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LOCATION: the vault


That's how long it had been since the traitorous Black Widow put Kasey in The Vault, along with Clint. It was the most boring few months of her life. There was nothing to do.


S.H.I.E.L.D. did not allow her a television, a couch, not even a frikin book and she was just about to go insane. All she did all day was sit on her bed, thinking. She had only thought of one way out and that took her two weeks to discover. There were probably more that she missed, but her brother, Tony Stark aka Iron Man, built The Vault himself. No wonder it was almost impossible to escape.

She was hungry.

Kasey's usual day off from S.H.I.E.L.D. would consist of a bag Ranch Doritos, the couch, and binge watching Game of Thrones. And now, she had none of that. I swear, when I get my hands on Natasha, I'm gonna cut off that red hair of her's and shove it down her throat. The angry woman thought. Kasey was one to hold a grudge and if she ever got out, the Black Widow better watch out because she would come for her.

Just then, the lights in The Vault began to flicker. Kasey looks up from her bed in confusion. This is not good. She thought. Kasey had only planned for herself to escape and of course, she was going to break Clint out, as well. Kasey stands and watches as the laser bars holding her in her cell turn off, letting her free. Kasey waited until her inmates had gone ahead of her. Seeing as Iron Man put most of them in The Vault, if they found her there, then that would be bad.

For her.

All the supervillains, Crimson Dynamo aka Anton Vanko, Grim Reaper aka Eric Williams, Chemistro aka Curtis Carr, and Whiplash aka Leeann Foreman, all followed the Living Laser aka Arthur Parks, down to The Vault armory. Technovore and the Mandarin were already gone. It seems they didn't want to stick around to be caught again. Kasey spotted Clint. He was hiding in the shadows and watched as the Living Laser cut a hole in the door to the armory. "Come on in, boys." The Living Laser says, "Store's open."

The supervillains run inside, grabbing their weapons and gear. Kasey puts on her mask and grabs her swords and puts them on her back. She turns around to come face-to-face with a smirking Whiplash. "Hey, boys, look who it is."

Crimson Dynamo comes around the corner with his armor already on his body, "Stark." His Russian accent contributed to the venom in his voice.

"Yeah, that's me." Echo challenges them with her eyes.

Whiplash pulls out her whip and narrows her eyes at Echo, "Your brother put me in here. And since I don't see him, I'm going to take it out on you."

Whiplash swings the whip at Echo, who rolls and dodges it. Echo pulls out her swords and throws one at Whiplash, who swings her whip at it, making the sword hit the ground. Whiplash then swings the whip at Echo again and she bends back as it swings over her. Echo drop kicks her in the face and Whiplash falls on the ground with a grunt, only angering her more. As Whiplash tries to get up again, Living Laser stops her, "Leave her! We have to escape!" The Living Laser then runs out of the armory followed by Crimson Dynamo. Whiplash sends Echo an angry look, "This isn't over, Stark."

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