Break In

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by Firework154, Nov 23, 2011, 5:24:30 PM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Snorlax TF Request

There he was once again, riding on that familiar red and black striped bike of his. Koy was a very odd boy who had a need to do mischief antics that he couldn't control. Ever since he was young, Koy has always been an odd ball. The worst part about is that nobody would even bother to stop him for a very certain reason.

If one were to try and stop his strange behavior, he would play the classic game of revenge on them by doing even crazier acts. Koy is known to play Frisbee with a lunch tray, use a locker as a punching bag, even cussing at the teacher for no reason. And this is all just at school. He got some popularity for it, but even that couldn't hold him down from doing stunts.

Today, Koy was on another revenge plot on a person who lived in his town. A professor in which nobody knew his name bumped into him on accident at a fast food place, causing him to spill his pop onto his new jeans. The professor apologized, but Koy was too fed up at the time to even care about his words. He was highly bent on revenge, and he knew how to do it as well.

"I'm going to cause a little hell to his lab." Koy said out loud, explaining his plan to himself.

The professor's lab was farther away from the town, but luckily it was near Koy's house. He knew he just had to go a bit further until he arrived at his destination. For easily breaking into his lab, Koy had brought a large crow bar from his garage to pry open the door. Seeing the familiar white roofed building, Koy had arrived at the lab.

He rode his bike off to the side of the road and hid it behind a large and thick bush. Another thing about Koy is that despite his strange antics, he knew what he was doing in situations such as these. Walking closer to the house, he was relieved to see that his car wasn't there. Koy proceeded towards the door carefully, pulling out the crow bar as he moved.

Koy made it to the door, quickly inspecting it to find a point of access to put the crow bar through. He noticed that the space between the frame and door was the perfect size to fit the bar into. Pushing the end of it in, Koy proceeded to pulling back on it as hard as he could. He began to pour in sweat as his efforts increased.

"Come on you bastard." He grunted.

Finally with a large snap, Koy was knocked backwards slightly for the door was now opened. He threw the crow bar into a bush so he could get it on the way out. Walking through the door, Koy instantly saw that he had another problem blocking his way. A very small room with only a solid steel door with a digital number lock towered over Koy.

"Dammit." Koy said, slightly angered.

Glaring down at the keypad, Koy tried to think on how he would get through the door. In boredom, he jammed a few numbers in on the keypad and pressed enter. A green light flickered above the door, followed by the sound of the locking mechanism moving. Against all odds possible, Koy somehow managed to put in the correct combination of numbers in one try. Grinning, Koy watched as the door opened into the main lab.

"Now let's cause some hell." Koy snickered, running inside the lab.

As he walked through the lab, he saw that there was some interesting things all over the place. A large iron barred cage loomed over most of the lab, the top of the cage touching the ceiling. Koy thought he should lock valuable items in it, but his interest was wandering once again and he got distracted from his mission.

Koy noticed a desk covered in a mess of papers. Moving towards it, he inspected what the papers read. On many of them, there was a sketch of some sort of fat creature. It was intriguing, but it was a quick bore to Koy as he continued moving.

"Alright, I gotta stop getting side tracked like this." Koy said to himself, walking into what seemed like a kitchen. "Yet again, I am hungry and if I stole some of his food, it would be a good way to get back at him."

However, taking another look at the kitchen, he saw glorious sights. There was amazing looking food everywhere. Fresh cooked hams on one counter, mashed potatoes on another. It was as if everything food related was laid out in front of him. Koy's mouth was spilling water faster than Niagara Falls on the sight of the feast.

"Oh man, where do I start?" Koy said, making his way through the maze of food.

As he looked at the food, he saw that there was a note on everything that said "Do not eat". Koy took it as some sort of Thanksgiving feast that the professor was having but he was far from that. Little did Koy know that all the food was being experimented on with a new type of DNA. Koy was going to learn the hard way.

Stopping, his eyes beamed down one of the hams. Koy was kinda surprised that all the food was still warm as if it just came out of the oven. His hunger ignored the fact though, as he took a chunk of the ham off and stuffed it in his mouth. What Koy tasted was something that seemed out of this world. It was the most delicious thing that he had ever feasted on.

Koy suddenly began to devour more of the ham, enjoying every single piece of it that was there. As he consumed more of it, he was totally oblivious to what was beginning to happen. Little did he realize that his torso was starting to slowly grow as he ate, his belly starting to come through his shirt. By the time he had finished the entire ham, Koy had gained 50 pounds.

Koy's taste buds were red hot. He didn't even notice his belly. All he cared about was eating more of the delicious food. Finding another ham, Koy began to feast on it. As he continued to eat, his belly grew even larger, his shirt now way too small for him. Koy's legs also began to shift as well. His pants were being exposed to stress as his thighs and hips grew.

He still felt very hungry as if he hadn't eaten anything. Waddling slightly, he found yet another, slightly larger ham and began to consume it. By now, his shirt was beginning to rip from his expanding belly. Koy weighed over 400 pounds at this point, coming from a lanky 120. The button on his pants gave way, his large belly now shifting forward. As he ate the last bit of the ham, Koy's skull also grew slightly wider than before, his ears also growing.

Letting out a large belch, Koy looked around for more food to eat. He had already eaten all of the hams, but there was still plenty more to eat. Now fully waddling, Koy picked up the bowl of mashed potatoes and literally drank it as if it were water. His belly grew slightly and his skull and ears grew more. Koy's eyes were starting to become wider and narrower as well but he didn't even care.

Koy's shirt finally tore off to reveal his very fat body. However, his skin wasn't human looking at all. His back and arms was starting to turn blue and his front torso was turning more cream colored, as well as the front of his face being cream while the sides were blue. Finding a plate full of ribs, he began to feast on them.

While eating, his skin was now fully changed. His back, arms, and side and back of his skull were deep blue while the rest was cream. Koy's skull widened yet again, this time making his eyes nearly covered by his eyelids, leaving only two narrow lines in their place. His jaw also widened with his skull. Two of his bottom teeth had grown sharper and had made their way out of Koy's mouth. His ears were also now fully grown and at the top of his head, making all of his hair fall out.

Still eating the ribs, nearly everything on Koy grew, the only thing doing the opposite being his legs as they began to shrink. His jeans had ripped off of him, allowing more of his belly weight to bulge. The bones in his legs grew shorter but wider, his height being countered by his spine. Koy was resorted to sitting on his enormous rear due to his legs being fully shrunk.

Koy, now 800 pounds, still felt very hungry. He managed to shuffle over towards a plate of very large steaks. Once again, he began to eat them. While his torso continued to grow, his arms and feet were next on the list of things to change. His arms grew shorter but wider, his hands being taken into his body leaving only the ends of his fingers. They all turned grey and sharpened, for they were now claws.

His feet began to change now. Both of them widened and grew rounder, his toes shrinking and merging into three. While a brown oval formed on the bottom of his feet, his toes turned grey and grew a good amount, turning into claws just like his hands. Koy's transformation was nearly complete; all that was needed now was a little more expansion.

Suddenly, Koy's hunger peaked due to the new mindset of the creature he was becoming kicking in. He began to go on a rampage of eating everything in sight. His weight now peaked a little over a half ton, his very strong bones were easily able to support his weight. As he licked his claws clean of sauce, Koy suddenly began to feel very tired.

The newly made creature in the middle of the kitchen let out a loud yawn, and proceeded to fall into a food coma. Koy fell backwards onto a counter, smashing it in the process as he fell asleep, a grin on his food covered face forming.

Koy, now a complete Snorlax, snored as pleasant dreams came to him. The professor had a very "large" surprise waiting for him when he returned.

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