Unconditional Love (Pokemon Anthro TF/TG/AP)

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by hamcon, Feb 27, 2017, 10:00:02 AM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

Part 4 of the Eon Family. This story contains transformation, transgender, age progression, and large breast. It also contains sad subject matter. Readers discretion is advised.


Ten year old Jacob was sitting in his room in the orphanage crying. Once again another family didn't want him, he didn't know why. He has been told by some of the people who work there that the reason is that he just wasn't the right type of kid for the family, sometimes he has been told that they don't want to take care of a brat, but the people who said that were given disciplinary action and had to apologize.

He heard a knock at his door, followed by the woman who ran the orphanage coming into the room.

"Jacob, are you okay?" the woman asked.

"N-no," Jacob answered, sniffling and wiping his nose with his sleeve.

The Matron walked up to his bed and sat down besides him, also having a sad look on her face.

"I know it must be tough, but I know that somewhere, a family will love to have you to be part of theirs,"

Jacob felt a bit better after hearing that, but not much. He gave the Matron a hug, who hugged him back. She stopped when she heard someone ring the doorbell..

"I'll be right back," The Matron said, getting up and leaving the room. Jacob laid down in his bed, and talked to himself.

"Why does no one want me, is there something wrong with me," Jacob said, going back to crying. His crying caused him to not notice a bow to appear at the side of his bed. It wasn't until he turned that he felt something on his head. He brought his head up to see the bow. It was pink in the center with white on the outer part, and he had no idea how it got there.

He picked it up to look at it some more, when it shot right to his neck and fastened on. He couldn't get the chance to take it off as he went into a trance-like state and just stared at the wall, his room morphing around him.

The very bed he was on getting larger and softer, going from a simple single sized bed, to a queens sized one. The sheets becoming cleaner and turning pink, also becoming much thicker. A desk with a mirror appeared on one side of his room, the desk was filled with make-up, blank photo's, and jeweler. The hard floor became a lush carpet, the walls became white, and the closet was filled with clothing and shoes.

Jacob was still in his trance when his body changed, his hair grew longer, reaching his neck, his his face turned much smoother with a smaller nose and somewhat fuller lips. His voice even became higher and his body shrank by 2 inches, and his boyhood turned into girlhood, his clothes remained unchanged though.

After all that was done, he, or rather she began to grow and age. She grew in height as her features matured outwards. Hitting puberty, her hips began to widen and the beginning of breasts budded from her chest. Her face was still childlike, but she one could tell that she would grow up into a beautiful woman, at least, that is what her mother always said.

The changes in her body was also affected her memories as well, now calling herself Elizabeth. Once she hit 16, her growth began to slow, but her body continued to mature, her A's now C's and wide hips, plus a waist that most girls could never get, she was a beauty. Her growing pink hair was giving off a healthy shine. Her clothe began to morph as her pants shortened and fused at the legs, changing colour to become a knee length white skirt while her shirt turned into a button up grey blouse with a white bra underneath it. Her underwear turned into white panties as her socks thickened into brown flats.

A wedding ring appeared on her right hand, memories flowing in as she smiled to herself, only 16 and she was already married, her friends said that she was going to fast, but she knew that both she and her husband were destined for each other. She was also happy that she was now the mother to a beautiful daughter named Vanessa, she couldn't be happier.

Another growth spurt hit her as she aged to 21, her breasts now E-cups, her hips much wider and her waist was now so small that she had the very definition of a hourglass figure. Her face was now that of a mature woman, with full lips, piercing blue eyes, and hair that went to her but, which was now very plush from the eating that she did from having 3 daughters. Her legs were long and womanly, with thick thighs and tight glutes, her arms were thin and her hands were dainty, covered in pink nail polish. Her clothes shifted again, the blouse and skirt fused together, the colours turning into a lovely shade of blue and the buttons disappeared, her shoes became 2 inch heels and also turned blue, while her bra and panties turned into black lace and makeup was applied to her face.

Elizabeth was now ready to go to dinner with her husband as they were able to find a sitter for their three daughters. Vanessa, Yuna, and Jennifer. She loved them all equally, but her husband did say that they needed some time together too, which she had to agree with. She graduated high school, just before she became 17. Her husband worked, even though she came from a wealthy family so they didn't need one, but her husband insistent and she agreed, as it would send a bad example to their daughters if they just had to rely on family wealth.

Aging once more, she was now 30, reaching her final height of 5'6, her body stopped maturing, but she did gain some wrinkles from her aging. Her breasts were also not as firm as they used to be, but she didn't care, she didn't her age affect her life. Her dress turned black and went straight down to her feet, a black veil went across her face as a sudden wave of sadness appeared, tears were now coming out as black gloves appeared on her hands. Her shoes turning black as well as she continued to cry.

