The Tree of Ambiguity

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by Guytales, Feb 7, 2014, 11:29:42 AM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

The Tree of Ambiguity
A Pokémon TF Story by spyroguy
Requested by TheSmeargleMaster

Elliot was a young Trainer and resident of Ecruteak City in the beautiful Johto region. He loved the forest, and would often sneak onto the path between the city and Bell Tower just to frolic in the forest. He knew that path inside and out, and never got lost along it. Unfortunately, he would enjoy himself so loudly that he would inevitably get caught by a Sage and thrown back into the city.

"I've told you a thousand times, this path is off limits to Trainers!" shouted his most recent captor. "Only Sages, holders of the Rainbow Wing, and wild Pokémon are allowed into Clapper Forest!"

Very few people outside of Ecruteak knew the name of the forest which surrounded the path to the tower. Even fewer had ever seen it. Elliot was lucky he was so stealthy; It was the only place in all of Johto where the trees were always orange and leaves fell year-round. The forest was also said to contain many secrets, but again, nobody, not even the Sages, had ever dared to venture off the path. Elliot longed to be the first great explorer of Clapper Forest, but unfortunately, he had no idea how to acquire a Rainbow Wing. As far as he knew, only one Trainer had ever found one. His name was Albert, and he hadn't been seen in years. Some say he left Johto for another region. Others said he had gotten lost in Clapper Forest. But nobody knew for sure.

Lack of multicolor feathers aside, Elliot was absolutely determined to venture into the depths of Clapper Forest, and he knew the perfect way to do it. So, late that night, he packed his Trainer Bag with medicine, Dusk Balls, and Escape Ropes, gathered his team, and snuck past the Sages once again. He looked at the imposing wall of trees in front of him. He took a deep breath.

Well, this is it," he sighed to himself. "Today, I make history."

And with that, he squeezed through the trees and vanished into the forest.


Elliot ventured deeper and deeper into the darkened woods, occasionally coming across a wild Pokémon and catching it. They were nothing special, just your normal Bellsprouts and Paras, but nevertheless, Elliot pressed on, hoping to find something remarkable.

Soon, he came across a clearing. In the center was a pine tree, the only green tree in a sea of orange leaves. It was much bigger than the others, and it seemed to give off a faint light. Curious, Elliot edged closer to the plant, staring with wonder.

"It's just a normal pine tree," he whispered, "but it's just so out of place here... There has to be something special about it. Maybe it's a Legendary in disguise!"

He was right up against the tree now, almost touching it. He tentatively reached out with his index finger and lightly tapped one of its needles.

Instantly, he felt a prick as the sharp needle pierced his skin.

"Ouch!" he exclaimed as he drew his hand back. "Why'd that happen? I thought only spruce needles were sharp!"

He examined the teensy wound on his finger. It didn't appear to be that bad... In fact, it wasn't even bleeding. The only strange thing about it was the single, bark-colored hair that grew out of it.

"Huh," said Elliot as he examined the growth. "Must be a rogue. It'll come off easily if I just..."

He pinched the tiny hair and pulled. Surprisingly, it held fast. No matter how hard he tugged, the hair would not detach. Exasperated, he glared at his finger, only to find that there were now loads of tiny hairs spreading all over his hand. They formed a thick covering, almost like...

"Fur?" exclaimed Elliot in shock. "Am I growing... fur?"

fur continued to spread all down his arm and to his torso. Oddly enough, the fur on his front side was a much lighter shade of brown. Soon, his entire body, including his face, was covered in the fluffy stuff.

"I must be having an allergic reaction to something," he muttered. "Yeah, that's it. A quick shave, and this'll all be gone-- Ouch!"

His fingers began to ache. He stared at them as they merged together, his hand reshaping into a tiny paw. He felt his feet changing as well. He looked down and saw that his legs had become digitigrade, and his toes had been replaced with two long, silver claws.

"What's going on?" he shouted, panicking. "What is this?"

Soon, the world around him started to grow... No, he was shrinking! Smaller... smaller... Soon, he was no bigger than a Sentret. He felt his face beginning to change...

His nose became tiny and pink, and he grew adorable little whiskers. A large, white bucktooth grew from his upper jaw, no doubt meant for cracking nuts. His eyes became black and beady, and he felt something beginning to grow on his head and back... Something hard.

He reached up and felt a spiny, hat-like object sprouting from the top of his head. It was bright green, the color of grass. The object continued down his back, hard and sturdy like armor, eventually ending in a red-tipped tail.

"Am I... " stammered Elliot, "Am I a-a Chespin? Wh-why am I a Chespin? And..."

He rubbed his tummy and felt a vertical row of tiny bumps straight down the middle.

"I'm a girl!? That can't be right..."

To test it, he jumped in the air and did a split. Sure enough, the landing hurt like the Distortion World.

"No, no, I'm definitely a boy... But, then again..."

He felt the bumps on his belly again.

"That's definitely for girls only... Then... What am I? Both?"

"Yes, little one..."

"Wh-who's there?" Elliot exclaimed as he looked around the clearing. Soon, he found the source; a lone Leavanny stood in a beam of moonlight. It gazed at him with love in its eyes... A paternal kind of love...

"What do you want with me?!" Elliot yelled. "Did you do this to me?"

"No..." crooned the mother insect softly. "It was the tree... It turned me into this when I first ventured into the forest..."

"Oh?" said Elliot, now interested in this newcomer. "Someone else came here first? What is your name?"

"Sometimes it's Albert," chirped the Leavanny, "Other times, it's Alice. I am whatever gender I choose, for I am biologically both... And so are you. That is the power of the tree."

"Huh..." mused Elliot, "What a strange ability for a tree to have. Anyway, how do I get out of here? I need to get home!"

"This is your home now," sang Alice as she picked him up. "As it always has been. You've known it all your life. Why do you think you keep coming back, risking punishment at the hands of the Sages? You belong in these woods, wild and free, this tree has granted you that ability."

"Wow..." said Elliot in wonder, "You're... absolutely spot-on. I can spend my life here, in my favorite place in the world, and the Sages can't throw me out! This is the greatest day of my life!"

"Come, little one," said Albert, "You have much to see."

And on that note, he and Elliot left the clearing and joined their fellow Pokémon in the forest, never once looking back. At times, Elliot missed his family, but he knew he could never, ever go back. The forest was his true home, just as Alice had told him.

And so, Elliot the Trainer vanished, just like Albert had before him, and the mystery of Clapper Forest lived on. Maybe one day, another brave soul will stumble upon the lone pine tree...

...And discover who they truly are.  

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