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LOCATION: manhattan

streets of Manhattan, chasing after Hawkeye. She looked to her left and saw the Iron Man suit flying after the Archer, as well, "Stay on him!" Iron Man tells his team.

As far as Kasey could see, his team consisted of a man in red, white, and blue with a red, white, and blue shield, riding a motorcycle on Manhattan rooftops, and Wasp aka Janet van Dyne. She recognized the man in the red, white, and blue as Captain America aka Steve Rogers. How could she not? Her father basically worshipped him and Kasey hated that. How is that man even alive? Kasey asks herself. She saves her questions for later and watches as Hawkeye jumps down into an alleyway, out of Iron Man's eyesight. He ran through the alleyway and Kasey caught up to him, running to the right of him on the other side of the buildings. He didn't notice her, but Kasey noticed Wasp behind him, and so did he. Hawkeye makes a left and Kasey hides behind a building and watches that as soon as Wasp makes a left, Hawkeye has an arrow pointed right at her face. "Hi there."

Iron Man flies down behind Wasp and raises his hand at Hawkeye, "Give it up, Hawkeye!" Kasey pulls out her sword, ready to intervene if she had to and she looks above as a man in a black cat suit jumps down from the roof. Captain America drives in on his motorcycle. Her brother continues, "You can't win."

Suddenly, a bright light shines on the team and as all the Avengers look up to see the Quinjet, Kasey watches as Hawkeye disappears. She smiles and sheathes her sword, chasing after him.

He ran for two miles, trying to get out of the vicinity of the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D.. When he finally stops running, Kasey comes out from the shadows and Hawkeye turns quickly, aiming an arrow at her. Kasey lifts her hands in surrender, "Woah, woah, woah. It's just me."

"Kasey!" Hawkeye sighs in relief and he smiles and pulls her in for a hug.

Kasey stands there awkwardly as Hawkeye hugs her. Her arms were trapped under his and she felt uncomfortable, so she blurted out sentences, not even knowing what they meant, "What are we doing right now? Are we hugging? Is that what we're doing?"

Hawkeye jumps away from her and covers his nose, "Oh, my God, what's that smell? You smell horrible!"

"You know, a "hello" would have sufficed, but that'll do." Kasey shrugs.

"What happened to your hand?"

Kasey looks down at it. She still had two broken fingers, "S.H.I.E.L.D." Kasey answers shortly.

Hawkeye nods, "How'd you know I'd be here?"

Kasey smirks, "You trained me, remember? I know you like I know my own name, and I know my name pretty well." Hawkeye chuckles a bit. "Do you have a location on Widow?"

"Yeah, I was on my way over there, but I got ambushed by your brother and his new friends." Hawkeye speaks of them bitterly.

"Sorry about that." Kasey shakes her head, "They're just trying to do their job."

Hawkeye sighs, "Anyway," he pulls out a device that has the location pinpointed where the Black Widow should be, "that's where she should be."

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