Lt. Surge and Sabrina's Raichu TF

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by FexMangaka, Jun 11, 2017, 5:08:54 AM

Literature / Fan Fiction / Fantasy

Sabrina + Surge Raichus

Another peaceful day in the region of Kanto. The sky was clear, the waters calm. No malicious thugs threatened those in the city streets and all was well. Except for the flickering lights and a few blown lightbulbs that was happening across the land.

The power plant received multiple complaints over the coming hours. Reports of power surges, flickering lights and fluctuating power levels came in within the hour and the complaints came along with it. The workers at the plant didn't understand what was going on. They attempted to trace back the source to somewhere in the complex and found that the source of these fluctuations were in the basement. The basement that was occasionally prone to Pokemon infestations and home to machinery that was usually left untouched. Whatever was doing this was pretty powerful.

They called in backup.

They gave the Gym Leaders of Saffron and Vermillion City a call, contacting them due to their proximity, their battle prowess and in the case of Lt. Surge, their expertise. The two of them accepted and begin to travel on their way up there, meeting at Lavender Town, with the two of them looking at each other in disdain.

"...Oh. It's you." The gruff lieutenant said as he strolled up to Sabrina, raising an eyebrow.

She on the other hand had her arms folded, a bored expression upon her face. "I knew you were coming. You took your time."

"Oh, get off the grass with that shit. I don't need your psychic dribble." Surge spat to the side, onto the ground of the town. "What are you doing here?"

"Going to the Power Plant, same as you." She held her cellphone loosely in her hand, showing it off to him. "I got a call for help due to being close."

He scoffed, peering at her over his sunglasses. "Yeah, like Psychic types are gonna help. I'm the electrical expert here. They saved me-"

"In the war, yadda yadda yadda, it's all you ever go on about." She waved her hand in the air, making circular motions with her wrist as she breathed deeply, her chest puffing up and letting out a sigh. "Listen, we got a job to do and we both got called. Let's just go together and pretend this never happened, alright?"

The rough and tough veteran grumbled a little bit internally before dismissing it, getting over himself. "Alright, fine. I'll show you up when we get there anyways."

"Finally." Sabrina said exasperated. "Let's get out of here. This place gives me the creeps."

Surge walked past her, his hands behind his head as he headed north towards the gates of the town... all while Sabrina watched him go on, smiling evilly all the while.


They walked together up the route towards the Power Plant, tucked away at the edge of the land. The two tried to make small talk, talking about the general things in their lives, their cities, world events... but the contempt and rivalry for one another was too apparent between them and eventually they stayed silent. The main center for the Power Plant was coming up, large and towering as they walked into those front doors.

The center was rife with activity. Engineers, electricians and scientists were running around with their Pokemon in a panic, the buzz of machines and a few distant sirens could be heard quietly. It seemed to be organised chaos, with only a few people attempting to marshal others to do activities.

The two Gym Leaders strolled in, witnessing the frantic activity inside as people pushed past them, not seeming to realise who they were. It was only until one person had slowed down enough to stop and stare at their clothes and faces that they noticed their presence.

"Oh! You came!" The electrician turned away from them, yelling into the chaos. "EVERYONE! SURGE AND SABRINA ARE HERE!!"

The whole power plant went silent for a moment before murmurs and chatting broke out once more, with those free coming up to shake their hands and thank them for coming, expressing how much of a nightmare this had all been, to which they just weakly smiled and said it was fine, it was alright. They were led deeper into the main room of the plant, one of the marshals before now waiting patiently for them. As they arrived in front of him the middle aged man extended his hand in greeting, shaking both of their hands as the crowd behind them dispersed. "Thank you for coming. Surge. Sabrina. I'm the lead project manager here and I've been collecting the data in regards to this issue we have." He gestured with his finger, beckoning them. "Follow me, please."

Without a word they followed him, heading down a corridor on the western side of the complex, walking down hallways full of flickering lights, the signs on the walls giving directions to various rooms but one thing was common across them all; they were heading towards the basement.

Eventually he stopped at a door, rubbing his hands together as he began to open the heavy, metal door for the two, swinging it aside and glancing down the steps heading down underground. "Alright. This is where you need to go."

Surge raised an eyebrow, glancing down the stairs and putting his sunglasses up on his forehead. "The basement?"

"Correct. We pinpointed the surges to be centered on the generators down here, which are usually left alone. Company procedure usually has them monitored remotely and maintenanced every week or so... but since today they've been going haywire."

