her motorcycle and parked it behind Hawkeye as he shot arrows at the forces of their unknown enemy. "What are these things? Aliens?" He asks.

Echo runs towards the yellowish machines attacking them. Panther rips through one, "Unlikely. Given the Egyptian styling to them." He jumps down from the machine, "More likely this is Kang."

Echo agreed. Kang wanted to conquer the Earth, so he said the last time they saw him. She concluded on her way over, driving on her motorcycle, that the technology was way too similar to what she saw him use. This was definitely him, it just had his... touch. She thought.

It seemed as they defeated more of the scarabs and they giant ships shooting out the scarabs, more appeared. Hawkeye, Hulk, Giant-Man, Captain America, and Echo look at all the giant, robotic machines that they already took down, that began to make noises. Echo narrows her eyes at them while Hawkeye voices all of their thoughts, "Uh-oh."

The machines begin to stand up and Echo looks at all of them in awe, "They're regenerating." Her thoughts fly through her head as if they were speeding on the highway. The robots were self-repairing. Understandable, seeing as Kang's technology is based off Stark Industries. She thinks. "They're self-repairing." She informs the others, "This was all an act." Echo stands back in realization and looks at the two dozen robots before them, "We never even made a dent."

Giant-Man begins to throw punches at a robot and try to pull them apart. The robot's arms wrap around his body and he grunts and falls onto his back, wrestling with it. Echo pulls out her swords and attacks a robot, while thinking rapidly.

When Tony's suit is damaged, J.A.R.V.I.S. begins self-repairs. So, in order for the robots to have self-repair, there has to be something controlling them in order for them to heal this quickly. Echo is snapped out of her thoughts when she looks to her right to see a robot arm swinging towards her. She doesn't have time to react and it smacks her, making her fall off the top of a robot that she had stuck her swords in.

Captain America began giving orders. He turned to Hawkeye and Panther, "Hawkeye, fire at will." Then, as Echo struggles to get up, one of the robot's arms swings up, about to crush her. Her eyes widen as she looks up at it and Cap turns to Panther, "Panther, help Echo." He turns to Hulk, "Hulk, free Giant-Man." Hulk raises his eyebrows at Cap and stands there. "Move!" Cap snaps and Hulk nods and obeys, jumping towards the robot on Giant-Man, but gets hit by a scarab, which knocks him into a nearby building.

Panther moves Echo out of the way before she gets smashed by the giant robot arm, and then, he pulls out his claws and jumps up and crawls on the arm, taking down the robot with his Vibranium shards. Echo watches as Panther runs away to defeat more robots and then she begins to do the same. Echo rips through three of them and comes on to her fourth when a large shadow casts over her. She looks up to see a giant scarab being dropped from the sky, about to land exactly where she is. Echo jumps off the robot she was about to destroy and flips onto the ground as the robot explodes behind her and more scarabs appear from the cocoon.

Having cleared a pathway and coming across the Hulk, then she sees dozens more robots standing in front of her. She was beginning to get annoyed. Just then, missiles fire and land on each of the robots before them and they explode. Echo looks up to see Iron Man fly past her.

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