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LOCATION: the cube

arrived at The Cube, which was also located in the Nevada desert. The Cube is a prison designed to hold supervillains that were created via radiation from any source. Most of these villains originated from the Gamma formula that turned Bruce Banner into the incredible Hulk. When the Quinjet landed, the Absorbing Man aka Carl Creel, was wheeled out in a tube that contained him from touching anything. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents wheeled him inside The Cube, quickly followed by Bruce Banner, who's hands, head, and feet were entrapped in shackles. Kasey was right behind them. Her swords were on her back and her mask was not covering her face. She was going inside to confront the Hulk because she could not understand why he would save Bobbi when she understood that he was a monster. Kasey steps up to the door and leans forward, letting the scanner scan her eye. The computer took a scan of her eye and spoke aloud, "S.H.I.E.L.D. Special Agent Stark, Kasey. Codename: Echo. Access granted."

The doors to The Cube opened and Kasey walked in. She steps past numerous villains, who eye her as she walks past them, some lunging to their cell door. As she arrives at Bruce's cell, she arrives to find Doc Samson just leaving with the vial of blood that he just drew from Banner. Kasey narrows her eyes at the frail man, speculating on many things. Bruce scoffs, "Let me guess: You thought I'd be bigger."

"Funny." Kasey steps towards him, "The Hulk. He's a monster, right? I mean, that's what they told us. That's what everyone thinks. Military and S.H.I.E.L.D. have been chasing him for years. He's caused untold destruction. He's a monster."

"What do you think?"

"Why did the Hulk save that ship? He could've just escaped." Kasey looks down in remembrance, "I saw it. He had a way out, but he saved my crew instead. Why?"

"You're a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, right?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Maybe the question you should be asking is what S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Hulkbusters want the Hulk for." Kasey knits her eyebrows together in thought, "Open your eyes. Look around this place. Look at the monsters here. Do you really think The Cube is a jail? And now they have samples of my blood. The Hulk's blood. You think they want to cure me? They don't. They want to make more of me."

• • •

i frikin love this show

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