Surge crossed his arms, rolling his shoulders backwards. "Alright, so what's going on then? Why ya calling me all the way from Vermillion?"

Sabrina brushed her hair out of her face, raising an eyebrow. "And me? I have no experience with electricity."

"Ah, right. We believe that the issue lies with a Pokemon infestation. Electric Pokemon are attracted to the plant and while we were able to flush out most of the wild Pokemon when we repurposed the old plant, some remained. Some occasionally get in, so whatever we feel is down there must be... really strong." He cleared his throat. "None of us here have Pokemon that strong to potentially take something of that caliber on, so we called you in."

Sabrina scoffed. "Is that it? You called us to be your pest control? I would gladly remove this rat, but this..." She remarked smugly, jabbing a thumb towards Surge before he grumbled, scowling at Sabrina.

The manager bowed his head, seeming apologetic. "I'm sorry, we had no other choice. We don't want to risk injuries with inexperience."

"Weak excuse, but fine." The Gym Leaders said in unison, Surge moving down the steps first. "We'll check it out and report back. Stay up here."

The two of them began to head down the metal steps, the fluorescent lights above flickering dimly as they treaded deeper into the complex. The further down they got, the more they felt their hair stand on end, the static building in the air. "Ya feel that?" Surge spoke up, breathing deeply. "The air is electric. Reminds me of the ol' gym."

Sabrina groaned quietly and rolled her eyes as they finally reached the bottom of the stairs, Surge walking up to the plain white door and touching the handle, flinching slightly at the shock of electricity but powering through and pushing the door open.

The tingling sensation was even stronger here than it was on the stairs. They entered the area as Surge looked around, peering through the dim expanse, looking at machinery that was gently humming or out of use. "Right... Sabrina, have you got a light? We'll probably need one if we want to see..."

No response. He waited for a moment before turning around, seeing what was wrong. "Sabrina?"

There she was, smiling smugly and evilly at him, her arm crossed over her waist and her hand on her chin, stifling a laugh. "Oh, you fool. You stupid fool."

He raised an eyebrow, angry creases forming on his face as he stepped towards her. "The hell did you just call me?"

"You have no idea what's about to happen to you, do you?" Her laughing became more and more apparent before unleashing a deep, evil sounding laugh. Surge was suddenly taken aback, stepping away from the crazy bitch. What the hell was going on? Did she set him up?

"...Still confused, are you? I understand. Not everyone has the power of foresight." She placed her hand onto her face like some kind of eighth-grader deep in her delusions, looking right at him. "Maybe you should check your ears."

Surge truly was confused, unsure whether to suddenly trust her, but his curiosity got to him. He reached up quickly to his ears, finding the firm normal shape of his human ears absent. Instead, he got something a little thinner, a little longer, with a layer of peach fuzz growing over them... with them still growing. Horror was suddenly etched onto his face, dropping his hands as he stormed towards her, gripping her shoulders tightly and shaking her. She still had that smug look on her face.

"The fuck did you do to me?!" He interrogated, feeling his back ache as the waistband of his pants was forced downward a bit, a thin black tail wiggling free and continuing to grow, developing to the point where a thunderbolt shape could be seen on the tip. "Stop this, right now!!"

Sabrina lifted her leg up, pressing her foot on his weirdly softer abdominals and kicked him away as he staggered backwards, breathing heavily. Sabrina and the area around him was getting larger by the second and he couldn't comprehend why. His hands began to feel stiff, swelling up as the hairs on the back of his hands began to turn a dark brown, becoming plentiful.

Sabrina merely shrugged as her face fell into a more neutral yet mocking expression, looking at him as there he was, hunched over, watching his feet lengthen in his combat boots. "Unfortunately, I did nothing to you. I don't know how to stop it. Likely has to do with the electricity in the air, hence why I'm protecting myself with my psychic abilities. But I knew this was going to happen. Ooh..." She giggled again, stepping towards him. "I knew I had to be here to see this."

Surge was too focused in his own body to respond. He felt his body collapsing in on itself, the muscles he had worked up over the years atrophying away, his arms and legs becoming stubby, stumbling around as his center of balance shifted, long feet with bulbous, paw-like toes slipping out of his combat boots. His cheeks puffed up a bit, feeling the static electricity build up on the small yellow pouches while the orange fur covered his softening, chubbier face. His nose became more like a button, a dark round button while he stood far below Sabrina's height now.

