Saving The Beauty Contest - Multi Pokemon TF TG

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by goldsnakes, Mar 7, 2017, 7:05:48 AM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

It was a really sunny day when a group of 8 users from DA from all around the world organized a meeting.

They found a very nice public park and they looked for a nice place for a picnic when they got approached by a very nervous middle-aged couple.

"Sorry, but we need your help!"
Exclaimed the man.

Being way too nervous for being a religious group of for asking for money, Kelly replied.

"What do you need?"

The mysterious woman explained.
"We are named George and Mildred and we were organizing a beauty competition for pokemon, but we have neither the contestants or the present. We really need that show to attract some people to this park, or that will be the last week it will remain open..."

Jason gasped.
"That's terrible, but we could give you a hand, right?"

Everybody nods and the man is known as George smiled.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you very much!"

Mildred observed the whole group and gestured to Kelly and Jack G.
"You can follow my husband, you will be great presenters."

She then gestured to Peter, Thornton, Adrian, Emiliano, Andrea and Jack.
"You can follow me."


George guided Kelly and Jason into a studio with two cabins and gives them two drinks.
"Drink these and enter into your cabins."

They noticed two images on the doors of those cabins, one with a Gallade and the other one with a Nidoqueen.
They shrugged and Kelly entered into the first and Jason into the second.


Kelly notice that looked an elegant cabin full of elegant man's clothes.
"Maybe that's the wrong room."

She said as she drank the potion.
As she did that, she felt a shock in her legs and her feet felt numb.
She tried to make a step, but she left her shoes behind, revealing two white, tight legs without visible feet.
Scared, she removed her clothes, just before she felt something swelling between her legs as a white disc grew around her pelvis and she realized to have just become a male.

"This can't be..."
She immediately recognized those legs and that image on the door couldn't be a coincidence, she was becoming a Gallade.
A pinkish spike burst out from her, now his, chest, that became completely flat and, around that place to his arms, his skin turned green and his forearms grew back and forward, becoming sharp like blades.
His face became completely white, and four spikes sprouted to the sides of his head.
His hair became harder, shorter and green and he felt them going between his eyes, removing his nose.
Then, a big green crest grew on his head, ending his transformation into a Gallade.
He was certainly shocked by his new look, and also worried about what could happen to Jason, in the next room, but he was enjoying himself.
He looked at the clothes and noticed an elegant smoking, he wore it and looked at himself in a mirror. He was fabulous.


Upon entering into his cabin, Jason noticed his, overall, very female look.
Other than that, he saw several dresses, all of them feminine and in incredibly large sizes.

"Something is wrong..."
He said while taking his drink.
As he took that drink, his belly was in pain.

He held and saw in horror as it became bigger and bigger until his shirt was too much to hold it and it got torn into a thousand pieces.
His skin was turning blue, with ivory ones on his belly.
His legs moved to the sides of his body and they became shorter, but also much more bulky and solid.
He didn't even look like a human as his spine pushes out, tearing his pants and growing into an incredibly heavy and tight tail.
Then, between his legs, he felt his male organs being sucked back into his body, making him a female.
Her chest swells out into two nice breasts and her arms became muscular and solid, with her hands merging into her arms and giving her only three claws each instead of her fingers.
Her ears moved to the top of her head and became big, round and very sensible.
Her human face got pushed out into a snout and a set of spines grew on her back.
Jason became a normal Nidoqueen and realized that those clothes are for her.

"Uh... That's... That's not so bad actually..."
She smiled and wore a shiny red dress.
Then, she chuckled on her own reflection.

"This is going to be so much fun!"


After a while, Kelly and Jason came out from their respective cabin with their new bodies and clothes.

They looked at each other and both smiled.

Jason: "You look very handsome."
Kelly: "Thank you, you look great too."

They chuckled and then they gasped when they saw a Mew right in front of them.
He smiled and spoke with George's voice.
"What did you expected? A human?"


