Lugia Love {Lugia TFs}

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by ArrogantKitsune, Sep 19, 2017, 9:58:25 PM

Literature / Fan Fiction / Romance

Facing off against a genetic abomination intent on destroying the world, stopping the schemes of a madman who wished to control time, stopping a confrontation between several incredibly powerful legendary Pokémon, all of these were tasks Ash Ketchum had pulled off in the past, and despite that? He found his current task more daunting than them all!

He and Pikachu found themselves sitting on a poolside chair in the chlorine-scented main hall of the Cerulean City gym. Having just left the two boys to get some water from the fridge was their fiery redheaded friend Misty, and the object of Ash's most difficult mission yet.

He took a deep breath, hand idly stroking Pikachu's soft head for luck, and courage. I can do this, he thought, Pikachu nuzzling against his hand with some happy 'Chus!' Even as he thought it, hearing the door open signalling Misty's return, Ash found himself longing for some world-threatening crisis so he could deal with that rather than this task, partially at least. He really wanted to do this, but that didn't make the task any easier.

"You okay Ash? You look sick," Misty asked with a frown, setting a cold water down on the table beside Ash. "We have a free bed if you need to lay down?" She was so nice and caring, sometimes, that Ash's worries faded away, somewhat. He rose, Pikachu pouting as his pets ceased.

"Yeah, I'm fine Misty, thanks," he said, adjusting his hat nervously. Man, she's so pretty, he thought as he stared at her. Freckles dotted her pale face, the unfortunate girl never seeming to tan no matter how long she spent in the sun, while her eyes seagreen eyes burned with a fiery passion Ash recognized as the same kind that burned in his own soul. They were kindred spirits, and despite the long months they'd spent apart while he'd been exploring the world he always wished she'd come with him. So why was saying that kinda stuff so hard?

"Well, Misty, I just," Ash started, stumbling over his words awkwardly. Misty pouted, putting her hands on her hips, a familiar expression, possibly the first one he fell in love with.

"Well, if you're gonna be so silly then I've got something to say, Ash Ketchum!" she stated, arms now folded across her chest, "I don't want you going off on any more adventures without me! Because I love you, you-" she didn't get a chance to finish her insult, his lips pressing against hers to silence them, replying in kind. Phew, glad she said it! Ash thought happily. She acted first, hugging him close to her with her surprisingly strong arms before he had a chance to do it, their warm bodies close together as their eyes closed, sharing their first kiss.

It wasn't like Ash expected, but that didn't mean it was bad. He had expected the physical feeling to be so much more than it was, but to him it was somewhat underwhelming. The emotional part of the kiss, however, was overwhelming! He felt incredible, energized like never before! He felt like he could run a marathon, jump over the moon, or go toe-to-toe with a powerful Pokémon in a battle! Misty felt so warm, so real in his arms, it was like nothing else mattered but the two of them.

Though, his eyes did fly open when he felt something moving on her back. He gently pulled away.

"Hey mister, that's not very nice!" she growled, though still she smiled at him, until he started tugging her, trying to turn her around. He tugged her jacket off, seeing several bulges along Misty's back, on either side of her spine, underneath her shirt.

"Er, Misty? Do you know what these are?" Ash asked nervously, gently prodding one of the rather hard objects.

"What? No I...what are those?" Misty asked, anger turning to surprise as Ash prodded each of the strange things in turn. They seemed to be growing still, straining against Misty's shirt. Then, as one, they all tore through her shirt to reveal wide, blunt blue scales.

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