Enter the Wild Sexy'mon: Goodra

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by Firingwall, Dec 3, 2016, 12:48:44 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

      Deep in the murky wetlands of Route 14 of the Kalos region, a young adult trainer was trudging his way through, slowly and carefully. He was in his mid-twenties, wearing standard trainer clothing you'd see in all the shops, and had messy brown hair that the misty atmosphere was doing no favors towards.

Gotta be around here somewhere, he thought, glancing around the area and carefully, trying not to make any big splash sounds. The young man was on the hunt for something big. A rare prize of Pokémon if there ever was one from this area.

He had heard rumors of wild Goodra, legendary slime dragon-type Pokémon, living out on the route over in Laverre City. He had initially blown them off, having been through the area several times and only seeing, at best, Goomys crawling along. While dragon-type themselves, they weren't exactly easy to raise or worth all that much trouble due to their initial limited abilities. However, some interesting photos had recently arisen that provided good evidence to make those rumors believable.

A Goodra though..., he thought, a big smile crossing his face, now that would be awesome! I don't have to waste any time training up a damn Goomy. Just skip straight to the final stage and join the big leagues!

However, after a few hours of searching the swampy and wooded terrain, his excitement turned sour. "Okay," he grumbled bitterly, "This is not going as I planned. Seeing plenty of other damn Pokémon around here, but no dang Goodras anywhere! What's a guy gotta do?"

He huffed and leaned against a tree. What to do now? He thought, maybe I should pack it in and head back... check when it's lighter out or somethin'.

However, the second he stood back up to leave, there was a weird noise. It was several yards behind the tree he was just against, but he could hear it distinctly. It sounded like footsteps. Squishy, wet footsteps.

He slowly glanced around the tree, only visible if someone looked directly at where he was head on. In the clearing, on the soft and only non-muddy soil in the entire area, was a large creature. It was at least a foot taller and wider than him, with gooey liquid dripping off of it. It had a large, thick tail and wiggly looking horns sticking out of his noggin.

Holy crap, the trainer thought, looking at the creature's dark silhouette, that's... that's it... that's the Goodra! I... I better prepare that Master Ball I won... at... what?"

The longer he stared at the Pokémon and the closer it got, the stranger it appeared to be. The shape of it was human-like and its face was similar, lacking a muzzle. It walked like a human, though with a bit of a wobble to it for very blatant reasons. It had massive, thick thighs and hips, with an enormous butt. On its chest was a set of breasts that were FF-cup at the bare minimum.

It had all the markings, the colors, and the slime of a Goodra to be sure. Yet, this was no normal Goodra. It could be best described as an anthropomorphic porn parody of the dragon Pokémon at the very least.

This ain't right, the trainer thought, just baffled by the sight before, this isn't... this isn't natural at all! The creature had a big smile on her face and her wide eyes looked vacant. She seemed almost oblivious to the world around her.

Then suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. Her eyes sparkled and looked forward, directly ahead. Directly at the tree the trainer was behind. Directly... at the trainer's barely visible head.

CRAP! The guy thought, ducking his head quickly behind the tree, it saw me! What should I do?! I'm not trained for something like...

"Goodra?" a cheery voice said. It was odd sounding, but had a distinct girl-ish tone to it that made it more human-like.

The guy took a deep breath and looked back. The anthro Goodra was waving at him happily now, its large breasts jiggling and green slime dripping off of them. She called out again, "Goo! Goodra! Goooooodraaa!"

The trainer suddenly felt... at ease, worries leaving his mind and body now. The voice had a strange... almost alluring and pleasant sound. It made him want to get closer, much closer to the creature than he was.

I... I shouldn't d-do this, he thought, I... I should prob-probably g-get away... away...

"Goodra!" the creature cried happily again. He glanced around and found that he was now only two feet away from the big Pokémon. He said in shock, "What... when... when did I walk..."

"Goodra," the Pokémon said simply, her smile remaining plastered on her face. With that, she spun around and knocked him flat on his back with her large behind and big tail.

"Ow!" he said, laying on the dirt and trying to sit up, "What did you do..." He was cut off yet again, but for different reasons. The Goodra anthro sat down right on top of him, her big butt and butt cheeks covering his face completely.

