Sweet Revenge

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by Firework154, Jun 25, 2012, 5:30:21 PM

Literature / Fan Fiction / General Fiction

Eevee TF AR Solo Request

Jayden's eyes widen as his Flareon suddenly leaped out at him. It tackled him with a fair amount of force, enough to make him lose his balance and fall onto the ground. He grunted loudly as he slammed into the ground. Looking up, he found that his Flareon was standing on his chest. Its deep black eyes stared into Jayden's, making him feel slightly creeped out. It walked closer to his face and then proceeded to lick his nose. Jayden was rather surprised that he did so, considering his angered look just moments ago.

"That's all you wanted to do? Well, that's fine." Jayden said, removing the Flareon from his chest and standing back up.

However, when he stood up, he instantly noticed something was wrong. He felt much shorter than before, not to mention his clothes seemed rather big on him. Jayden gasped at the realization that he was slowly shrinking in size. Years of growth were being taken away as he slowly grew shorter. He shrank too small for his clothes, as he took them off. Jayden stepped out from his clothes as he continued to shrink.

Suddenly, a tingling feeling started up on his nose. Jayden managed to look down at it and noticed that something was wrong. It seemed to be much darker than before and it appeared to be growing smaller. In disbelief on what was happening, Jayden took a step towards the pond and was in total shock on what he saw. His nose was more than half its original size and was black. However, that wasn't the only thing he noticed.

Jayden's ears were beginning to move up his head and grow in length. While they shifted, he gasped at the sight of brown fur growing on his ears. Brown fur covered the outside of his ears and darker brown fur grew on the inside. Once his ears were fully grown, Jayden felt a strange sensation start on the back and upper side of his head. Staring deep into his reflection, he was in complete shock on what he saw.

Brown fur was growing on his head. Jayden's hair was quickly turned into brown fur as the fur continued to grow on his head. The fur covered all of his head except his face area, for that would be saved for later. Jayden felt a pulling and fuzzy feeling on his neck. Looking down, he found cream colored fur growing out of his neck. The cream fur was very long and fluffy; making it look like Jayden was wearing a scarf as it continued to grow.

A pulling feeling started up on Jayden's lower back. Looking behind himself, he watched in shock as a brown furred tail quickly grew from himself. The tip of Jayden's new tail had cream colored fur while the rest was brown. By now, Jayden's neck fur was fully grown. However, he ran into a problem with his neck fur, for it obstructed the view of his torso.

Jayden gasped as he felt a warm feeling began to cover his arms. Holding his arms out, he simply stared as brown fur covered both of them. Once the fur completely covered his arms, they both shrank a large amount in size and moved closer together; surprisingly not making any pain in the process.

Jayden held out his fur covered hands as they began to change. All of Jayden's fingers fused into each other, leaving only three digits on each hand. Both of his hands shrank a large amount in size while a pink paw pattern formed on the palms, for his hands were now paws. Jayden was aware that he was becoming an Eevee. What he was more concerned about was how this was even happening to him.

Wagging his poofy tail, Jayden felt the same warm feeling start up on his torso and legs. Although unable to see it, Jayden felt the brown fur begin to cover the rest of his body. By now, Jayden was less than two feet tall. A sudden sensation that filled his legs would make him even shorter, as his legs began to change.

The top part of his legs became wider and slightly fused into his waist, causing him to fall onto his front paws. His feet followed the same fate as his hands, becoming paws while the rest of his hind legs changed. Within moments, Jayden's body was that of an Eevee, apart from his face. Sitting on his hind legs, a now much younger Jayden simply stared into the water as the final changes began.

Jayden's skin was quickly covered in brown fur. His blue eyes darkened and became brown while growing larger in length. Finally, Jayden now had the body of an Eevee. But, his mind was still in need of change. Turning around, Jayden noticed that the Flareon that did this to him was right behind him.

"This is what I call revenge." The Flareon said.

"What do you mean?" Jayden asked, noticing his voice sounded like that of a young child.

"You were an awful trainer. Now, you're my son. What I did to you is permanent. The mental change should already be in action. You'll never remember being a human at all, and you'll have the mind of a young Eevee."

"But, I can't..." The Eevee couldn't finish his sentence, for his mind was being filled with much more child-like thoughts.

"You can't what?" The Flareon asked.

"Umm, I don't know." Jayden said as his human memories were being washed away.

"Do you remember who you used to be?"

"Nope!" Jayden said as his mind was nearly complete.

"Who am I, then?"

"You're my daddy!"

"Good, son. Now come, we have a life to live." The Flareon said as it began to walk.

"Okay, daddy!" The young Eevee said as he followed his new father.

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