Master of Time (Dialga Tf)

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by confusedkangaroo, Oct 28, 2014, 4:59:56 AM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Click. Click. Tap. Click.

The endless button bashing you had to do in this job annoyed quite a number of people, despite the world's love of technology. Max was one of those people: a 21 year old man who was one of the several people in the big cities to work in IT. Even his attire matched his job: a blue shirt which held countless numbers of pens, some of which he would briefly fiddle with before jamming back into the shirt pocket, a very thin, open black vest with long sleeves beneath it, black jeans with a matching belt, and dark brown leather shoes (which were amazingly polished to a shine, the only part of him that truly looked smart). He was also a rather tall man with a slightly larger weight than the average human (someone had had the audacity to say he was obese the other day, but Max really wasn't), black hair and brown eyes that were concealed under a thin pair of rectangular glasses. Yes, Max definitely seemed the 'plug away mundanely at a computer all day' kind of person.

Despite being a solitary figure, for he lived alone in a flat close to where he worked and never went out to party or anything else, this wasn't strictly true. For Max's nights were filled with the events of the online world: watching videos, battling with people he had never met, looking at artworks and information. Max was especially interested in what was new: what had been put up since he had been at work. He was also interested in history: when Robin Williams had died, he had read reams and reams of information concerning his life. Sometimes, he could be seen in his break looking at history books. So interested in the past and future that someone at work, a Chinese lad completing work experience as a tea man, had started calling him Yongnian (everyone at work had some sort of Chinese name given to them by said boy, his English was terrible), which meant eternal life and immortality. It fitted well. However, stuck in a very dull job, flickering away at Word, Excel and Publisher was not the sort of job Max ever imagined himself being in. If only he had a job which was actually purposeful.

Picking up his mug of tea and slurping away, he considered his last thought. Was there a job out there that was actually useful to society? Politician? Doubtful, they were only concerned with being heads of the world. Maybe a public sector job, like teaching, nursing or something? Nah, he hadn't the skills to do those. So then what?

He slammed his tea down in frustration and closed his eyes, absently picking out one of his pens and twiddling it. Why was life just so...boring? Upon opening his eyes he gasped. He wasn't in his office anymore.

Instead, he seemed to be in some sort of deep darkness, pattered with glistening balls of white that swirled around him. Was he in space? Then why wasn't he dead? In fact, how did he get here? A dream maybe? Then why was it so real? Max had an uncanny suspicion that time had stopped. He noticed the pen in his hand, remaining still. Letting go, he watched it remain in position. Somehow this was proof in Max's mind that time had stopped and he was watching it from somewhere else entirely.

As if reacting to this thought, two figures came to him. One was incredibly bright, being dressed in white, even though the darkness of its face was hard to distinguish. The other he could only see by the paleness of his half face: robed in black as he was. It was this black one who spoke first, noting Max's puzzled expression.

"You're going to enjoy this!"

The white one turned quickly to him and gave him such a look that it would surely paralyse him. "This is important! Don't act up now!"

The man heaved a sigh, but relented, while the rather bland expression on the other's settled back. They spoke as one this time.

"You have been chosen."

They disappeared somewhere, leaving Max even more confused. This only heightened when he could feel his chest heaving. It was growing thicker, pushing past his vest and shirt and ripping them apart, with his pens floating away still in an upright position. Max gasped in amazement as he saw a thick plate, almost like a piece of armour, expand across his rib cage. The centre piece was almost like a badge in one of those Pokémon games, with four long spikes glancing off it at the top: the two lower down being shorter than the ones above. It was so large and long that Max was sure that if he wasn't floating in space, then he would have toppled over. Instead, he could only watch as a blue jewel formed at the centre. Once that happened, Max became entirely positive that time had ceased: he could sense the frozen figures of his work place (and was that Chinese guy actually making a paper plane with what looked like a little love note inside? He really should have noticed that kid more.), even the inactivity of the world around the office block. It was starling.

His thoughts covered up the changes to his insides as his organs became larger, as well as muscle and heavy bone. It was too much for his back to handle, so it started bending away from him, to curve horizontally. This met up with his legs and these two began moving backwards. All the while, Max was getting bigger, ripping his remaining clothes. It was only at this sound that the man startled back into reality and realised that he was becoming a quadruped. That was an interesting development to say the least. His skin was also becoming harder and smoother, taking on a deep sea blue. Bands of bright neon sky blue darted like veins down his arms and legs, his leg ones also travelling around his underside and towards his back. Where this met at the top, a sudden thrust of bone that turned to metal erupted, causing Max to roar. It spread out like a fan, five edges with thin lining between each.

As Max continued to be startled by the changes, his arms twisted almost angrily and shifted below his metal emblem. Now floating on all fours, each of his limbs had an identical change. The blue colour travelled its length as the muscles beneath grew thicker and sturdier. The blue neon lines continued until they ceased at his kneecap to take on a shape that wouldn't have looked out of place on an arrow. Toes and fingers were scraped off as a more jagged design ensured, making Max feel as if he were standing on tip toes. More metal frames came along: a band where either his wrist or ankle had once been, before the sides became thin steel that journeyed down before ending in a point at the end of his limb. Another one grew in between. With most of his main body having now changed, Max was gaining more and more information, beyond the realms of his mind: he was steel, he was dragon, he was...something more profound.

He yelped in sudden surprise as a new growth started twisting behind him. Growing longer and longer, and thicker and thicker, Max struggled to twist his head on his still short neck to see. What Max was gaining was a long and strong tail: deep blue with another darting line along its middle, ending in a blade-like shape at the tip. Almost compelled to see, his neck began gaining in height. Max soon found his head towered over his mighty body, and he was in awe of its strength. Along the back of his neck formed three pointed grey edges, all linked together. Max's mind, however, hadn't made a full leap at the concept of what he was becoming: it was on the tip of his tongue, but got no further.

However, when the blue neon line that was forming in his neck shot up to his head and rested just below his eyes and ears, his head began reforming. All of it, from his forehead to his chin, began to stretch causing Max to howl louder than ever before. His forehead was the worst as it extended backwards with his brain close behind before resting in a wide point, his hair floating away. His ears had already been polished off by the blue of his skin and his nose became a single metal square. His mouth retained its sharp teeth, which became tougher, as the rest disappeared. Max's lips became supported by a metal band. This also grew around the sides of his face to spread just below his eyes and grow outwards. This left a complicated but amazing shape along his head. His eyebrows joined this to create a band across his lower face as the whites of Max's now smaller eyes turned to red. With his now larger brain, Max knew his purpose, just as his glasses could stand no more and they broke into several pieces.

All his life, Max had been without any real objective, wanting something which the world truly needed. Now he had. As a Dialga, the Pokémon ruler of time, he could monitor time and retain its flow. He could slow it, speed it, look back, look forwards, stop it...Max now knew everything about the complexities of time: he was its complete master. He sent out a roar, the space around him shimmering with his attack.

He could now see the two robed figures and their drooped positions. Not just because they were smaller than him, but also because they were on their hands and knees. They had initiated the transformation, and Max felt almost sorry for them, even though most of his mind was now on his duties. There was one task left, as Max felt the world behind him, HIS world, restart in its own time. A portal opened beyond the figures, and he saw a tower on an island, in the middle of an ocean. There was a land beyond it, with Pokémon smaller than him, Max realised. So this was the land that needed a time keeper.

He stepped through gracefully, to take his position. All at once the portal closed, and the figures were beamed out of the distorted space created for the process of transformation, settling in the reception of the office block and collapsing in two of the waiting chairs. With their last remaining strength, they teleported away, not a soul noticing them.

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