Writing in the Journal (Anthro Pokemon TF/TG/MC)

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by hamcon, May 12, 2016, 1:32:21 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

        This story contains anthro Umbreon Transformation, Male to Female Transgender, and Mind Change.


John was at his house, waiting for it to stop snowing outside so he could go outside and get some batteries for his controller. He has been bored out of his mind since the controller to his console died.

"Ugh, at this rate, I would rather brave the weather than spend another hour bored out of my mind," John said, getting up from his chair and walking around. John was 19 years old, tan skin, and is 5'9. He was wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, black pants, and black socks. He has shaggy brown hair, and brown eyes. He was the popular guy in school, always talking to people, and always had the newest of everything. He never kept to himself, always speaking out, even when it was best not to.

While walking around, he looked outside and saw that the snow was starting to lighten up. "Finally, looks like somebody up there cares about me," john said to himself. Making it to the closet, he grabbed his jacket, to have a journal fall out of his jacket.

"The hell?" John bent down and picked up the journal. Examining the journal, he saw that it was black, and was a hard-cover, Opening the journal, he saw that there was nothing written in it.

"I don't know where this came from, but I am not about to pass on something that is free," John said, putting the journal on his desk. He put on his jacket and was prepared to go out, when he had a sudden urge to write in the journal; he turned his head to the journal, then turned his head to the door, and back to the journal.

"I guess I can write in it quickly, it shouldn't take more than 5 minutes,"

John went back to his desk, pulled out the chair and sat down, he took out a black pen and was ready to write. As the ink from the pen touched the paper, his room began to get bigger, his single bed turned into a queens sized one, and his desk became much larger, and turned black. Yet John was not aware of any of the changes, his mind to focused on the journal in front of him.

As he wrote about his day, his height decreased to 5'5, his chair going up to keep him at the correct height to write in his journal. Five minutes passed as he was still writing, after being done with hs day, he decided to write about the previous days. His body became slender as his legs thinned and turned womanly, his feet smaller, and his hips fattened, causing some discomfort to show on his face.

"Once I am done writing, I better go out and by new clothe," He thought to himself, not bothering to realize that his pants fit him before, but they felt tight. The discomfort felt worse as his hips widened to childbearing proportions, his new legs were also crushing his manhood, but that soon was relieved as they shrunk inwards into his body, reshaping into new organs, making him into a her.

John stopped writing as her pen ran out of ink, she went into the draw to take out another one, making sure that it was the same colour as the last. When she found one, she went right back to writing.

When she went back to writing, the room went through some more changes, the walls were painted black and the many games she once had turned into journals. Her body also went through some more changes as her waist caved in and two globes of fat grew on her chest, stopping when they were the size of D-cups, causing her shirt to rise over her stomach. Her shoulder cracked inwards and her arms became slender and her fingers turned dainty. Her adam's apple shrank away.

The last changes came to her face as her lips became fuller, her eyes larger, and her nose became smaller. Her hair grew longer and turned grey, with some of the front part being dyed yellow.

Her clothes were also not spared from the transformation, as her socks turned purple and began to harden. A 2 inch heel grew from the heel and her socks went up her leg, stopping to just below the knees, turning into knee-high boots. Her pants fused at the leg and turned grey, the material turned into cotton as it went up, stopping at mid thigh and turning into a skirt.

Her shirt became thinner and was gaining small square holes, the shirt tightened around her chest and went down to cover her stomach, with the top part staying solid and covering part of her neck, but was now dark blue, her shirt was now a partly fishnet shirt. Her jacket became tight on her breasts and forearms, part of the jacket disintegrated around the upper arm and stomach area. The material on her arm turned into fishnet while the one around her breasts turned to cotton and lost the zipper, becoming one peice, it turned blue and was now a tube-top.

Out of nowhere a purple bandana appeared on her head, it pushed some of the hair on the side out. John, now thinking to herself as Y, now looked like a goth, but she knew she wasn't.

Y felt her stomach rumbled and realized that it has been awhile since she last ate. She got up from her desk and went out of her room, not noticing that her closest was now filled with the clothes she was wearing.

As she walked, her age increased till she was 22, and more memories flowered, like being somewhat of a wallflower with a brooding attitude. Yet these were not the last of Y's changes.7

All around her body black fur began to grow, with a ring of yellow fur on her thighs, upper arms, and her forehead. A pressure came from her tailbone as it grew out into a black furred tail, with a ring of yellow fur right in the middle of it. The now two-foot long tail swung behind her as she walked.

Her toes and finger gained claws that were finely trimmed. Her face pushed out into a small muzzle as her teeth sharpened for a more predatory diet, and her nose turned black and wet. The white of her eyes turned red, and her irises turned black, making it look like she had one giant pupil. Her ears moved to the to of her head and became longer, covered in black fur with a yellow ring on them, her ears were now a foot long.

In her mind, dark-type attacks became known and the name Yuna Umbreon came. The once popular guy was now an anthro Umbreon who was not that popular.

Yuna entered the kitchen when she heard footsteps coming from the hall, Yuna readied a Dark Pulse in her hand just in case it was an intruder. She kept an eye on the hallway, to see a anthro Vaporeon come out of the hallway, who she instinctively remembered was her older sister, Vanessa.

Vanessa stood in the hallway as she saw her younger sister with an attack ready, who was now powering it down as she realized who it was.

"Sorry Vanessa, I didn't know it was you," Yuna apologized, causing the anthro Vaporeon to just giggle.

"No need to be, I should have turned the lights on, I guess I forget that someone else lives with me when they are so quiet,"

Yuna gave a silent nod and went back to finding something to eat, she stopped when a sudden thought came to her head, "Vanessa?"


"Do I have a twin sister?"

The question caught Vanessa off guard, as to her knowledge, she and Yuna were the only ones. "No, why do you ask?"

"I don't know, I can't help but think that I have one," Yuna went back to making herself something, in hopes to get the strange thought out.

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