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LOCATION: wakanda

KASEY SAT ON THE ROOF OF THE Wakandan Embassy with the Black Panther. T'Challa sat on a mat of some kind and mixed some special herb in a bowl. Kasey leaned against a tree and read a magazine, which she found hard to do due to Hawkeye's constant rambling. He paced in front of Kasey and T'Challa, "Okay, so, listen. You guys realize the Avengers are a complete disaster, right? Iron Man is completely unqualified to lead a team like this, Thor is crazy, the Hulk is a bomb waiting to go off, Ant-Man couldn't be less interested in taking down bad guys, Wasp belongs to the party circuit, not in law enforcement, and Kasey," Hawkeye looks at her to which she looks up from her magazine and stares at him, "don't even get me started on you."

"You forgot Captain America." Kasey tells him.

Hawkeye turns around and looks at her, but doesn't say a thing. Instead, he goes to the edge of the roof and looks out in the distance, "And you, T'Challa, you're a king, sitting here in your-your--" Hawkeye stops and turns to T'Challa, "What is this place anyway?"

"The Wakandan Embassy." T'Challa answers.

"An embassy for crying out loud." Hawkeye walks over to T'Challa and leans down, picking up an herb that T'Challa was mixing and putting it in his mouth, "What do you care about the Avengers? Are you bored?" Hawkeye begins to chew the herb and Kasey watches with confusion as Hawkeye's face distorts into disgust. He spits it out and wipes his mouth, then stands, "You eat that?! What is it?"

"The juices of the heart-shaped herb enhance the senses of the keens of the Panther tribe." T'Challa hides his smile, "And in point of fact, it is applied to the skin. And a lethal poison to those who are not in the royal line."

Hawkeye, who is wiping his mouth, freezes. His eyes widen and he touches his throat and rushes over to streams of water and begins to drink it frantically. Kasey looks to T'Challa and smiles in amusement and he returns it.

Just then, the three of them pull out their Avengers cards when they beep, signalling Avengers Assemble.

•  •  •

Hawkeye, Panther, and Echo arrived together. But watched from the roof of the Avengers Mansion as Thor, who responded to the card got ambushed by the Masters of Evil when he arrived. The Masters of Evil consisted of Crimson Dynamo, Abomination, Wonder Man aka Simon Williams, Enchantress aka Amora, the Executioner aka Skurge, and Baron Zemo aka Heinrich Zemo.

Hawkeye watches from his monocular as Abomination carries the unconscious Thor away. "Well, that's not good. All right, we call in S.H.I.E.L.D., go in the with the Hulkbuster gear--"

"--and destroy the mansion and the whole city in the battle. Not gonna happen." Echo tells him, "Besides, we don't know where they're holding the other Avengers. We go in like that, who's to say they won't just kill them?"

"Well, what do you recommend?" Hawkeye asks her.

Echo thinks for a moment, "I say we go in, take them by surprise. They already disabled J.A.R.V.I.S., so they won't know we're in there." She gives Hawkeye a pointed look, "And don't involve S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Agreed." Panther states, "It is up to us."

•  •  •

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