He was about to start panicking, afraid that he was going to be smothered by the large, gooey dragon, but he something odd occurred to him. Despite the massive bulk from the creature's curvaceous assets, she did not feel heavy at all. In fact... her big rear end felt oddly pleasant and nice on his face. It was like having a soft, squishy, and very warm pillow resting on top of it.

He began to relax, laying there silently and stilly on the ground. This..., he thought, this isn't so bad... it's... rather nice and comfortable. I'm not even suffocating or anything! This thing... this Goodra... is wonderful! I should definitely add her to my team!

Everything felt just right, even if he could feel some of the anthro Goodra's sticky slime getting all over his face. It was just perfect to him.

Then all of a sudden, the anthro stood up and walked over to the side. The guy blinked a few times as reality hit him and he remembered what was going on. He glanced over at the anthro, who was now smirking a bit.

"What just happened?" he asked himself, using one of his hands to wipe the slime away from his face. Curiously, the goo was dark purple, like the creature's belly and breasts.

"Oh... just having some fun is all," a voice, a familiar one at that, replied. The guy did a double take and looked back at the Goodra, still smiling away.

"Did... did you just speak?!" he asked incredulously.

"Goo-dra?" it replied innocently, like she didn't understand what he said.

"Well," he said, trying to get up, "I'm just gonna... what?!" He looked down at himself and fell back onto his butt. His clothing was dissolving into nothingness rapidly. The purple goo substance was melting away his clothing fabric and the backpack he had on, leaving him completely naked.

Ashamed and embarrassed, he went to cover his crotch with his hands so the Goodra anthro didn't see his private parts. The second he did that though, his face turned even redder than before. His crotch area... was completely smooth and flat. There was nothing there.

"What the hell?!" he said, looking down at the spot in horror. Even more shocking, the area was completely smooth with no hole or anything, just glistening mauve skin. Purple skin that was stretching from his loins and up the front of his torso.

"What... what is this?!" he gasped. The Goodra let out what sounded like a giggle, but said nothing else. She just stared joyfully at him, now looking directly at his face.

He didn't know why she did, but he would understand if he could see his face. His lower jaw, nose and up where his ears were... his skin had turned just as mauve as his lower region. His hair and eyebrows liquefied as the rest of his head turned to a light lavender color. Two bright green dots appeared on both sides of his head, his ears also disappearing into his skull and leaving behind two small holes to hear things.

His eyes turned to a bright emerald, sparkling just as much as the anthro Goodra, and his eyelashes grew far longer looking. His nose shrank in size and his face reshaped a bit, having a much more distinct, female look to it. Lastly, two sets of antennas grew out of his skull. The two on the front were very short, while the two in the back were very long and curly, both sets very gooey and slimy.

"What are you lookin..." he started, but he clamped his mouth shut. His voice sounded higher pitch and feminine, almost like the Goodra's own.

However, he did not linger on that thought for too long. The moment he clamped his mouth shut with his hand, there was gooey SMACK sound to it. He pulled his hand back and saw it was smothered with light lavender goo. The sticky substance proceeded to cover his entire hand, wrapping around and merging fingers together, leaving with three long, thick fingers instead.

Foolishly, he tried to wipe it off with his other hand. That went as well as expected, with him now sporting another gooey three-fingered hand, identical to that of the Goodra beside him. "What did you do to me?!"

The anthro still didn't answer, just watching happily. The light lavender gooey skin crawled up both of his arms, slimming down their muscle mass and removing any body hair they came across along the way. The mauve skin finally covered the majority of his front and reached his neck, his areolas widening and his nipples turning dark purple.

As all of this was happening, the trainer started breathing deeper. A strong sense of warmth was running through his body and his brain was getting fuzzy. Need to st-stop th-this, he thought, ca-can't... can't... can't be like this... why... why not though?

It was getting harder to think, another voice swirling around in his head with own. It seemed much more accepting and comfortable with what was happening. I can't be gooey... what's wrong with gooey? I am a human and I catch Pokémon... but what fun is it being a boring human?

His entire back turned to the same gooey lavender shade like his other body parts as the color changes finally reached the last part of his body: his legs and feet. His legs thinned up as the slimy skin glaze covered them up. When the goo reached his feet, it coated them completely, leaving no trace of his toes as all.

With that, he now had the skin and head of the anthro Goodra before him. The Goodra looked incredibly pleased with itself and picked him up, setting him on his feet. She then proceeded to give him a big hug, shoving his head into her massive cleavage and rubbing her breasts between it.

