[Request] Moomoo Milk Mayhem

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by KeepersTFZoo, Feb 10, 2017, 9:30:26 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / Fantasy / Short Stories

A TF Tale by SilicaRose
[Woman to Miltank]
[Pokemon TF]

The sun beat down over the sands of the Hau'oli beachfront as Sarah made her way up to the city. Visiting the Alola region was definitely a nice vacation, however, despite the trade winds that gusted over the island thanks to the ocean, the weather was still something that the tourist had yet to get accustomed to. Recalling that she had seen a cafe in the Pokemon Center earlier, the black-haired beauty went to pay it a visit, hoping to purchase something that'd allow her to cool down. Scanning the menu over as she approached the stand, she made her order and then sat at the booth while she awaited her refreshment."

"One Moomoo Milk just for you!" the old guy behind the counter smiled as he brought Sarah her beverage. Making casual conversation, he began to prattle on as he set the cup down in front of her, "It's good to gulp down fresh Moomoo Milk. In the old days, Moomoo Milk was regarded as a highly nutritious medicine."

A medicine, really? That was different. When she'd had seen the option on the menu, if anything, the customer had recalled her childhood, growing up and drinking the fresh milk from Miltank. In fact, she'd had a few glasses earlier that day with breakfast. Who'd have thought it had such a history though. Politely, the tourist listened to the ramblings of the barista as he continued, "If you drink two cups a day, other than the occasional tummy ache, you'll be the picture of health!"

Wait, a tummy ache on occasion just from having two glasses? Oh gosh, this was her fourth one today that she'd just finished drinking. What was that going to do? Feeling a little concerned, though not wanting to make a scene, Sarah thanked the old man for the info as she got up from her seat and made her way back to the hotel she was staying at, his words still echoing in her mind, a tummy ache from just two. Well, she was already starting to feel a little bloated, now that she thought on it, a dull ache within her stomach, but for the time being, dismissing it as nothing, she headed up to her room and laid down on the bed, glancing down at her belly. Did it seem a little swollen? Loosening the sash of her dress, she thought perhaps it would be best to sleep the pain off, when she noticed a growing wet stain starting to blossom over the front of her clothes, darkening the pink fabric. What? Where did this come from? In a slight panic, the ebon-haired woman began to strip down to her undergarments, as she noticed something unusual. Her belly was not only swollen, but had also yellowed, save for four little spots that had raised up, which were a delicate pink color. Grey eyes widened in shock, the tourist began to examine herself, running a finger over these little pink nubs--- holy crap. Those were sensitive, it was as though she'd been running a finger over her- wait. Four pink nubs, that were, before her eyes, starting to lengthen and thicken, and that would drip with a milky white fluid whenever she touched them. All this, set on the backdrop of a yellowed stomach. The realization hit her all at once.

"No, this can't be happening! I can't actually be turning into a Moooooooltank!" the vacationer wailed before gasping. Had she really just mooed right there, like the Pokemon in question? No, it couldn't be. This just had to be a bad dream. Too much sun, right? But it was then that a ripping sound could be heard, as her panties tore, a sharp pain running up her spine as it stretched, staying thicker at the base, though as it grew, it became more thin, aside from the end which ballooned out into an orb like shape. Recognizing then and there that this was, indeed, real, Sarah tried to run out into the hall, calling out, "Please, someone, anyone, you gotta help moooooooooo!" However, her efforts to try to obtain assistance were short lived, as she suddenly tripped over her own feet, landing on the floor with a loud THUD!

Frantically, she attempted to get up off the ground, though it became a struggle to do so, as she could feel a tingling sensation in both her hands and her feet, her fingers and toes retracting into nubs as her nails extended and fused together, blackening into cloven hooves. Half mooing, half crying out as she once more struggled to rise to her feet, only to be hindered by the weight of her udder and the extra mass of her body as it bulked up, Sarah could feel a tingling sensation in her ears as they began to flare out and then move up towards the top of her head, a faint throbbing in her forehead, as though she had a headache, starting to pulse as a couple of bumps rose to the surface of her skin and then broke through, the hard bone revealed extending outwards a couple inches until they morphed into her shiny new horns. Her face pushing outwards into a muzzle as her hair retracted, most of her skin by now having flushed to a luscious pink tone, though a few splotches across her back, as well as around her throat had darkened to black. Mooing adamantly as her mind began to slip, Sarah had just wandered into the lobby before she collided with a girl who had just entered.

"Oh wow, a Miltank!" the girl exclaimed, taking a look around to see if there was anyone who was attached to this newly encountered Pokemon. "And without a trainer...? Awesome! I need one of you for my Dex! Let's do this!"

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