The perfect mate - Leafeon TF

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BatistaFan2003, Aug 18, 2011, 10:11:16 AM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

Rusty was traveling along Route 38 in Johto. "Ah, the Johto region. I love coming back here every once in awhile. And I bet all the new pokemon I caught from my travels in Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova will surely amaze the trainers here." he said to himself.

He reached for a pokeball on his belt and threw it up in the air, a red beam of light bursting outwards, revealing his most prized pokemon from Sinnoh - a leafeon. "Good afternoon, Leafy." Leafy sat on her hind quarters and smiled as Rusty petted her.
"I think we should set up came here. It's 5pm, and I'm hungry." Rusty said. He pitched his tent and grabbed a sandwich out of his backpack. He gave Leafy a bowl of pokemon food for her to chow on.

"Hey Leafy, what does that stuff taste like?" He asked. "Leafeon, leaf" she responded, holding up a small, round kibble for him to try. "For me? Thanks." He took the small piece of food and popped it in his mouth. He almost gagged, but reluctantly swallowed it. "Ugoogh...yeah, that is NOT delicious. I need some water to wash out the taste..." He grabbed his water bottle and began to try and wash away the unpleasant taste in his mouth the food had left.

"Well, I'll be going to bed now. It's kinda early to be sleeping, but I'm worn out from hiking all morning and afternoon. Leafy, you can sleep outside your pokeball as long as you don't go too far, ok?" Rusty said. "leaf! leafeon" she nodded. Rusty petted her head once more and then retired into his tent.


A few hours passed, and Leafeon began to go with her plan. She had been planning something for a few days and figured now was a great time to take action. She quietly entered Rusty's tent and sat down beside him. He was sleeping peacefully, perfect for Leafeon to start her grasswhistle. She hummed a calming, soothing song in her native tongue, and she placed her paws on top of Rusty's forehead. It would not wake him up though, because the song kept him asleep so the transformation could begin.
Rusty's hair slowly began to fall out, as tan fur grew on his body. It quickly covered his entire body, Leafeon giggled in excitement. But she had to remain focused and continue her song. His hands and feet morphed into brown paws, and a long, flat leaf-shaped tail grew out from his rear. He shrank down to a leafeon's size. His nose shortned and became black. His teeth were replaced with a leafeon's fangs, and leaves sprouted randomly throughout his body, a rather large one on his forehad. A few more small changes and he was now a leafeon. But it was not over yet. Leafy now used her magical song to change his mind. He soon forgot about his travels as a human, his family, everything about his old life vanished from his mind. Leafy then decided to input her own specific memories into him. She altered his mind so that when he awakens, he would think he is Leafy's mate.

Leafy ended the song and removed her paws from his forehead. She smiled in anticipation as Rusty began to wake up. Rusty walked over to Leafy and licked her face. "Enjoyed your nap dear?" She said. "I sure did." Rusty responded. They both nuzzled each other and kissed passionately. Leafy had finally turned Rusty in the mate she was looknig for. And Rusty was lucky to have such a beautiful mate.

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