"What...," he said, "What is happening..." Even though it sounded like plain old English to him in his mind, the actual words now emerging from his mouth were more of "Goodra", "Goo", "dra", and "Gooooo-dra?".

Need to stop this..., he thought, maybe... maybe I shouldn't. Can't... can give in. I'm human... Right? I'm not a Goodra... right?

His mind was a complete blur at the moment and everything felt out of focused. All he knew was that he was resting in the arms and cleavage of his fellow sister... the Goodra right now. Nothing... nothing else really mattered.

I'm not... I'm not a Goodra... I'm not a... oooohhh~ His train of thought was thrown off completely by a wonderful sensation. His long curly antennas were squeezing and massaging his rear end, making it feel all tingly and pleasant.

They eventually stopped after a minute of massaging, retracting back up to his head. The moment they did though, his ass started ballooning up quickly. His ass cheeks grew and grew and grew until they were as big as beach balls and just as light. His hips and thighs expanded as well to match her new girth, really giving her a very pear shape body.

What was I thinking about again? She thought, now nuzzling her head in the Goodra's breasts, it was... it was important I think...

A huge, equally thick tail blasted out right around her rear. It was very wide at the base, but became slimmer as it got to the end, curling up like a spiral. Two sets of three bright green spots appeared along the sides of the tail as well as it wiggled slightly.

Before the former trainer could think about what happened, the Goodra started hugging her tighter. The anthro had wrapped its arms around the new anthro's waist and was squeezing hard. After a few moments of hugging though, she loosened her grip and stopped. The former male now had a much smaller waistline, making her bottom half look even larger than it already was.

The former trainer started lifting her head out of the Pokémon's massive cleavage slowly and wearily. She looked very confused and baffled, like she didn't know where she was at all. She was slowly growing too, her legs and torso getting longer until she was as tall as the Pokémon that was hugging her.

The trainer looked into the Goodra's emerald eyes and the Goodra did the same as well. There was a glassy, foggy eye look in the trainer's and her mouth was hung open carelessly, like was trying to think of something to say but couldn't. It was like that for a few moments when there was a soft, plop noise.

Two small globs were growing on the trainer's chest, around her nipples and areolas and pushing them out. They weren't much at first, but slowly, they grew bigger and bigger as the seconds ticked away. The globs soon became A-cups, slightly touching her companion's large mounds too.

The second her small breasts pushed against the anthro's large ones, some of the glossiness in her eyes disappeared and her mouth started to close. A sense of joy, excitement, and happiness burst within her; bringing her to life in some sense. Her breasts responded by increasing some more until they hit C-Cup, now rubbing against other's FF-cups.

A soft giggle echoed out of her open mouth and her eyes brightened even more. Her breasts swelled to DD-cups, pushing and rubbing up against the other set of tits hard. They both shivered slightly and giggled together, the former human's mouth starting to form into a smile.

Her breasts inflated even more and a big, dopey grin formed on her face, almost ear hole to ear hole it seemed like. Her breasts expanded rapidly from DD to EE and finally to the queen Goodra size of FF. Their breasts were now on equal standing and mashed together similarly, giving them both pleasant and pleasurable shivers.

The new anthro Goodra's eyes were completely bright now and she cheerfully said, "You are such a good hugger sis!"

"Thanks!" the old Goodra replied with a delightful giggle, "I try my best! I can't wait to try it on the right male trainer and make him mine!"

"Me too!" nuGoodra nodded, "But we should make some new Goodras for our tribe first. If we eventually find our ideal trainer that we wanna smother in our boobs and butts, we should make sure there's more sisters at home to replace us."

"Don't worry sis!" Goodra giggled, patting her on the head, "I'm already way ahead of ya! If I any trainer tries to find us and they don't match what we want, they are as good as Goodra-ified!"

"Yay!" her "sister" cheered. She then slyly smiled and asked, "Can I practice my pillow butt technique on you? Please? I wanna make sure its super good when I find the right hunky trainer I want to use it on!"

"Of course!" Goodra grinned, laying down, "Go for it!" nuGoodra giggled happily and placed her big rear on her fellow tribe sister's face. She needed to make sure her butt and boobs were up to snuff. She wanted to be the best Sexy'mon she could after all.


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