Meanwhile, Mildred guided the six friends into a hallway leading to six cabins.

"Now, I ask you to go into a cabin and take those drinks."

They all agreed and entered each into another cabin and, shortly after, Mildred transformed back into her true shiny mew form.

"Oh, being a human is SO uncomfortable..."


Jack, in his cabin, noticed various clothes around the theme of sports.
Martials arts, tennis, basket and so on.

Curious, Jack took the drink and he felt a huge pressure on his chest.

Suddenly, a spike burst out from it, followed by two other spikes on his hands.

Then, around his chest, a coat of yellow fur grew and spread all around his torso.
Then, black fur grew around his hands and his legs and blue fur everywhere else, including his head.
His feet changes, forcing him on his toes and paw pads grew on them.

A big portion of blue fur grew more around his thighs, making them took like short pants and making his human clothes incredibly uncomfortable, so he removed them.
His hands changed and his fingers shortened, making them paws.

Then, he felt his hearing becoming more sensible as his ears moved to the top of his head and grew pointy and face pushed out into a pointy muzzle.
His hairs grew longer on his head and, in a moment, he was a complete Lucario.

But it wasn't all because soon he felt a giggle between his legs and his male organs changed, making him a female.
What normally could have scared her, it made her feel oddly comfortable.

She decided to wear what looked like a female basket uniform and looked ar herself into a mirror, enjoying herself.


Peter entered into his cabin and noticed a nice choice of nice black, gothic clothes.

"Why there are female clothes?"

He asked to himself as he drank everything he had on his hand and his skin started to getting softer and warmer.
Confused by this feeling, Peter removed his clothes and noticed snowy fur covering most of his body.

He was terrified, but when he started to touch it, he felt better, it was like petting a cat.
Speaking of cats, blue fur grew on his hands as his fingers shrank, becoming harder and they became cat paws.
The fur around his pelvis grew more, forming what looked like a skirt and, between his legs, the feeling covering his entire body got warmer.

Peter immediately realized that something was wrong, so he touched himself between his legs and he realized that he was now a female.
Her legs became blue too and they became shorter and her feet looked more paws too, by maintaining her upright position.
Then, a blue scarf of fur grew around her neck, her face got covered entirely with white fur and her hairs turned blue and got the shape of a small, soft pillow.

In the end, her ears moved to the top of her head and become long and white.
A psychic power generates from them and she was able to make some small objects to float.
She became a complete female Meowstic.

Suddenly, all those gothic clothes appeared prettier, so she chose her favorites and made them float directly on herself.
She looked in a mirror and became satisfied with the look of her reflection.


Thornton entered into his cabin and noticed a lot of dark and punk clothes... for a woman.
He thought to be into the wrong room or to have got a dumb joke, but he decided to simply shrug and take the drink.
Ad he did that, he felt something itchy on his belly.
Thornton decided to take off his shirt, witnessing a bunch of dark gray fur, and it was spreading on all his torso.
His legs changed, his feet grew red claws and changed their structure, forcing him on his toes and his muscles got stronger and feral.

Then, a longer bunch of black fur grew on his chest, along with some strange protuberances.
He touched them and they felt like a pair of woman's breasts.
What first was just a suspect, became a confirm when he felt something sucking back into his body.
Thornton became a female.

The dark fur spread along her arms and his nails grew, taking parts of her fingers and turning into red claws and she felt a giggle on her face.
Her head changed shape, pushing back her ears and pushing out her face into a foxy muzzle.
To end it all, her hairs grew incredibly, touching the ground and making her a complete Zoroark.

When she looked into a mirror, Thornton smiled. He always dreamed to be such majestic Zoroark and now she could to everything with her new body.
She chose to wear a cool stripped jacket and laughed, thinking of what kind of jokes she could make with her new illusion powers...


