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Hawkeye, Echo, and Panther a ship to get to Asgard, but went with them, wanting to fight against Loki, as well. It was not long before they arrived at the Bifrost Bridge. When they arrived, they saw a battle already happening with the Frost Giants against Giant-Man, Hulk, Wasp, Sif, Hogun, Volstagg, and Fandral, along with the Valkyries. Hawkeye shoots a special arrow at the Frost Giant's sword that was about to strike at Giant-Man. The sword breaks and then the Frost Giants turn to see Faradei about to crash the ship into them. Faradei hits them with his ship, making the Frost Giants fall off the Bifrost Bridge, but still leaving more enemies.

Echo flips off the ship and attacks the rest of the Frost Giants, although, when her swords didn't seem to do much damage, she raises her eyebrows at it. The Frost Giant narrows his eyes at her and moves towards her threateningly, making her eyes widen. Just as the Frost Giant was about to smash her, a giant foot belonging to Giant-Man smashed him first. He smiles at Echo, "Good to see you, Kase."

Echo smiles at him. Actually smiles at him. Then, she begins to run alongside Hawkeye, Faradei, and Black Panther. When Giant-Man shrinks down to Ant-Man and runs alongside her, she responds, "Yeah, I bet. The four of us had already snuck halfway to the palace when you guys set off the alarm. Way to ruin it."

Panther glances at her, "Perhaps we should win this fight before starting another."

Just then, a Frost Giant's leg stomps in front of them. Echo flies back and watches as Panther takes him out. When she stands, she looks around, seeing as they defeated all of them. Echo looks behind her to see Faradei by one of the Valkyries, attempting to heal her, she figured. That would be the only reasonable explanation seeing as he was an elf and he did it a lot in The Lord of the Rings. Echo gets snapped out of her thoughts of Faradei when she hears Hawkeye sing from beside her, "Kasey has a crush. Kasey has a crush."

Echo sends him an annoyed look, "What is this? The fourth grade? Leave me alone."

Wasp turns to her, "Oh, you talking about the cute elf over there? Kasey, this is a one in a lifetime chance. I mean, he's an elf! You only find those on movies!"

Echo smiles and looks at Faradei from afar with a slight blush on her cheeks, "I know."

Panther was the one who got them focused at the task at hand, "Ladies, lets return to the reason why we're here in the first place: Loki. The Light Elf Faradei informed us that Thor's half brother, Loki is attempting to conquer each of the nine realms. Although, I suspect we stowed his plans on Earth."

Wasp flies over to him, "So, the Masters of Evil work for Loki?"

"No." Panther answers, "The Enchantress. We must assume she is carrying out Loki's plans and was using the Masters to further his goals."

Wasp scoffs. The five hear Sif's voice as she walks over with Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun, "Amora the Enchantress. I should have known that witch would be involved in this." Sif lifts her sword, "I will enjoy making her pay." She looks at Fandral, Volstagg, and Hogun, "Come, Warriors Three. Let us teach Loki and his lackeys the error of their ways.

As Sif begins to walk away with the Warriors Three, Hawkeye steps in front of them, "Woah. Woah woah. We're not going to just sit on the sidelines here, beautiful."

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