WrestleChange (Aggron and Tyranitar TF WG MC)

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by deathbustereudial103, Jun 6, 2015, 7:27:49 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

"C'mon James, it's not like there will be any possible transformation attempts at a wrestling match or anything like that!" I said, trying to reassure him after the whole "costume shop" debacle. It had been a year since then, and he was back in Richmond for yet another vacation. This time, though, he was a little more cautious about where we went lest we get transformed yet again.

James sighed.

"Yeah, I guess. But still, who'd give away two pre-match backstage passes for free in a cereal box?"

"Someone with a weird sense of advertising?" I volunteered. James laughed at that one as we entered the wrestling arena building. It was big enough to hold a few hundred thousand people... the ring, that is. I'd never seen such a large ring before, and I was pretty sure that James had never seen one like that either from the way he was gawking. There were a few people working in the arena: cleaning it, putting some substance on it, or something like that. One well-dressed man came up to the two of us.

"Hey hey hey! Did you two come for the pre-match backstage event?" he asked us. We held up our tickets, and he took them out of our hands. After he examined them for a while, he gave them back to us, a big smile on his face. He then gave us both drinks, which we drank since we were thirsty.

"Excellent! Now then, come with me!"

With that, he motioned us towards the middle of the ring, and we followed him. Once we made it there, we were separated and taken to opposite sides of the ring. I was taken to the left side, and James was taken to the right side. All the while, the manager was talking in my ears about how the ring showcased only the best heavyweight wrestling. I humored him for as long as I could, until my hands started to really hurt.

"Hey, what's going on with my hands?" I asked, looking down at them. Imagine my surprise then when I saw my hands were getting all green and scaly. I looked in dumbfounded astonishment as my hands turned into two bulky, three-fingered appendages that shrank back into my rapidly bulking up arms. I looked across at James, who was going through a similar situation, only he looked like he was somewhat bulkier. I tried to move, but found myself stuck in place as if weighed down by something. I looked down to see that my legs and feet had turned bulky, hindering me from moving until my transformation was complete. I could only wait until my body grew taller and bulked up, giving me a bit of a gut as I felt my clothes rip off due to the bulk. James was going through the same thing, only he was turning black with an even bigger gut to rival mine. Soon, the scales that had been steadily covering my entire body went and covered my face as it obligingly stretched out to become a lizardlike muzzle. Finally, a large tail came out of my rear end, signifying my change into a Tyranitar. I looked over at James, only to see him, now a full Aggron, staring slackjawed under a trance.

My attention was suddenly drawn down to the manager, who began swinging a pendulum in front of my face. I tried to look away, but found myself unable to avert my gaze from the pendulum's swinging arc.

"Just relax, my large friend, and everything will soon become very clear. Now, you are getting sleeeeepppyyyyy..."


"You are so sleeeeppppyyyyy, that you are about to fall into a trance. Now then, when I count to three, you will fall into the deep trance. 1, 2, 3."

At 3, I stood slackjawed in a trance, drool rolling out of my mouth.

"Now, my large friend, go to the dressing room and get dressed in the uniform you will find there."

I obediently walked into the large dressing room and put a spandex suit on. It was all black with a hole for the tail. After I'd put it on, I walked back into the ring next to James, who was dressed in a similar outfit to mine.

"Now then, what is your intelligence level, my green friend?"

"100, average." I replied.

"Nice. Now then, a wrestler like you needs an intelligence of, oh, 40. Now then, your intelligence will drop to that level."

I smiled dumbly as my brain lost all my smarts, sending me to dumbville. The manager smiled as he saw my dumb-looking expression.

"Good. Now then, do you remember who you are?"

"I remember."

"Forget them, and your name too."

My mind became a blank slate as everything about me faded into the black. Drooling, I sat like a lump on a log. Beside me, James was also drooling as his intelligence had already been reduced and his mind wiped.

"Do you remember?"

"No, I forget."

"Good. Now, your name is Metal Gojira. It has always been Metal Gojira. You are a wrestler with my company. This guy beside you is your partner, Metal Ramm. You and Metal Ramm form the Metal Wrestlers group of wrestlers. Nod if you understand."

I nodded, realizing that that was indeed the truth.

"Now then, you are the showman of the team, Metal Gojira. You love being arrogant and cheating. You are perfectly comfortable with using the dirtiest of tactics, including cheap shots, bodily functions, and excessive taunting. You love the spotlight and hog it from Metal Ramm, yet you and he are best friends. Nod if you understand."

I nodded, smirking a little as dirty tricks entered my brain.

"Now then, Metal Gojira, you and Metal Ramm are... sorta polar opposites. However, you view him as a friendly rival and vice versa. You both go out for ice cream after every match and spar to better yourselves. Do you understand?"

I nodded, and my rival nodded as well.

"Good. Now both of you will come out of the trance when I snap my fingers. You will not remember being in the trance, but you will remember everything I have told you to be the truth. Now awaken."

With that he snapped his fingers. I awoke, nudging my partner/rival Metal Ramm out of his sleep.

"Yo, we need to get up. Da match is about to start!"

Metal Ramm got up, grumbling, and we went back into da dressin' room to wait. Soon da match was gonna start, and we were gonna win, no matter what!

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