When Adrian entered into his cabin, he noticed all the sea themed furniture, fantasy clothes and a tank full of water.
That tank looked oddly attractive, and his legs felt very tired, so he decided to remove his clothes and immerse himself into that comfortable, warm water.
He was so relaxed that he didn't notice that he was pouring the drink into the tank.
In a very comfortable way, his legs became so relaxed to become numb.

"Ah, it feels so gooOOD MY VOICE!"

He coughed, trying to get his voice back, but his voice remained sweet, graceful and, most of all, female.

"I must get out of here."

He tried to get out of the tank, but he couldn't move his legs properly.
He looked at them and realized, in shock, that they merged together, forming what looked like the tail of a siren.
Not only that, but he also realized to have the reproductive organs of a woman.

"I am a female!"

She tried to push herself out, ending up to fall on the ground and hitting her face.


Her nose became small, round and pink and her face pushed out into the cute muzzle of a sea lion, slightly lifting up her head.
She tried to cover it with her hands, but when she raised them, she realized that her arms have been turned into fins.

Then, her hairs turned blue and grew significantly, making her a complete Primarina.

She started to cry, but when Adrian looked at herself into a mirror, she realized how cute she was.
She smiled and wore some aflutter and sparkling clothes, looking incredibly fabulous.


When Emiliano entered into his cabin, he immediately noticed a lot of hats, hats everywhere.
Most of them, female.

He was looking at them when he casually drank all of his bottles, and he felt incredibly warm, and tight in his pants.
He decided to remove them, and he soon realized that a punch of long orange fur was growing and pushing on them.
Shortly after, they looked like a very furry skirt, his legs became covered in black fur and his feet turned into paw pads and Emiliano was forced to walk on his toes.

He quickly realized that he was turning into a Braixen and, when he felt his male organs being sucked back, he realized that he became a female.
She felt able to move a longer spine and, by looking back, she realized to have also a very fluffy tail.
White fur grew on her chest and spread along her arms as her hands changed, becoming more similar to paws.

Then, the white fur spread on her cheeks, becoming long and soft and her ears grew and moved on the top of her head and got filled with red fluff.
Her face pushed out into a cute, foxy muzzle and her transformation into a Braixen ended.

She was shocked, something absurd just happened to her, but she was too cute for being sad.
Especially after she noticed a cute witch costume with a silly hat, with two holes for her big ears.
With that costume, she got also a very useful stick, she put on her tail, its right place.


Andrea entered into his cabin and remained shocked by all of the provocative clothes.

"I have not the body for those..."

He said as he took all of his drink.
Shortly after, his skin felt incredibly warm, like he would have a high fever, and his skin darkened.


His body became lighter and slimmer and his hands became more delicate... and feminine.
Shocked and fascinated at the same time about what was happening to him, the fingers of his feet became longer, looking similar to his hands and his thighs got stronger, forcing him into his toes.

Then, between his legs, the skin felt hotter that in every other place and his manly thing disappeared, giving him a proper womanhood.

Her skin was almost completely black and she managed to remove her old clothes just in time, before a set of red signs crawled on her torso, taking fire.

When the signs got on the end of her spine, they pushed it out into a long, lizard tail.

Her fire turned off, when she lost all of her hairs, pushing her face into a long snout and moving her eyes to the sides of her head and ending her transformation into an attractive Salazzle.

She looked at her reflection into a mirror, and smiled widely, she became one of her favorite pokemon after all.

"This is gonna be fun!"

She took from the wardrobe a sexy set of red bikini and a beach hat with some flowers and winked at the mirror.



Excited, Mildred admired all of the contestants coming out from their respective cabins.

A Lucario, a Meowstik, a Primarina, a Braixen, a Salazzle and... a Garbodor?

"What have you done to me?!"

Said Thornton, before laughing and dissolving her illusion.

Nobody else laughed for the joke, but they still smiled by realizing how much she was enjoying her new body.

Mildred guided them next to the stage when they saw Jason and Kelly into their present outfit.
The mew couple confirmed that the public was huge and, the two presenters walked on stage, full of energy, introducing the show and the first contestant.

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