Her husband of 14 years past away a month ago, and she, along with her daughters, just came back from the funeral. Vanessa was in her room crying, Yuna was doing her best to stay strong, but one could tell that at any moment, she too would break down. For Jenny on the other hand, she just had an emotionless stare the entire time, she would stay in her room and do her work, and she wouldn't talk to anyone. Elizabeth believed that Jenny was affected the most, since she loved her father so much, but now she looked dead inside, as if someone stole the very emotions out of her, the growing woman could only hope that Jenny would get better.

For the last time, Elizabeth aged to 42, her body stayed mostly the same, only that she had some more wrinkles, and that eyes gave a tired look, mostly from the 12 years of taking care of three girls by herself. Her dress morphed one last time as it turned red and hugged her body. An orange sash appeared around her waist as it tied into a bow on the right hip. Her gloves disappeared as her veil shrunk and turned into a pink bow on the left side of her head, the same bow that was also on her neck. Her shoes turned red and lost a heel.

Elizabeth got off her bed, confused about why she was even there in the first place.

"I should be making dinner, the girls will be hungry when they come back," Elizabeth said, she walked out of her room, while another change happened.

White fur grew from all over her body, with pink fur appearing on feet, hands, and the top of her head. Her nails turned into claws as her feet and hands gain pads. Her mouth and nose pushed out as the upper jaw fused with the nose, and the nose turned black and triangular. Her teeth turned sharp as her ears grew to the top of her head, with the bow on her head attaching to her left ear. A hole opened in the back of her dress as a pink tail grew from her tailbone, as the whites of her eyes turned a sky blue. The ribbons fused with her body, gaining muscles and nerves as they became part of her. Where once was an orphaned boy, now stood a proud Sylveon mother of three daughters.

Elizabeth walked along the halls of her house, thinking about what to cook, also thinking about what her daughters were doing.

Vanessa was in university getting her teaching degree, Yuna was out buying some more pens and journals, and Jennifer, or Jenny, was out with her friends. At least that was what she thought until she got near the 23 year old Jolteon room, and her a soft sobbing through the door.

Elizabeth mentally slapped herself for forgetting that today was the 12th anniversary of her husband's death, a day that really affected Jenny, since she looked up to her father as a role model. Elizabeth remembered back to just two months after her husband's death.


It has been two months since the death of her husband, and her and her daughters were still feeling sad about it. But she was most worried about Jennifer, since she locking herself in her room, only coming out to eat, go to school, and use the washroom. At first she thought that Jennifer would stop and grieve, but she was still doing it, and she had to put a stop to it.

The Sylveon opened the door to her 11 year old Jolteon daughter room, to see her at her desk, reading about cosmetics and styles. Elizabeth gave a sad smile as she knew the Jennifer chose her evolution as her dad was also a jolteon, thus making her the youngest to get her evolution, at just 8 years old. She also wanted to become a stylist when she grew up, so her father bought her kits and books all about the subject.

Now that her father was gone, Jennifer would just keep reading and practicing, there were times where she wouldn't fall asleep for an entire day she was so focused, but this was hurting her as she was drowsy from the lack of sleep, she was stressed out, and was now suspended from her school since she was not doing her school work. Elizabeth needed to stop this, before Jennifer hurts herself.

"Jennifer, we need to talk,"

"Not now mom, I am studying," Jennifer said, not looking away from her book.

"Please, this is important,"

"Maybe later mom,"

"Jennifer 'Jenny' Jolteon, we need to talk now!" Elizabeth shouted, grabbing Jennifer's chair and turning it so the two could meet eye to eye. Jennifer was shocked, she has never heard her mom use both her name and nickname when she called her, she was afraid to see her mom mad, but instead, found her mom crying.

"Jennifer! What you are doing isn't healthy! You can't just lock yourself away from it, and distract yourself from studying! You are not only scaring me, but your sisters and friends!" Elizabeth yelled, her tears where now flowing as she continued to yell.

"You are hurting yourself by doing this! I know that you are sad that about your father's passing, but this isn't right! Please, you need to stop, I don't want to lose you too," Her yelling turned into a pained whisper as her voice became hoarse from the shouting.
Jennifer stared at her mother, her lips trembling as her eyes began to water, she tried to hold back, but 2 months of sadness were finally released, as she cried and hugged her mom, openly sobbing onto her mom's dress. Elizabeth hugged her back, crying softly as her daughter was finally grieving, which would allow any wounds she, after 2 months of denial and depression, she was now entering the final stage, acceptance.


Elizabeth was going to open the door to console her daughter, but stopped. She couldn't always be there when her daughters needed her. So she just smiled and whispered. "Your father would be proud of who you grew up to be," she continued down the hall and into the kitchen, not knowing that Jennifer heard her whisper.

Jennifer grabbed a picture of her and her father just after she evolved, smiling at the memories, and silently thank her mom for helping her, and too this day, trying to find a way to thank her.

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