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LOCATION: hydro-base

KASEY FLEW THE QUINJET AND followed Thor to the Hydro-Base. She didn't know why they were going there. No one did. No one but Tony, and he was already there.

Walking inside with Cap and Wasp, Kasey began to feel uneasy. She hated that feeling. As they walk up, Tony stood a bit aways from them typing on a computer. They walk over to him, "What's the situation, Iron Man?" Cap asks.

Tony continues typing as he answers, "About 20 minutes ago, the energy sensors I installed in Hydro-Base's prisoner cell block went ballistic. They started picking up huge quantities of chronal energy all concentrated around one man."

Then, it dawned on Kasey and she sighed, "Kang."

Tony pulled out the security camera in Kang's cell. He simply sat there, still bound, but under chronal energy detection, it flashed positive. Wasp turns to Tony and Kasey, "Wait, I don't get it. Without his armor or his time chair, Kang shouldn't be able to do any kind of time travel shenanigans, right?" Kasey knits her eyes in confusion. Wasp had a point. Wasp lifts her hands in confusion, "So, what's happening?"

Tony looks back at the security camera, "Uh, something bad, I'm thinking."

Kasey looks at the camera and watches as Kang looks at Thor and Hawkeye, who stood in his cell, guarding him. Kang narrowed his eyes at Thor, "Are you worried, Asgardian?" Thor doesn't answer, "You should be." He looks at Hawkeye, who simply blows a bubble with the bubble gum in his mouth, "Because even chained here, stripped of my armor, I am still the conquerer and I will not rest until you are crushed beneath my boot."

Thor begins to swing his hammer and step towards Kang, "You wish to test my might, villain?! Then, come. Let us—"

Suddenly, time stops and Thor is frozen, as is Hawkeye, who was in the middle of blowing a bubble. From where they stood watching the security camera, Tony, Kasey, Cap, and Wasp were frozen, as well. Everyone was frozen. Everyone, but Kang. Kang gasps and looks around, but then a bright light suddenly appears and then three Kangs from alternate universes appear before him. The elderly Kang's mask comes off his face, revealing his face, "Hello, Kang."

"The Council of Kangs." Kang looks up at them, "Have you come to gloat? To mock my imprisonment at the hands of these primitives?"

"Is that not exactly what you would do, Kang?" The elder Kang asks and then lifts his hand, "We are you, after all. Simply from other timelines."

The female Kang continues, "You present the Council with a problem."

The child Kang moves towards Kang, "Your timeline has become... dangerous."

Kang's eyes widen, but then he calms himself and asks with hard eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"These Avengers." Elder Kang turns and walks towards Thor and looks at him, "We have seen them here in various timelines, only to be eliminated, but in your's, their power grows. In time left unchecked, these so called "heroes" could threaten all Kang's across all of time."

Kang narrows his eyes at Elder Kang, "They are nothing to me."

Elder Kang looks at him and steps away from Thor, "Of course not." He moves back over to the Child Kang and Female Kang, "You appear to have things well in hand."

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