Sabrina encircled him, even as his pants slipped down with hardly any legs to support them and his tank top acted more like a dress rather than a shirt. His body was covered in weird blotches of skin rather than fur now, looking like a weird mutated Raichu that was quickly falling into place. She smirked and chuckled, circling around to his back. "Hmhm... It was so much better to witness this in person." His tail was flicking around, the nerves beginning to wire themselves up to his brain and just as Sabrina walked by she stepped on the tip of his large thunderbolt tail, even taking a moment to grind it into the ground. He yelped in pain, leaping forward as Sabrina watched him go, smiling sadistically as she subtly licked her lips. "Oops. Sorry."

The changes were just about complete, just a bit of height to lose, just a bit more fur to cover him. Sabrina stepped over towards him and leaned down, her hands on her thighs as she peered over him. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen. How does it feel to be the runt now? You egocentric, war obsessed pr-"

But Surge, who originally had a scared, intimidated look on his face at what had just happened to him, now had an inquisitive gaze, looking up past her eyes and instead at her ears. She paused her mocking, her expression faltering. "...What are you looking at?"

"Rai." Surge spoke, in his newer animalistic voice and tone, pointing with a stubby, mouse-like paw at the sides of her head. Now, he was beginning to smile.

Sabrina stood up, her hand reaching up to feel her left ear, her heart sinking in her chest as she felt its shape. It was long and thick with a unique swirl shape that she felt with her fingers. Her pupils shrank, her throat suddenly tight. She sputtered out some words. "...H...How?! I didn't see t-this... Did my foresight fail me? But my... psychic protection..."

Alas, Sabrina had gotten herself too caught up in the teasing and mocking and the burst of sadistic enjoyment had completely shattered the concentration protecting herself against the strange electrical build-up in the air. She hadn't spent any time getting to the heart of the problem and one breach was enough, feeling her hair stand on end as the light brown fur began to spread over body and a sudden urge for pancakes making her hungry.

As she stared down at herself, watching her body begin to get smaller, chubbier, her fingers losing their flexibility much like Surge's did as the beige fur crept across her stomach, exposed to the air. Her feet didn't seem to get as long as Surge's and rather got rounder, three of her toes becoming incredibly large and bulbous as she shook her shoes off, whimpering as her legs got stubbier and shorter, a pressure building up at the back of her white pants as a growing tail crept out and quickly grew to full length, the tip shaped like a softly curved thunderbolt and incredibly large... enough that she could stand on it.

Sabrina whined and whimpered, trying to focus her psychic energy but found that each and every development, whether it be her chubby fingers, her shrinking limbs, the fur spreading across her body or her clothes slipping and falling off her distracted her. Her psychic bracelets slipped off her wrists, her pants wouldn't properly fit her and lay in a pile at her round, paw feet. She looked down at Surge, who seemed to be having the time of his life as she continued to fall down to his level. "Y-You!" She shrilly squealed, pointing a white paw as she desperately tried to hold up her pants, clearly flustered. "Help me!"

"Nah." Surge said, watching with interest. "You getting what you deserve is the best thing I've seen all day."

"You actual bastard." She said with a huff, her eyes shimmering with a mystical gleam as her cheeks puffed out, yellow patches building with electricity and psychic power as she felt for the first time in her life more in tune with her own mind. And pancakes. The hunger for pancakes was immense.

She fell back onto her haunches as the last bit of sleek fur covered her body, two different Raichus facing each other and scowling at each other.

"Look what you did, you stupid idiot!" Sabrina said to Surge, pointing a paw at him accusingly as she instinctively moved to sit on her tail which now levitated just above the ground. "You made me lose my concentration!"

"Oh shut up, you idiotic bitch. It's your fault you did that. Not my fault your foresight isn't all seeing, now is it?"

"You're meant to be an electrical expert!"

"Yeah, how was I meant to know that the mere air would've turned me into my signature Pokemon?"

"Idiotic yankee!"

"Stuck-up freak."

Their quarreling and bickering went on for some time, the sound of two Raichus fighting echoed up the stairs and attracted the attention of the project manager who peered down the stairs, trying to find out exactly what was going on. He wasn't expecting a Raichu with Surge's tank and sunglasses to hop up the stairs and an Alolan Raichu to come floating out after him, haughtily crossing its arms and legs, wearing Sabrina's shortcrop sweater.

He was flabbergasted, looking down the stairs then at the Raichus walking down the corridor, scratching his face all the while.

"...Oh. Oh dear... Not going down there was a good call after all... Wait, you two! Please wait for me!"

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