On the Job Evolution

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by SkylaSomerset, Dec 23, 2016, 4:21:02 PM

Literature / Prose / Fiction / General Fiction / Short Stories

(TG/TF to Anthro Espeon)

For years, Jun could never believe his luck. He played video games for a living.

His morning routine was always relaxed. He would wake up in his spacious apartment next to his beautiful girlfriend, Aki. Jun, who worked from home, would always groggily walk over to his desk to fire up his laptop. He would then look outside his bay window that overlooked Tokyo, and feeling invigorated, he would help Aki wherever possible before she left for her day of lawyering. After her departure, Jun would return to his desk to check emails and perform administrative tasks online. Afterwards, he would turn on his gaming consoles to play games for the rest of the day.

Even though Jun had been a beta tester for years, the concept of playing video games for a career was still mostly a figment of fantasy for him. If he wasn't paid a decent, livable, Tokyo salary, he was sure that Aki would have something to say about it, especially since, at this point, he was sitting on his own university degree.

Today started no differently than most days. Aki got ready for work while Jun fired up his computer and 3DS. She mentioned that she'd be home for lunch, and after shooting Jun a slightly sarcastic and disparaging glance, Aki left for the law firm.

Alone at last, Jun reviewed his tasks for the day. Mainly, he would be testing a new trading function for the newest Pokemon game, and testing its capability across continents. The note said that the Beta Tester on the other side was from the United Kingdom, who was staying up late to complete the assignment.

Jun found the user online and offered a trade. It was supposed to be a simple trade, as Jun had not gotten too far into the game. Surprisingly, the user offered an Espeon (named 'Neve') for anything Jun had to offer.

Jun shrugged, offered a common Rattata, and accepted the prompt. He waited for his 3DS to notify him of a completed trade, but after a couple of minutes, it looked like it had crashed.

Great, Jun thought, another thing I'll have to report.

Jun picked up his 3DS from the table and looked at the screen. Apparently, the transfer was still in progress. He scrutinized the screen for only a couple of seconds before an electric shock made him drop his 3DS on the ground.

He gasped in surprise, and shook out his hands, which had taken the force. "What the hell was that?" he gasped. He kneeled down and examined his 3DS, thinking he must have broken it. The screens were still lit, and on the bottom, it notified him: Neve was sent. Take good care of Neve!

But there was nothing else on the screen to signify that the trade was successful. He expected the animation of an Espeon jumping out of a pokeball, but it never came. "Man, this thing is buggy," he said, dreading all the paperwork he'd now have to complete.

Gingerly, and anticipating an additional shock, Jun quickly picked up his 3DS and placed it on the table. It simply sat on the table innocently.

Jun suddenly felt pleasantly warm all over his body, and he started to pant. "That shock must've gotten to me," he breathed. He pulled out a chair at his kitchen table, feeling as if he had just finished an hour of sunbathing in the tropics.

Jun went to rub his forehead when he noticed something strange. His skin had changed to a light purple color. He blinked forcefully and took a second look. He inspected his forearm and stroked it with a finger. There was a slight, velvety resistance—he was growing fur!

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