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LOCATION: manhattan

IT WAS WEEKS AFTER WHAT happened with Loki in Asgard, where Thor decided to stay.

Today, Kasey, Jan, and Tony were going to visit the Fantastic Four at the Baxter Building. Thing aka Benjamin Grimm and Human Torch aka Jonathan Storm had visited the mansion the same day for a poker game against Hawkeye, Hulk, Cap, and Panther.

Kasey wore regular clothes. She didn't really want to wear her Echo costume if she didn't have to. And she didn't want to this day, because she, Jan, and Susan Richards aka Invisible Woman were going to have a girl's day. Iron Man landed on the Baxter Building roof, holding Kasey in his arms with Jan flying beside him. When Jan sees Susan, she rushes into her arms with a happy smile, "Sue!"

"Hey, Jan!" Susan hugs her and then hugs Kasey, "Hey, Kase!"

Susan smiles at them both, "I'm sorry we keep missing each other. Got stuck in subterranean for a bit."

Jan cringes, "That's underground, right? Ew."

Iron Man's face mask lifts and Susan looks at him, "Hi, Tony. Reed's in his lab, he's expecting you."

"What?" Tony remarks in fake shock, "Mr. Fantastic is in his lab ignoring you?" He looks at Jan and the smiling Kasey, "Shocker. Why are you still hanging around with that guy? Well, you could be with me." He gestures to himself. Kasey groans and elbows Tony's Iron Man suit. Jan and Susan facepalm and then Tony tries to clear the awkward air, "Uh, you know, as the Invisible Woman joining the Avengers."

Susan looks at Jan and Kasey and holds out her hands for them. They grab her hands and Susan starts, "Tell Reed that Jan, Kasey, and I are having some girl time." She pauses and looks at Tony, "Assuming he notices your there."

Kasey and Jan walk away, side-by-side with Susan, but Kasey turns her head behind her and smirks at her embarrassed brother, who looked so let down.

•  •  •

"It's true!" Jan exclaims to Susan. She looks at Kasey, "Tell her Kasey! Thor lives in a magic kingdom with a rainbow bridge and I flew in a horse with wings!" Wasp swipes her Avengers ID card through the Prison 42 door and the three walk down through the portal. "There were elves and giants and a big, magic tree!"

Kasey laughs and shakes her head at Jan before glancing at the blonde next to her, "She's telling the truth, Sue. All of this happened."

They make a right and Jan becomes excited, "Oh! And Kasey fell in love with this beautiful and handsome elf named Faradei!"

"Okay, I didn't fall in love with him." Kasey corrects and then shrugs, "I just kissed him." She smirks proudly at Susan, "That's right, Sue. I kissed an elf."

"We're still tracking down the Masters of Evil," Jan continues, "but, otherwise, we pretty much saved the universe."

Susan sighs and looks at all the prisoners in Prison 42, "I'm impressed. The Fantastic Four put a few bad guys away in here, but we're mostly just out exploring whatever new things Reed's found. You Avengers though? You've been busy."

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